Risky Business Podcast

Analysis and news podcasts published weekly

Risky Business #426 -- House Oversight Committee drops OPM breach report PLUS St Jude sues MedSec

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

In this week’s feature interview we chat with Stephen Ridley about all things IoT. Stephen is a researcher turned entrepreneur and he’ll be along to talk about the platform consolidation we’re going to see when it comes to “things”. Once that settles, he argues, we’ll get a better idea of the security risks we should really, actually be worried about. In this week’s sponsor interview we’re chatting with Simon Galbally at Senetas.

Senetas, of course, makes high assurance network encryptors and Simon joins us this week to talk about where certification schemes might be headed. Did you know there are no sunset clauses on many of the certification schemes out there? So yeah, you can be using a FIPS certified box that’s riddled with known bugs and yep, it’s still certified. Certifications could start moving towards more continuous models.

Insomnia Security’s Mark Piper is this week’s news guest.

Oh, and do add Patrick on Twitter if that’s your thing.

Risky Business #426 -- House Oversight Committee drops OPM breach report PLUS St Jude sues MedSec
0:00 / 52:55

Risky Business #425 -- MedSec CEO Justine Bone on the Muddy Waters short

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

On this week's show we've landed what looks to be a fairly exclusive interview -- at least as far as the tech press is concerned. Justine Bone will be joining us to explain why the company she works with, MedSec, decided to use vulnerability information on implantable medical devices to drive a short-selling scheme in partnership with Muddy Waters.

This week's show is sponsored by Tenable Network Security. We're doing something a bit different in this week's sponsor interview -- we're chatting with one of Tenable's customers, City of San Diego CISO Gary Hayslip.

They've just invested heavily in Nessus, among other things. Gary drops by to explain what he's been doing since he took the CISO position a few years ago. If you're a CISO it's actually a pretty interesting interview. That team has to deal with everything from embedded devices in cop cars to control systems to its very own POS network. Hey, citizens have to pay for government services somehow, right?

Trail of Bits head honcho Dan Guido is this week's news guest.

Oh, and do add Patrick and Dan on Twitter if that's your thing.

Risky Business #425 -- MedSec CEO Justine Bone on the Muddy Waters short
0:00 / 57:54

Risky Business #424 -- Jess Frazelle on Docker. So hot right now.

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

On this week's show we chat with Jessie Frazelle. Jessie is a former Docker maintainer who now works at Google on all things "containery". So we talk to her about what's up with containers, basically, and where the security pitfalls are. Like it or not, containers are likely going to be used in your environment, so getting to know them is a must. That's this week's feature.

This week's show is brought to you by HP Enterprise Security's Fortify! These guys and gals are a new sponsor, and I'm sure most of you know them. They make both static analysis and dynamic analysis code security tools, and this week we're joined by HPE Fortify's James "Jimmy" Rabon to talk about how this whole newfangled devops/agile thing has changed things for them.

The Grugq also joins the show to talk about the week's security news. He's filling in for Adam Boileau who's frantically getting Kiwicon 10 organised.

Oh, and do add Patrick and The Grugq on Twitter if that's your thing.

Show notes

Completely Wrong - Medium

CyberSecPolitics: Why EQGRP Leak is Russia

Shadow Broker Breakdown - Medium

The NSA Leak Is Real, Snowden Documents Confirm

NSA-linked Cisco exploit poses bigger threat than previously thought | Ars Technica

Juniper Acknowledges Equation Group Targeted ScreenOS | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Former NSA Staffers: Rogue Insider Could Be Behind NSA Data Dump | Motherboard

The Shadow Brokers Mess Is What Happens When the NSA Hoards Zero-Days | WIRED

Researcher Grabs VPN Password With Tool From NSA Dump | Motherboard

Commentary: Evidence points to another Snowden at the NSA | Reuters

The NSA Data Leakers Might Be Faking Their Awful English To Deceive Us | Motherboard

Someone Rickrolled the Bitcoin Auction for NSA Exploits | Motherboard

Californian gets 50 months in prison for Chinese 'technology spy' work \u2022 The Register

