Risky Business Podcast

Analysis and news podcasts published weekly

Risky Business #445 -- Amazon, CloudFlare and Microsoft join "having a bad week club"

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

We’ve got a real bread and butter show for you this week. Troy Hunt will be along to talk about the Cloudflare bug and why everyone freaked out about it, and Haroon Meer of Thinks Canary will be along to talk about RSA.

This week’s show is, of course, brought to you by Canary.Tools, and Haroon will tell us about his first ever RSA conference experience. That’s actually a really fun chat. Funny in parts, too.

Adam Boileau is along to discuss the week’s news. Microsoft, Amazon and a handful of Russians are all having an awful, awful week, and he’ll be talking all about that.

Links to items discussed in this week’s show have moved – they’re now included in this post, below.

Oh, and do add Patrick, or Adam on Twitter if that’s your thing.

Risky Business #445 -- Amazon, CloudFlare and Microsoft join "having a bad week club"
0:00 / 56:31

Risky Business #444 -- $350m! Wiped! Off! Yahoo! Over! Breach!

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

On this week’s show we’re chatting with Peter Gutmann about a couple of things that have combined to form a legit problem: The abuse of the Lets-Encrypt domain validated certificate authority combined with recent UI changed in Chrome are a phishers wet dream. We chat with Peter about that. The tl;dr is the browser makers need to get off their asses and do something about that, pronto.

This week’s show is sponsored by Exabeam. They just took $30m in funding from a VC and Cisco and they’re looking at doing some really interesting stuff in the SIEM world with, you guessed it, machine learning! In this week’s sponsor interview we’re chatting with Exabeam co-founder Sylvain Gil about a few things – the conversation does veer a bit into their products but it actually stays interesting, mostly because he discusses things like Exabeam’s roadmap in terms of problems they’re trying to solve. So even if you have no desire to buy a new SIEM, you’ll still probably find that one interesting from an academic point of view.

Adam Boileau, as always, stops in to discuss the week’s news, and Jake Davis is back with a… reinterpretation(?!) of the Hacker Manifesto.

Links to items discussed in this week’s show have moved – they’re now included in this post, below.

Oh, and do add Patrick, Jake or Adam on Twitter if that’s your thing.

Risky Business #444 -- $350m! Wiped! Off! Yahoo! Over! Breach!
0:00 / 64:03

Risky Business #443 -- CrowdStrike and NSS face off, Hal Martin charged and more

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

On this week’s show we’ll be chatting with two of the organisers of an event that was held here in Australia – PlatyPus con. As you’ll hear, it wasn’t really a typical security con – attendees had to bring laptops and had to participate. The whole thing was centred around workshops. Everyone I know who went said it was brilliant, and I personally think this is an idea that is going to catch on outside of Australia. We’ll be speaking with Snail and Lin_s about that one in this week’s feature interview.

This week’s show is brought to you by Veracode, big thanks to them. In this week’s sponsor interview we’ll be chatting with Veracode’s senior product innovation manager Colin Domony about a couple of things. Veracode did a pretty interesting survey recently that really shows that developers are, in fact, finally, becoming security aware in a big way. Not only that, but Veracode has made some pretty significant changes to its products to reflect this switch. Static analysis software security tools are becoming something the developers themselves use, they’re not just for the security teams these days. So we’ll talk about the rationale behind Veracode’s recent release of a scanner that plugs into IDEs: Veracode Greenlight.

Adam Boileau joins us, as always, to talk about the week’s security news.

Oh, and do add Patrick, Jake or Adam on Twitter if that’s your thing.

Risky Business #443 -- CrowdStrike and NSS face off, Hal Martin charged and more
0:00 / 60:09

Risky Business #442 -- A bad week for Freedomhosting II, Cellebrite and Polish banks

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

There’s no feature interview in this week’s show. Instead, we’re going to spend a bit more time with Adam Boileau talking about the week’s news, and there’s plenty to chew through.

