
News, analysis and commentary

Risky Business #388 -- Cyber shrinkery, IoT shenanigans and guest Troy Hunt

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

This week's feature interview is with Troy Hunt of HaveIBeenPwned.com. And he's noticing something pretty weird. It's common for people to deface websites for bragging rights, and yeah, it's not new that data dumps are the new bragging fodder. But it seems like these days attackers are seeing Troy's site as the definitive place to get cred. Now they'll steal a bunch of data and Troy is their first stop.

Life is strange on the internets. That's this week's feature interview.

This week's show is brought to you by ContextIS, a security consultancy and research house with offices in England, Germany and Australia. In this week's sponsor interview we chat with Alex Farrant, a senior security researcher with Context in Cheltenham about the risks of IoT to enterprise networks.

Don't worry, this isn't some non-specific, high level chat saying "IoT is bad," we're talking about real examples where they've managed to chain together a couple of bugs for serious effect. We also talk about how enterprises aren't shy about making key company resources accessible over WiFi these days. Yes, the same WiFi network that your vulnerable electric kettle and lightbulbs are on. Happy days.

Adam Boileau, as always, stops in to discuss the week's news, including the delightful Freudian analysis of computer hackers by "cyber psychologist" Mary Aiken.

Don't forget you can now support the Risky Business page via our Patreon campaign.

Oh, and do add Patrick and Adam on Twitter if that's your thing.

Show notes

Hackers Claim Million-Dollar Bounty for iOS Zero Day Attack | WIRED

UK Government Works on Restricting Encryption, Urges Staff to Use It | Motherboard

Internet firms to be banned from offering unbreakable encryption under new laws - Telegraph

UK surveillance powers explained - BBC News

The Lesson of CISA's Success, or How to Fight a Zombie

ALBAWABA NEWS: Egypt's military arrests 150 terrorists through "Telegram"

Teenager arrested in Norwich over TalkTalk cyber-attack bailed | Business | The Guardian

vBulletin password hack fuels fears of serious Internet-wide 0-day attacks | Ars Technica

Tor Just Launched the Easiest App Yet for Anonymous, Encrypted IM | WIRED

Zerocoin Startup Revives the Dream of Truly Anonymous Money | WIRED

Signal, the Snowden-Approved Crypto App, Comes to Android | WIRED

Don't count on STARTTLS to automatically encrypt your sensitive e-mails | Ars Technica

Still fuming over HTTPS mishap, Google makes Symantec an offer it can't refuse | Ars Technica

How Carders Can Use eBay as a Virtual ATM - Krebs on Security

Shuanet Adware Roots Android Devices | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Chinese Mobile Ad Library Backdoored to Spy on iOS Devices | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Security Vulnerabilities | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Data-Stealing Android App Impersonates Word Doc | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

XcodeGhost Malware Supports iOS9 | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

November 2015 Android Security Bulletin | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Tinba Variant Spotted Targeting Russian, Japanese Banks | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

PageFair Hack Serves Up Fake Flash Update to 500 Sites | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Xen patches 7-year-old bug that shattered hypervisor security | Ars Technica

Latest EMET Bypass Targets WoW64 Windows Subsystem | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

FireEye growth slows as China attacks reportedly abate, stock plunges - MarketWatch

Hackers gonna hack, but why? Maybe Freud has the answer | Technology | The Guardian

Troy Hunt: Breaches, traders, plain text passwords, ethical disclosure and 000webhost

Music | PLTS

Also, you should absolutely check out Context's Blog. It's really quite good.

Risky Business #388 -- Cyber shrinkery, IoT shenanigans and guest Troy Hunt
0:00 / 58:18

Risky Business #387 -- Hack people to death!

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

In this week's feature interview we're chatting with Chris Rock from Kustodian. Chris did a great presentation at Ruxcon last week about how easy it is to hack people to death!

He's found out just how easy it is to register births and deaths in the united states and Australia via online systems. He says it's a problem that could result in a virtual baby harvest for fraudsters who plan ahead. It's really fun stuff, that's this week's feature.

In this week's sponsor interview we're speaking with Deema Freij, general counsel at Intralinks. This is an interview the CSOs shouldn't miss... we're talking to her about privacy stuff -- about what the invalidation of Safe Harbour provisions really means, what we can expect from the new EU general data protection regulations when they land, and what sort of management challenges that's going to throw up at the boardroom level.

Adam Boileau, as always, stops in to discuss the week's news.