Lawyer: Dark Web Child Porn Site Ran Better When It Was Taken Over by the FBI | Motherboard

A 'Tor General Strike' Wants to Shut Down the Tor Network for a Day | Motherboard

EFF Blasts Microsoft Over Windows 10 Rollout | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Australia Post says use blockchain for voting. Expert: you're kidding \u2022 The Register

SSA: Ixnay on txt msg reqmnt 4 e-acct, sry - Krebs on Security

Epic Games Forums Hacked, 800,000 User Accounts Exposed | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Malware Infected All Eddie Bauer Stores in U.S., Canada - Krebs on Security

Massive Email Bombs Target .Gov Addresses - Krebs on Security

New Brazilian Banking Trojan Uses Windows PowerShell Utility | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Browser Address Bar Spoofing Vulnerability Disclosed | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Software-defined networking is dangerously sniffable \u2022 The Register

How to Dramatically Improve Corporate IT Security Without Spending Millions - Praetorian.pdf

Risky Business #424 -- Jess Frazelle on Docker. So hot right now.
0:00 / 55:55

Risky Business #423 -- ShadowBrokers PLUS how2pwn Apple's Secure Enclave

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

This week's feature interview is incredible. We're speaking with David Wang from Azimuth Security. He, his colleague Tarjei Mandt and Mat Solnik of OffCell Research delivered an absolutely blockbuster talk at Black Hat. I didn't see the talk at the time but I got a chance to review the slides and oh-my-god I can't believe this one got so little attention.

While everyone was running around talking about hackable lightbulbs, jeeps and trucks, these three guys basically dropped a how2pwn guide for Apple's Secure Enclave Processor. So, you know, you can basically take their slide deck, add a couple of little tweaks and you're unlocking an iPhone 6s and messing around with a thing you're really not supposed to be messing around with. It's really, really good reversing work and you need to hear this interview.

This week's show is brought to you by Bugcrowd, outsourced bug bounty programs. Bugcrowd founder and CEO Casey Ellis is along this week to talk about Apple's newly launched bounty program. Even though other software companies already have bounty programs, the large rewards involved in this one make it a big deal. We'll get his thoughts on that.

Adam Boileau joins us in this week's news segment to discuss the NSA's shiny toys being all over teh torrentz, as well as other assorted infosec news.

Oh, and do add Patrick and Adam on Twitter if that's your thing.

Show notes

What We Know About the Exploits Dumped in NSA-Linked Hack | Motherboard

The Equation Giveaway - Securelist

\u200bWhy Github Removed Links to Alleged NSA Data | Motherboard

Former NSA Staffers: Rogue Insider Could Be Behind NSA Data Dump | Motherboard

The Current Highest Bid for Alleged NSA Data is 999,998.371 Bitcoin Short | Motherboard

Hack of NSA-Linked Group Signals a Cyber Cold War | Motherboard

Why Did Guccifer 2.0 Evolve from Sloppy Hacktivist to Professional Leaker? | Motherboard

Patrick Gray on Twitter: "Well this basically confirms it's Russia, right? Trolololol-lolol-lolol-lalalalaaaaa!!! https://t.co/YZ4etnZgO3"

Snowden speculates leak of NSA spying tools is tied to Russian DNC hack | Ars Technica

Shadow Brokers NSA exploits: doubts about Edward Snowden's tweets | The Cold War Daily

Guccifer 2.0 doxes hundreds of House Democrats with massive document dump | Ars Technica

Democratic, GOP leaders got a secret briefing on DNC hack last year | Ars Technica

Court Rules to Extradite Suspected Silk Road Admin From Ireland to the US | Motherboard

\u200bAustralian Authorities Hacked Computers in the US | Motherboard

How Researchers Exposed Iranian Cyberattacks Against Hundreds of Activists | Motherboard

Wave of Spoofed Encryption Keys Shows Weakness in PGP Implementation | Motherboard

Linux bug leaves 1.4 billion Android users vulnerable to hijacking attacks | Ars Technica

Almost every Volkswagen sold since 1995 can be unlocked with an Arduino | Ars Technica