This week’s show is brought to you by Tenable Network Security! In this week’s sponsor interview we’ll be chatting with Amit Yoran, Tenable’s new-ish CEO. Amit has an interesting background in infosec and he’ll be joining us to talk about a few things – Tenable’s just launched a whole new platform, which is interesting from a sign-of-the-times perspective. We’ll also get his thoughts on where he sees things going in the industry more generally. This isn’t Amit’s first CEO post – he was previously the big cheese at Netwitness then RSA, so he certainly has the experience to weigh in on trends.

Links to everything are in this week’s show notes.

Oh, and do add Patrick, Jake or Adam on Twitter if that’s your thing.

Risky Business #442 -- A bad week for Freedomhosting II, Cellebrite and Polish banks
0:00 / 53:47

Risky Biz Soap Box 1: DevOps, appsec and squandered opportunities

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

This is the first ever Risky Business Soap Box Special, produced by Risky.Biz for HP Enterprise Fortify. If you’re in infosec you know who they are already – Fortify makes software development security tools: everything from code scanners to its RASP solution Application Defender to Continuous Application Monitoring Services via Fortify on Demand, etc etc etc.

The concept behind these special shows is pretty simple – up to once a month I’ll be interviewing an executive from the infosec industry about the field they operate in. Yes, it’s supposed to be promotional, but really, hearing these conversations is something a lot of listeners have told me they’d find extremely valuable. It’s called the Soap Box because it’s about helping men and women in positions of influence in the infosec industry actually access an audience. And they do have a lot to say.

Jason Schmitt is the vice president and general manager of the Fortify business within the HP Enterprise Security Products organization. Before HP he held product management and engineering management positions at SPI Dynamics, Barracuda Networks, Steelbox Networks, and Andersen Consulting (now Accenture).

In this special edition Jason talks about the impact the shift to DevOps is having on appsec, as well as looking at the results of a survey HPE did last year that yielded some pretty depressing results. (You can find that paper here [pdf].) We’ll also be referencing a talk by then Yahoo! CSO Alex Stamos (currently Facebook CSO) at Appsec USA 2015 titled “Appsec is eating security”. You can watch that one on YouTube here.

Risky Biz Soap Box 1: DevOps, appsec and squandered opportunities
0:00 / 44:21

Risky Business #441 -- Gone in 60 seconds: Attacking ephemeral resources

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

On this week’s show we’ll be chatting with information security’s enfant terrible Nathaniel Wakelam about some recon tricks he’s been using in bug bounty programs. He uses some nice tricks to rapidly identify ephemeral resources that often result in some spectacular hacks, like, say, being able to download all of REDACTED’s source code. That one was cool because it was a temporary resource that got popped – that’s something you have to watch these days.

This week’s show is brought to you by Cylance! Cylance makes machine learning-based AV software that by all reports works really well. Cylance CTO and co-founder Ryan Permeh is this week’s feature guest and we’re talking about something that we touched on last week – gaming machine learning. Does Cylance worry that a determined attacker will be able to gradually input bad data into Cylance’s learning set and game the whole system? Well, no, they’re not worried about it, but it’s definitely something they pay attention to. That’s really interesting stuff and it’s coming up after this week’s feature interview.

Adam Boileau, as always, pops in for this week’s news.

Links to everything are in this week’s show notes.

Oh, and do add Patrick, Jake or Adam on Twitter if that’s your thing.

Risky Business #441 -- Gone in 60 seconds: Attacking ephemeral resources
0:00 / 59:51

Risky Business #440 -- Matt "PwnAllTheThings" Tait on the politicisation of infosec

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

On this week’s show we check in with Matt Tait, who’s probably better known by his Twitter handle: pwnallthethings. And we’ll be talking about the politicisation of infosec and the science of attribution.

This week’s show is brought to you by Bugcrowd. Bugcrowd’s CEO and co-founder Casey Ellis will be along in this week’s sponsor interview to talk about his adventures running a MongoDB honeypot. Bugcrowd are pretty interested in talking about all those poor MongoDBs getting hosed because, well, if you’ve got a bug bounty program running, open DBs are the sorts of things that tend to get reported.