Don't forget you can now support the Risky Business page via our Patreon campaign.

Oh, and do add Patrick and Adam on Twitter if that's your thing.

Show notes

WikiLeaks Is Publishing the CIA Director's Hacked Emails | WIRED

Hacker releases new purported personal data for top CIA, DHS officials [Updated] | Ars Technica

A Second Snowden Has Leaked a Mother Lode of Drone Docs | WIRED

Who Is Ardit Ferizi? Malaysia Arrests Kosovo National For Hacking US Security Data For ISIS

Matthew Keys' Hacking Conviction May Not Survive an Appeal | WIRED

TalkTalk Hackers Demanded \xa380K in Bitcoin - Krebs on Security

TalkTalk Hackers Demand Ransom of CEO Dido Harding | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

China Is Still Hacking US Companies After Promising It Would Stop, Report Says | Motherboard

Arrest of Chinese Hackers Not a First for U.S. - Krebs on Security

How is NSA breaking so much crypto?

Fewer IPsec VPN Connections at Risk to Weak Diffie-Hellman | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

CISA Passes Senate Without Addressing Privacy Concerns | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

A DEA Agent Who Helped Take Down Silk Road Is Going to Prison for Unbelievable Corruption | Mother Jones

X-Ray Scans Expose an Ingenious Chip-and-Pin Card Hack | WIRED

EFF: We found 100+ license plate readers wide open on the Internet | Ars Technica

Automakers just lost the battle to stop you from hacking your car | The Verge

New attacks on Network Time Protocol can defeat HTTPS and create chaos | Ars Technica

Unpatched browser weaknesses can be exploited to track millions of Web users | Ars Technica

This 11-year-old is selling cryptographically secure passwords for $2 each | Ars Technica

Microsoft .NET Core, ASP.NET Beta Bug Bounty | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

IBM Runs World's Worst Spam-Hosting ISP? - Krebs on Security

Let's Encrypt Free HTTPS Secures Cross-Signatures To Be A CA | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Insecure Internet-Connected Kettles Help Researchers Crack WiFi Networks Across London - Softpedia

13 million plaintext passwords belonging to webhost users leaked online | Ars Technica

Western Digital self-encrypting hard drives riddled with security flaws | Ars Technica

Joomla bug puts millions of websites at risk of remote takeover hacks | Ars Technica

New zero-day exploit hits fully patched Adobe Flash [Updated] | Ars Technica

October 2015 Oracle Critical Patch Update | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

'10-second' theoretical hack could jog Fitbits into malware-spreading mode \u2022 The Register

DEF CON 23 - Chris Rock - I Will Kill You - YouTube

bluejuice - Vitriol - YouTube

Risky Business #387 -- Hack people to death!
0:00 / 65:05

Risky Business #386 -- Katie Moussouris on the (groan) disclosure debate

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

On this week's show we're checking in with Katie Moussouris of HackerOne. She's an ex Microsoftie who's spent something like a decade working on vulnerability disclosure policies. She even helped get a vuln disclosure ISO standard ratified!

And she'll be joining us this week to discuss disclosure politics, I guess you'd call it... for those of us who've been around infosec for a while, most of us would rather stick our face in a blender than talk about it, but Katie will be along to point out why people should fight their "disclosure debate fatigue" and get involved.

This week's show is brought to you by Telstra! Telstra is Australia's incumbent telco but also offers a bunch of enterprise services and has invested in some mobile security plays. They took a stake in Zimperium, which is where Risky Business pal Joshua Drake works. They also have a stake in Telesign.

In this week's sponsor interview we're joined by Telstra's Rocky Scopelliti. He's Telstra's finance brain and he'll be along to discuss a report he prepared on the fusion of financial services, mobility and identity. Telstra has collected a lot of *extremely* interesting data and Rocky will be along to fill us in on what it all means. That's this week's sponsor interview, with big thanks to new sponsor Telstra!

Adam Boileau, as always, stops in to discuss the week's news.

Don't forget you can now support the Risky Business page via our Patreon campaign.

Oh, and do add Patrick and Adam on Twitter if that's your thing.