Security Fuckup Megathread - v12.1.4 - i need tp-link for my security hole - The Something Awful Forums

Secure Boot snafu: Microsoft leaks backdoor key, firmware flung wide open | Ars Technica

Adobe Patches Experience Manager; No Flash Update | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Cisco confirms NSA-linked zeroday targeted its firewalls for years | Ars Technica

Cisco Patches ASA Zero Day Exposed by ShadowBrokers | Threatpost | The first stop for security news


Risky Business #423 -- ShadowBrokers PLUS how2pwn Apple's Secure Enclave
0:00 / 59:24

Risky Business #422 -- #CensusFail, news with Adam and MOAR

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

On this week's show we talk about the week's security news with Adam Boileau and I spill on what my sources have told me about #censusfail.

This week's show is brought to you by Canary.tools. Canary is a fantastic bit of kit -- it's essentially an easily configurable, compact honeypot you can just drop on your network like a dropbox to detect attacks. No begging the data centre people for rack space, just drop it and go. We'll be talking to Canary.tools head honcho Haroon Meer this week about the disconnect between what some startups are pitching to venture capitalists versus what users actually need.

Oh, and do add Patrick and Adam on Twitter if that's your thing.

Show notes

Census Australia 2016 fail: ABS says website was hacked

Patrick Gray on Twitter: "Analysis from trusted source of trusted source. Someone's getting fired. I'm a fucking journo and I'm not this dumb: https://t.co/gyQajFDQcQ"

'Angry, bitterly disappointed': Malcolm Turnbull lashes ABS for census failures

Starting this fall, Apple will pay up to $200,000 for iOS and iCloud bugs | Ars Technica

Zero-Day Hunters Will Pay Over Twice as Much as Apple's New Bug Bounty Programme | Motherboard

Linux bug leaves USA Today, other top sites vulnerable to serious hijacking attacks | Ars Technica

Researchers crack open unusually advanced malware that hid for 5 years | Ars Technica

Data Breach At Oracle's MICROS Point-of-Sale Division - Krebs on Security

Apple, Intel, Google Employee Accounts Exposed in Data Breach of Developer Forum | Motherboard

Copperhead OS: The startup that wants to solve Android's woeful security | Ars Technica

Major Qualcomm chip security flaws expose 900M Android users | Ars Technica

Hackers Could Break Into Your Monitor To Spy on You and Manipulate Your Pixels | Motherboard

Hackers Make the First-Ever Ransomware for Smart Thermostats | Motherboard

Afraid of the Dark? Too Bad, Your Smart Bulbs Can Be Hacked | Motherboard

Good news-the robocalling scourge may not be unstoppable after all | Ars Technica

IPv6 router bug: Juniper spins out hotfix to thwart DDoS attacks | Ars Technica

PLC Blaster Worm Targets Industrial Control PLCs | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Secure Golden Key Boot: (MS16-094 / CVE-2016-3287, and MS16-100 / CVE-2016-3320)

Flip Feng Shui - VUSec

FreeBSD \xb7 GitHub

Risky Business #422 -- #CensusFail, news with Adam and MOAR
0:00 / 57:24

Risky Business #421 -- Las Vegas edition with Dan Guido, Andy Greenberg and Zane Lackey

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

On this week's show we speak with Signal Sciences' co-founder Zane Lackey about hackers building defensive tools and software companies. Dan Guido and Andy Greenberg talk about car hacking and the week's security news, and Wade Woolwine of Rapid7 is in the sponsor slot talking about EDR/IDR software.

