Risky Business Podcast

Analysis and news podcasts published weekly

Risky Biz Soap Box: Yubico launches Yubikey 5, ushers in passwordless Windows logins

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Soap Box is the wholly sponsored podcast series we do where vendors pay to participate.

Our guest in this edition is Jerrod Chong, the SVP of product at Yubico, the makers of Yubikeys. We were originally going to publish this Soap Box with Yubico a few weeks ago, but we delayed it for a very good reason.

This podcast is going out at the same time as a press release from Yubico – they’re releasing the Yubikey 5, and it’s a very significant update.

Regular listeners would have heard me talk about seeing Yubico’s booth at Black Hat – it was like a mosh pit, and I think there are two reasons for that. Firstly, they were giving away keys, (haha) but secondly, they were demonstrating FIDO2 Windows logins over NFC.

With the launch of the Yubikey 5, Yubico has actually delivered passwordless logins for Windows networks. You can do tap only via NFC, tap and pin via NFC, or you can roll old school with USB.

So, Jerrod Chong joined me for this conversation. We talk about the Yubikey 5, and more broadly about the future of authentication and authentication devices.

Risky Biz Soap Box: Yubico launches Yubikey 5, ushers in passwordless Windows logins
0:00 / 31:45

Risky Business feature: iOS exploits just got a lot more expensive

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

We’re going to be talking to two people in this podcast and the topic is, for the most part, the introduction of pointer authentication on the latest Apple iPhones. This is a development that flew under the radar of most of the infosec media and it’s significant because it is going to basically wipe out ROP exploits as we know them. There’s no such thing as a perfect mitigation, but Apple has leveraged some recent ARM features to really lock down their devices.

In addition to the pointer authentication suff they’ve also made some changes that will affect the ability of companies like Cellebrite to unlock phones. Again, this won’t kill unlocks completely, but in one release Apple really has made life a lot harder for people in the offence game.

This will eventually have some consequences for the crypto debate. These devices are just getting more and more secure through some really cool engineering.

So we’ll be talking to Chris Wade about this, he’s the brain behind Corellium, an iOS emulator. His clients include everyone from exploit developers to the publishers of very popular iOS applications. If you want to back-test an app change on 15 different versions of iOS Corellium is the way to do that… or if you want to, you know, test your latest 0day it’s good for that, too.

Then we’re going to hear from Dr. Silvio Cesare of Infosect here in Oz. He’s going to talk about whether we might see similar mitigations on intel and weigh in on Apple’s changes.

Risky Business feature: iOS exploits just got a lot more expensive
0:00 / 27:23

Risky Business #514 -- New NSO Group report released and another State Department email breach. Drink!

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

This edition of the show features Adam Boileau and Patrick Gray discussing the week’s security news:

  • Citizen Lab drops NSO Group report
  • “Weaponised Stuxnet” claims are idiotic
  • Another State Department email breach! Drink!
  • Dutch foil planned attack against Swiss Novichok lab
  • Mirai botnet authors working for FBI
  • US telcos want to be consumer auth brokers
  • US fails to extradite “Mr Bitcoin”
  • Much, much more

This week’s show is brought to you by Remediant. They make a just-in-time access solution for privileged account management (PAM), and we’re doing something a little different in this week’s sponsor interview.

Paul Lanzi of Remediant will be along, but so will Harry Perper of MITRE corporation. Harry’s pay-cheques say MITRE, but he’s been working on a NIST project. The National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) at NIST has been working on a project to provide guidance on the secure usage and management of privileged accounts. The so-called 1800-18 document is a practical guide and reference architecture for privileged account management and we’ll talk to both Harry and Paul about that after the news.

Links to everything that we discussed are below, including the discussions that were edited out. (That’s why there are extras.) You can follow Patrick or Adam on Twitter if that’s your thing.

Risky Business #514 -- New NSO Group report released and another State Department email breach. Drink!
0:00 / 55:09

Risky Business #513 -- The DPRK indictment, BA gets owned, Webauthn issues and more [CORRECTED]

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor


This edition of the show features Adam Boileau and Patrick Gray discussing the week’s security news:

  • The DPRK indictment and subsequent fall out
  • British Airways gets owned
  • Webauthn hits some roadblocks
  • The latest action from Washington DC
  • Trend Micro has a bad time
  • Tesla pays out for key-fob clone attack
  • Tor browser 0day hits Twitter
  • Much, much more

We’ve got a great sponsor interview for you this week – we’ll be joined by Haroon Meer of Thinkst Canary. They did something unusual over the last couple of weeks – they removed a feature in their Canary product. We’ll be talking about that, and also about the tendency for security software to be too complicated and configurable.