As you’ll hear in that interview, the attackers who made some fast cash taking control of MongoDBs are now going after other stuff – elasticsearch, Hadoop.

Adam Boileau, as always, joins the show to discuss the week’s security news, and our good buddy Jake Davis is back for another edition of Story Corner.

Links to everything are in this week’s show notes.

Oh, and do add Patrick, Jake or Adam on Twitter if that’s your thing.

Risky Business #440 -- Matt "PwnAllTheThings" Tait on the politicisation of infosec
0:00 / 65:48

Risky Business #439 -- Does WhatsApp have an NSA backdoor? Well, nope.

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

On this week’s show we’re chatting with Alec Muffett about an absolutely awful bit of journalism run by The Guardian. Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock the last few days you would have seen a story circulating about a supposed government-friendly backdoor in the popular messaging app WhatsApp. Alec joins us this week to explain why that story is, put simply, bullshit.

This week’s show is brought to you by Senetas, makers of layer 2 encryption gear. Senetas co-founder and CTO Julian Fay is along for the sponsor interview and we’re talking to him about what the charge to the cloud means for things like network encryption. Julian listened to last week’s interview with Rich Mogull, and he has some thoughts he’d like to share.

Also this week, a new segment that I hope will become regular – story corner, with Jake Davis. Do stick around for that at the closing of this week’s show.

Adam Boileau, as usual, joins us for this week’s news segment.

Links to everything are in this week’s show notes.

Oh, and do add Patrick and Adam on Twitter if that’s your thing.

Risky Business #439 -- Does WhatsApp have an NSA backdoor? Well, nope.
0:00 / 56:51

Risky Business #438 -- Rich Mogull: Infosec as we know it is over

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

On this week’s show we’ll be speaking with industry analyst Rich Mogull about what he sees as tidal forces that are going to rip the information security industry as we know it apart – he has some compelling ideas on that, that’s this week’s feature.

We also check in with Mara Tam who spent today attending the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence in DC. It was a public hearing, but a few things shook out of it were pretty interesting.

This week’s show is brought to you by Canary.tools, makers of honeypot tech, or, if you’re a wanker, Deception Technology. I’m guessing I’ll capitulate eventually and start using that terminology, but not yet, dammit! Haroon joins us to look at how Geopolitics now looks like an IRC war from 1999! We also look at some industry trends, in particular, very smart people building very good tech.

Adam Boileau is back in the news hotseat to talk about all the stuff we missed over the last six weeks. From Trumpleaks (lol) to Wassenaar, hax and more.

Links to everything are in this week’s show notes.

Oh, and do add Patrick and Adam on Twitter if that’s your thing.

Risky Business #438 -- Rich Mogull: Infosec as we know it is over
0:00 / 69:57

Risky Business #437 -- The news, plus "this year in cyber" with Adam Boileau

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

This is the last episode for the year – the last episode of the 10th season! On this week’s show Adam and I will discuss the week’s news and then we’re going to reflect on the major events in 2016; the stuff that stuck out for us. I don’t think it’ll come as a surprise that the cyber intrigue surrounding the 2016 US presidential election is what peaked our interest this year.

This week’s show is brought to you by Canary.Tools. Canaries are of course those awesome little honeypots you can deploy on your network for excellent signalling. They will tell you if you have an attacker on your network, they’re cost effective and really nicely designed.

Canary’s very own Marco Slaviero will be along a bit later to talk through a recent Tweetstorm that centred on honeypots, as well as to preview Canary’s next release. In a few weeks you will be able to buy a purpose-built ICS honeypot, as well as one that mimics a code repository, so if you work with ICS gear or for a dev shop, you’ll really want to tune in to that one.


Links to everything are in this week’s show notes.

Oh, and do add Patrick and Adam on Twitter if that’s your thing.

Risky Business #437 -- The news, plus "this year in cyber" with Adam Boileau
0:00 / 60:18