Show notes

Hackers Fool Tesla S's Autopilot to Hide and Spoof Obstacles | WIRED

The Jeep Hackers Are Back to Prove Car Hacking Can Get Much Worse | WIRED

Hackers Hijack a Big Rig Truck's Accelerator and Brakes | WIRED

LastPass Patches Ormandy Remote Compromise Flaw | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Researchers Bypass Chip and Pin Protections at Black Hat | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Oracle EBusiness Suite 'Massive' Attack Surface Assessed | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Yahoo Investigates 200 Million Alleged Accounts For Sale On Dark Web | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Report claims more than half of UK firms have been hit by ransomware | Ars Technica

DNC staffers: FBI didn't tell us for months about possible Russian hack | Ars Technica

New attack steals SSNs, e-mail addresses, and more from HTTPS pages | Ars Technica

Bitcoin value falls off cliff after $77M stolen in Hong Kong exchange hack | Ars Technica

Social Security Administration Now Requires Two-Factor Authentication - Krebs on Security

The Administrator of the Dark Web's Infamous Hacking Market Has Vanished | Motherboard

Privacy Activists Launch Database to Track Global Sales of Surveillance Tech | Motherboard

How Drones Could Help Hackers Shut Down Power Plants | Motherboard


rapid7 edr - Google Search

Risky Business #421 -- Las Vegas edition with Dan Guido, Andy Greenberg and Zane Lackey
0:00 / 49:08

Risky Business #420 -- What we don't know about Watergate 2.0

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

On this week's show we're taking a look at the DNC leaks, but don't worry, we won't be getting bogged down in the same old angles. Instead, we're going to chat to Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai from VICE motherboard about his experience in interviewing the Guccifer 2 persona.

Then we'll hear from Kevin Poulsen about what these latest developments mean for Wikileaks. It's a topic you're probably sick of hearing about this week, but stick with us, we've got some new angles, and they're relevant.

This week's sponsor interview is an absolute, certified, 24-carat cracker. Bromium is this week's sponsor and its CTO and co-founder, Simon Crosby, pops along to talk about his experience in dealing with the wrath of Tavis Ormandy. Tavis actually managed to dig a custom build of Bromium's software out of VirusTotal and find a really cool bug in it. But there's actually a fair bit more to that story and Simon fills us in.

Adam Boileau, as usual, joins us to discuss the week's security news headlines.

Oh, and do add Patrick and Adam on Twitter if that's your thing.

Show notes

WikiLeaks Dumps 'Erdogan Emails' After Turkey's Failed Coup | WIRED

WikiLeaks Put Women in Turkey in Danger, for No Reason

Notorious Hacker 'Phineas Fisher' Says He Hacked The Turkish Government | Motherboard


bellingcat - "We've shot four people. Everything's fine." The Turkish Coup through the Eyes of its Plotters - bellingcat

Snowden Designs a Device to Warn if Your iPhone's Radios Are Snitching | WIRED

Edward Snowden on Twitter: "The aversion to sharing #NSA evidence is fear of revealing "sources and methods" of intel collection, but #XKEYSCORE is now publicly known."

Robert M. Lee on Twitter: "Since my colleagues are afraid to comment - @Snowden this is ridiculous. Also weren't you in T group. Just stop. https://t.co/6Gv5hK7qMi"

Keys to Chimera crypto ransomware allegedly leaked by rival crime gang | Ars Technica

SentinelOne Offers $1 Million Guarantee To Stop Ransomware

EFF Files Lawsuit Challenging DMCA's Restrictions Security Researchers | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Malicious computers caught snooping on Tor-anonymized Dark Web sites | Ars Technica

Upcoming Tor Design Battles Hidden Services Snooping | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

NIST Recommends SMS Two-Factor Authentication Deprecation | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

How I made LastPass give me all your passwords

Yahoo Ordered to Explain Data Gathering Procedures in Deleted Email Case | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Verizon to End Yahoo Survival Fight With $4.8 Billion Deal - Bloomberg

New attack bypasses HTTPS protection on Macs, Windows, and Linux | Ars Technica

Pornhub Hack Earns Researchers $22,000 | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Firefox to Block Flash in August, Disable in 2017 | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Alan on Twitter: "spend $150 on a fancy pet feeder that doesn't feed your cat when their servers are offline what a great design https://t.co/ZXMiGuWNFE"

15 Vulnerabilities in SAP HANA Outlined | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Wikileaks Dismantling of DNC Is Clear Attack by Putin on Clinton | Observer

Why Does DNC Hacker 'Guccifer 2.0' Talk Like This? | Motherboard

A Hat Tip to a White Hat | A Collection of Bromides on Infrastructure

Risky Business #420 -- What we don't know about Watergate 2.0
0:00 / 58:25

Risky Business #419 -- Brian Krebs on future of bank cybercrime

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

On this week's show we're catching up with Brian Krebs of Krebs On Security. He'll be talking to us about recent trends in cybercrime, and he's got a warning for security teams in the banking sector. He says things are going to get pretty sticky, and he's usually right on this stuff.