Links to everything that we discussed are below, including the discussions that were edited out. (That’s why there are extras.) You can follow Patrick or Adam on Twitter if that’s your thing.


The original release of this podcast included discussion of some rumours that turned out to amount to nothing. We had mentioned three data points:

  • The CISO of American Airlines, Dan Glass, departing a few weeks ago
  • Someone I know had their AA/Citi credit card re-issued, despite saying they only ever used that card to buy AA fares
  • A rumour an FBI computer crime investigator is on site at American Airlines

Well, it turns out Dan Glass is a listener, and he got in touch with us after the podcast ran to clear this up. He says the reason he left is actually because AA was offering some very attractive redundancy packages. Following AA’s merger with US Airways the combined group eventually found itself in the position of having too many executives. As many listeners will know, being a CISO is a pretty hardcore job so Dan jumped at the chance to bounce out and have some time off.

As for the FBI being on-site, Dan says that’s not unusual. They’re one of the largest airlines in the world so they’re frequently liaising with LE. As for my pal’s card getting re-issued… who knows?

The point is it looks like these rumours and data points don’t actually add up to much. This is why I rarely run rumour in the podcast and at least try to do some verification. In this case I just didn’t have time, but still, I just should have just held it over until I’d had a chance to make some basic enquiries. It was sloppy. Sorry.

In particular I’d like to apologise to the fraud teams who may have been asked to follow this up, the PR teams who’ve no doubt been fielding questions about this and also to Dan Glass. Although, it must be said Dan and I had a very nice chat and he didn’t seem upset. Thanks for being a chiller, Dan!

Again, I’m sorry. I’ll do better in the future.


Risky Business #513 -- The DPRK indictment, BA gets owned, Webauthn issues and more [CORRECTED]
0:00 / 54:18

Snake Oilers 7 part 2: Assetnote.io launch, InQuest and Aiculus

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

On this edition of Snake Oilers we hear from three companies, and for one of them, it’s actually their product launch!

Assetnote is a cloud asset discovery and security scanning platform spun out of the bug bounty community. If you’re a CSO with any large public attack surface you’ll really want to hear about that one. This platform finds things you didn’t even know your company had online in cloud environments and then scans them for real, actual RCEs. The user interface is awesome, too.

Then we’re going to hear from Pedram Amini of InQuest – they make a box that reassembles files from network packets captured off the wire or funnelled in through ICAP and then rips them to bits looking for badness. They call it deep file inspection and it’s a great way to supplement client side detection, at scale. You can even pass these reassembled files on to multi-AV or cloud services and use this platform to do spot threat hunting. It’s very powerful stuff, and honestly that’s an interview that got me thinking in a new way about detection concepts.

And then finally we’re joined by Omaru Maruatona of Aiculus. Omaru has a PHD in applying machine learning to bank fraud that he obtained while working for one of the big four banks here in Australia. After that he moved on the PwC as a penetration tester and now he’s running Aiculus. Aiculus has developed an API proxy that uses machine learning to detect funky calls. If you’re not satisfied that your API gateway has you completely covered then yeah, you’ll want to listen to that one.

Snake Oilers 7 part 2: Assetnote.io launch, InQuest and Aiculus
0:00 / 43:47

Risky Business #512 -- Five Eyes nations send clear message on encryption

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

This edition of the show features Adam Boileau and Patrick Gray discussing the week’s security news:

  • Five Eyes nations send a clear message on encryption
  • Massive Azure outage
  • FBI releases political campaign security guidance
  • Google wants to kill the URL
  • MEGA.nz plugin owned sideways
  • Final “Celebgate” hacker sentenced
  • Google launches font fuzzing tool
  • Chinese-made Google/Feitian U2F keys under scrutiny
  • Some interesting TPM research

This week’s podcast is brought to you by AttackIQ.

AttackIQ founder Stephan Chenette will be along in this week’s sponsor interview to talk to us about a few things – the MITRE attack matrix being one. He’ll also share with us his view that EDR is the most commonly misconfigured security technology he sees out there, and he has pretty good visibilty into things like that because AttackIQ, of course, makes attack simulation software designed to measure the efficacy of these types of solutions.

Links to everything that we discussed are below, including the discussions that were edited out. (That’s why there are extras.) You can follow Patrick or Adam on Twitter if that’s your thing.