Show notes

Hack Brief: Hackers Steal 15M T-Mobile Customers' Data From Experian | WIRED

Scottrade Breach Hits 4.6 Million Customers - Krebs on Security

Trump Hotel Collection Confirms Card Breach - Krebs on Security

Patreon was warned of serious website flaw 5 days before it was hacked | Ars Technica

Gigabytes of user data from hack of Patreon donations site dumped online | Ars Technica

Exclusive: Uber checks connections between hacker and Lyft | Reuters

Amazon Web Services Inspector Application Security Scanner | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Canceled HITB GSEC Singapore Presentation | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Verizon's zombie cookie gets new life | Ars Technica

Questions raised over Malcolm Turnbull's use of private email server

Backdoor infecting Cisco VPNs steals customers' network passwords | Ars Technica

Cisco shuts down million-dollar ransomware operation | Ars Technica

SHA1 algorithm securing e-commerce and software could break by year's end | Ars Technica

Report finds many nuclear power plant systems "insecure by design" | Ars Technica

Microsoft sites expose visitors' profile info in plain text | Ars Technica

Android adware wields potent root exploits to gain permanent foothold | Ars Technica

iPhone Malware Is Hitting China. Let's Not Be Next | WIRED

Journalist Convicted of Helping Anonymous Hack Tribune Co. | WIRED

Netgear Router Vulnerabilities Public Exploits | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

WikiLeaks Wants to Pay $50K for Video of the Kunduz Hospital Bombing | WIRED

Hacking Wireless Printers With Phones on Drones | WIRED

October 2015 Adobe Acrobat Adobe Acrobat Patches | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

When Security Experts Gather to Talk Consensus, Chaos Ensues | WIRED

Mobile Identity


Risky Business #386 -- Katie Moussouris on the (groan) disclosure debate
0:00 / 66:44

Risky Business #385 -- Richard Bejtlich talks USA/China espionage agreement

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

******LANGUAGE WARNING: The f-bomb features, unbleeped, once in this week's show. Just a note for those of you with the kids in the car.

On this week's show we're chatting with FireEye's chief security strategist Richard Bejtlich about this new agreement between China and the USA. The two countries have apparently agreed that they won't hack each other with the aim of stealing IP anymore. Questions to Richard include: Are they kidding? And: How did they announce this with a straight face?

This week's show is brought to you by Tenable Network Security, big thanks to them. And we're joined by Tenable's very own Jeffrey Man in this week's sponsor interview.

He's an ex NSA cryptographer who now spends his days dealing with PCI stuff. He's over in Canada attending the PCI community meetings in Vancouver, and I spoke to him about what we learned from the leaked Target pentest report and how third party payment firms are changing scope for all sorts of merchants.

Adam Boileau, as always, stops in to discuss the week's news.

Don't forget you can now support the Risky Business page via our Patreon campaign.

Oh, and do add Patrick and Adam on Twitter if that's your thing.

Show notes

Banks: Card Breach at Hilton Hotel Properties - Krebs on Security

\u200bKmart Australia calls in police over security breach - Computerworld

Patreon: Some user names, e-mail and mailing addresses stolen | Ars Technica

A billion Android phones are vulnerable to new Stagefright bugs | Ars Technica

CIA officers pulled from China because of OPM breach | Ars Technica

China PLA Unit 78020 Cyberespionage Naikon APT | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

From Radio to Porn, British Spies Track Web Users' Online Identities

Obama administration explored ways to bypass smartphone encryption - The Washington Post

This New Campaign Wants To Help Surveillance Agents Quit NSA or GCHQ | WIRED

Car Hack Technique Uses Dealerships to Spread Malware | WIRED

That Big Security Fix for Credit Cards Won't Stop Fraud | WIRED

Google's Three Tips for Sabotaging the Cybercrime Economy | WIRED

ATM Skimmer Gang Firebombed Antivirus Firm - Krebs on Security

Dyreza Dyre Trojan Phishing IT Supply Chain Credentials | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

JavaScript-Based DDoS Peaks at 275,000 Requests Per Second | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Nerves rattled by highly suspicious Windows Update delivered worldwide [Updated] | Ars Technica

Drop-dead simple exploit completely bypasses Mac's malware Gatekeeper | Ars Technica

Botnet preying on Linux computers delivers potent DDoS attacks | Ars Technica

Storing secret crypto keys in the Amazon cloud? New attack can steal them | Ars Technica

How hackers can access iPhone contacts and photos without a password | Ars Technica

TrueCrypt Security Vulnerabilities Patched in VeraCrypt | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

SAP Fixes A Dozen Vulnerabilities in HANA | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Mozilla Addresses 14-Year-Old Bug in Firefox 41 | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Cisco Fixes Denial of Service, Bypass Vulnerabilities in IOS | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Apple Patches 100+ Vulnerabilities in OS X, Safari, iOS | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

US and China Reach Historic Agreement on Economic Espionage | WIRED

Marshall & The Fro - Marshall Okell

Risky Business #385 -- Richard Bejtlich talks USA/China espionage agreement
0:00 / 63:28

Risky Business #384 -- Mark Dowd talks AirDrop pwnage, XCode iOS scandal

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

We've got a great show for you this week. Mark Dowd drops by to talk about the recent spate of Trojaned iOS apps that made it into Apple's China App Store. We also talk to him about his awesome AirDrop bug. How did it work?