This week's show is brought to you by Bugcrowd, big thanks to them. And in the sponsor slot we're speaking with HD Moore, who recently joined the company's advisory board. I know HD well and I can tell you he was initially quite sceptical of bounties. So he joins us to talk about why he changed his mind and how he plans on helping Bugcrowd do stuff better.

Adam Boileau, as usual, joins us to discuss the week's security news headlines.

Oh, and do add Patrick and Adam on Twitter if that's your thing.

Show notes

WikiLeaks Dumps 'Erdogan Emails' After Turkey's Failed Coup | WIRED

Turkey Blocks WikiLeaks After Dump of Government Emails | Motherboard

Ethereum Inventor: We Got 'Very Lucky' In Gamble to Save $56M From Hacker | Motherboard

Clever Tool Shields Your Car From Hacks by Watching Its Internal Clocks | WIRED

Big Privacy Ruling Says Feds Can't Grab Data Abroad With a Warrant | WIRED

Baseball exec gets 46 months in prison after guessing rival team's password | Ars Technica

FDIC was hacked by China, and CIO covered it up | Ars Technica

Hacker 'Phineas Fisher' Speaks on Camera for the First Time-Through a Puppet | Motherboard

Hacker Claims to Have Sold Leaked Terrorism Watchlist 'World-Check' For $20,000 | Motherboard

Two Million Passwords Breached in Ubuntu Hack | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

'Prominent' Admin of Top ISIS Forum Hacked | Motherboard

Activists Release Nearly 100 Years of TIME Magazine Issues For Free | Motherboard


Software flaw puts mobile phones and networks at risk of complete takeover | Ars Technica

Google Chrome Malware Leads to Sketchy Facebook Likes | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Oracle Fixes 276 Vulnerabilites in July Critical Patch Update | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Apple Fixes Vulnerabilities Across OS X, iOS, Safari | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Cisco Talos - Talos 2016 0171

Crypto flaw made it easy for attackers to snoop on Juniper customers | Ars Technica

Meet The Cyber Mercenaries Selling Spyware To Governments | Motherboard

Carbanak Gang Tied to Russian Security Firm? - Krebs on Security

Risky Business #419 -- Brian Krebs on future of bank cybercrime
0:00 / 54:48

Risky Business #418 -- The rise of the crypto-Taliban

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

On this week's show we're chatting with The Grugq about secure messaging. Facebook has announced it's rolling out an end-to-end encryption feature and the reaction to this wonderful announcement has been somewhat bizarre. We'll be talking to Grugq about why crypto absolutists are hating on companies that are rolling out non-default e2e features. We'll also talk about a couple of interesting case studies in which e2e encryption did absolutely nothing for the people using it.

This week's show is brought to you by Sensepost, an absolutely fantastic security firm that operates in England and South Africa. Sensepost has been an academy for security luminaries over the years. Haroon Meer of Thinkst was an early stage employee, Maltego creator Roelof Temmingh was a co-founder.

So, they're smart. And one of the things SensePost does is security training at BlackHat in Las Vegas. They've been doing this for 15 years and Sensepost's Daniel Cuthbert will be joining us in this week's sponsor interview to talk about what courses they're offering and who winds up actually taking them. The really interesting part is it's not always security professionals in those courses.

Adam Boileau, as usual, joins us to discuss the week's security news headlines.

Oh, and do add Patrick and Adam on Twitter if that's your thing.