Risky Business #512 -- Five Eyes nations send clear message on encryption
0:00 / 39:52

Risky Business feature interview: Linux malware is booming, thanks to IoT

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

The widespread adoption of smart and IoT devices – everything from drones and security cameras to thermostats and routers, mean the developers of non-Windows-based malware have been pretty busy lately

In fact, there’s been an almost tenfold increase in the volume of these (ELF) samples submitted to Virus Total over the past two years. That’s according to a cohort of researchers from the Software and System Security group at French graduate school EURECOM, who set out in 2016 to develop an empirical study of non-Windows malware.

They downloaded hundreds of daily candidate samples from Virus Total for a year, resulting in a dataset of more than 10,000 binaries and a tool called Padawan, an automated framework for dynamic analysis of non-Windows malware.

The researchers presented findings earlier this year at the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, and more recently at reverse engineering conference RECon in Montreal. Risky Business contributor Hilary Louise recently caught up over the phone with France-based EURECOM doctoral student Emanuele Cozzi who says the land of Linux-type malware analysis is a bit of a nascent field.

Risky Business feature interview: Linux malware is booming, thanks to IoT
0:00 / 18:32

Risky Business #511 -- Australia, Japan to ban Huawei, Struts drama, DNC lols and more

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

We’re going to stick with the revised format this week – we’re going long on news with Adam, then diving right in to the sponsor interview with Zane Lackey of Signal Sciences.

A bunch of you heard my long form, Soap Box interview with Zane from a few weeks back. We’re extending that interview out a bit in this week’s interview. Zane will be outlining what he thinks needs to change in DevSecOps tooling and workflow for things to really work nicely – it’s just a solid 12 minutes of good thinking and advice, that interview, so do stick around for it.

Adam Boileau will join the show to recap the week’s news:

  • Australia and Japan to ban Huawei from their 5G builds
  • Struts bug: Big deal or meh?
  • Voting machine maker ES&S rebuked by researchers AND US gov
  • The DNC phish that wasn’t
  • Recapping Andy Greenberg’s Maersk/Notpetya coverage
  • Instagram adds real 2FA
  • Windows privesc 0day on teh twittarz
  • T-Mobile pwned harder than it initially admitted
  • Log in to Windows with Google accounts
  • Some hilarious Lazarus group shenanigans
  • Much, much more

Links to everything that we discussed are below, including the discussions that were edited out. (That’s why there are extras.) You can follow Patrick or Adam on Twitter if that’s your thing.

Risky Business #511 -- Australia, Japan to ban Huawei, Struts drama, DNC lols and more
0:00 / 51:32

Snake Oilers 7 part 1: Rapid7 on changes to InsightVM, ITProTV on online training

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

We’ve got two vendors pitching their wares in this edition of Snake Oilers. First up we’re talking to Rapid7 about its vulnerability scanning and management software. They’ve made some changes and they’ve got a couple more coming. This is bread and butter infosec stuff.

Then we’re going to hear from the team at ITProTV. They’re a video-based online training site, pitching themselves as like a Netflix but for online training. Instead of instructor-led training, they try to make stuff less dry – half hour training videos with two instructors on all sorts of topics.

The online training video sector is just booming right now, and ITProTV’s co-founder and “edutainer” Don Pezet will be along to walk through all of that.

Both of these companies are tracking enquiries originating from the podcast, so please do use the URLs in the show notes below if you’re interested in learning more.

Snake Oilers 7 part 1: Rapid7 on changes to InsightVM, ITProTV on online training
0:00 / 25:56

Risky Business feature interview: Bob Lord, CSO, Democratic National Committee

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

In this podcast you’ll hear an interview I did with Bob Lord, the Chief Security Officer for the Democratic National Committee, the DNC. Bob has previously served as the CISOs for both Yahoo and Twitter, before spending some time in vendorland with Rapid7 as their CISO in residence.

The state-sponsored attack against the DNC is without doubt the most politically consequential data theft event the planet has ever witnessed. It trumped both the Manning/Wikileaks disclosures and “climategate” in terms of impact, and indeed to a large degree the fallout of the DNC hack is still ongoing.

So, I wanted to bring Bob in to talk about his job.

The DNC isn’t a large organisation, in a head office sense. They have about 200 core staff members, but as you’ll hear, a political organisation’s IT setup is pretty atypical. So Bob and I mostly just spoke about how one handles security for an organisation like the DNC.

Risky Business feature interview: Bob Lord, CSO, Democratic National Committee
0:00 / 36:17