Show notes

iOS version of Pok\xe9mon Go is a possible privacy trainwreck [Updated] | Ars Technica

Malicious Pok\xe9mon Go Features Backdoor, RAT | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Chrysler Launches Detroit's First 'Bug Bounty' for Hackers | WIRED

Paint it black: Revisiting the Blackphone and its cloudy future | Ars Technica

Tor Project, a Digital Privacy Group, Reboots With New Board - The New York Times

MIT Anonymity Network Riffle Promises Efficiency, Security | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Putin signs new anti-terror law in Russia. Edward Snowden is upset. - The Washington Post

VPN Company Claims Russian Government Seized Its Servers | Motherboard

Google Tests New Crypto in Chrome to Fend Off Quantum Attacks | WIRED

Now it's easy to see if leaked passwords work on other sites | Ars Technica

Florida U boffins think they've defeated all ransomware \u2022 The Register

Nation-backed malware that infected energy firm is 1 of 2016's sneakiest | Ars Technica

Criminal Forums Ban Hacker Linked to Myspace, LinkedIn Breaches | Motherboard

Taiwan banks suspend Wincor Nixdorf ATM withdrawals after crooks st...

Hacker Finds Bug to Edit or Delete Any Medium Post | Motherboard

20-year-old Windows bug lets printers install malware-patch now | Ars Technica

D-Link Wi-Fi Camera Flaw Extends to 120 Products | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

TP-Link forgets to register domain name, leaves config pages open to hijack | Ars Technica

July 2016 Adobe Flash Player Patches | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Facebook Messenger End-to-End Encryption Not On By Default | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

'Secret Conversations:' End-to-End Encryption Comes to Facebook Messenger | WIRED

Kylie Auldist - Sensational - YouTube

SensePost | Sensepost at blackhat & defcon 2016

Risky Business #418 -- The rise of the crypto-Taliban
0:00 / 64:14

Risky Business #417 -- PlayPen ruling to let FBI off leash?

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

In this week's feature interview we're chatting with Stanford's very own Jennifer Granick about a recent ruling in a Virginia court that appears to give the FBI permission to hack into any computer it wants, sans warrant. Well that's what the headlines are screaming, anyway. But as you'll hear, it's not quite that black and white.

This week's edition of the show is brought to you by Senetas, big thanks to them. We'll of course be hearing from Senetas founder and CTO Julian Fay later on in this week's sponsor segment. He's joining us to talk about the latest guidance from NIST with regard to moving towards quantum resistant encryption. You've heard Julian and I discuss why NIST thinks the industry should do this, now we're going to talk about the how.

Adam Boileau, as usual, joins us to discuss the week's security news headlines.

Oh, and do add Patrick and Adam on Twitter if that's your thing.

Show notes

FBI - Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton's Use of a Personal E-Mail System

Infidelity website Ashley Madison facing FTC probe, CEO apologizes | Reuters

Chelsea Manning 'rushed to hospital after trying to take own life' | Americas | News | The Independent

Sorry Privacy Lovers, The Blackphone Is Flirting With Failure - Forbes

Researchers Sue the Government Over Computer Hacking Law | WIRED

Over 100 Snooping Tor Nodes Have Been Spying on Dark Web Sites | Motherboard

These Maps Show What the Dark Web Looks Like | Motherboard

After hiatus, in-the-wild Mac backdoors are suddenly back | Ars Technica

How a Hacker Is Gaming the Media to Extort His Victims | Motherboard

Scope of ThinkPwn UEFI Zero Day Expands | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

HummingBad Android Malware Connected to YiSpecter iOS Attacks | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Android's full-disk encryption just got much weaker-here's why | Ars Technica

Most Post-Intrusion Cyber Attacks Involve Everyday Admin Tools | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

SSD Advisory - Wget Arbitrary Commands Execution - SecuriTeam Blogs

DOJ Deploys Highly-Questionable Legal Arguments In Attempt To Save FBI's Hacking Warrants | Techdirt

Another Court Finds FBI's NIT Warrants To Be Invalid, But Credits Agents' 'Good Faith' To Deny Suppression | Techdirt

U.S. court rules that FBI can hack into a computer without a warrant | PCWorld


Risky Business #417 -- PlayPen ruling to let FBI off leash?
0:00 / 57:13