This week's sponsor segment is actually a real cracker. Context IS consultant David Klein tells us how he owned an entire cloud platform by enumerating some shitty 90s-style bugs in some third party libraries they were using. It's comedy gold. This cloud platform that uses security at a selling point. It's bad.

Really embarrassing.

It's great work and the sort of research you expect to see out of a company like Context IS, who are, of course, this week's sponsor.

Adam Boileau, as always, stops in to discuss the week's news.

Don't forget you can now support the Risky Business page via our Patreon campaign.

Oh, and do add Patrick and Adam on Twitter if that's your thing.

Show notes

OPM breach included five times more stolen fingerprints | Ars Technica

Inside Target Corp., Days After 2013 Breach - Krebs on Security

XcodeGhost apps haunting iOS App Store more numerous than first reported | Ars Technica

Spy Agency Contractor Puts Out a $1M Bounty for an iPhone Hack | WIRED

Google's own researchers challenge key Android security talking point | Ars Technica

Symantec employees fired for issuing rogue HTTPS certificate for Google | Ars Technica

In blunder threatening Windows users, D-Link publishes code-signing key | Ars Technica

Active malware campaign uses thousands of WordPress sites to infect visitors | Ars Technica

Serious Imgur bug exploited to execute worm-like attack on 8chan users | Ars Technica

Trojan targets online poker sites, peeks at players' cards | Ars Technica

Seven years of malware linked to Russian state-backed cyber espionage | Ars Technica

Security wares like Kaspersky AV can make you more vulnerable to attacks | Ars Technica

China tells US tech companies to sign PRISM-like cyber-loyalty pact | Ars Technica

India's daft draft anti-encryption law torn up after world+dog points out its stupidity \u2022 The Register

Malvertisers slam Forbes, Realtor with world's worst exploit kits \u2022 The Register

Hackers Launch Balloon Probe Into the Stratosphere to Spy on Drones | WIRED

IT security spending to hit $75.4bn in 2015 despite currency issues, says Gartner \u2022 The Register

SONY HACK WAS WAR says FBI, and 'we're still struggling to hire talent' \u2022 The Register

Control Flow Guard Mitigation Bypass | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Hack Brief: Mobile Manager's Security Hole Would Let Hackers Wipe Phones | WIRED

Crash Google Chrome with one tiny URL: We cram a probe in this bug \u2022 The Register

Adobe Patches 23 Vulnerabilities in Flash Player | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Bugzilla Privilege Escalation Security Patch | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Context Information Security

HopeStreet Recordings | The heart and soul of Brunswick since 2009

Risky Business #384 -- Mark Dowd talks AirDrop pwnage, XCode iOS scandal
0:00 / 53:40

Risky Business #383 -- Inside FireEye's research gag

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

On this week's show we take a look at what the hell it happening in Germany, where FireEye sought and obtained an ex parte injunction against a bunch of security researchers over a presentation they were about to do at 44Con. We speak with infosec lawyer Alex Urbelis -- he was at 44Con when all this came to light and he shares his insights.

This week's show is sponsored by Senetas. They're a publicly listed company based in Melbourne that makes hardware encryption gear. Terribly sexy, layer 2 stuff actually. This week the company's co-founder and CTO Julian Fay joins the show to talk about the NSA's recent push to get people using encryption algorithms that are resistant to quantum computing-based attacks.

Adam Boileau, as always, stops in to discuss the week's news.

Don't forget you can now support the Risky Business page via our Patreon campaign.

Oh, and do add Patrick and Adam on Twitter if that's your thing.

Show notes

beist on Twitter: "Just another stagefright 0day by my coworker, chpie. this one is reasonably reliable, more than 50% against Nexus 5. http://t.co/V5qhKvOr6C"

Project Zero: Stagefrightened?

Let's Encrypt Issues First Cert | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Japan charges Bitcoin exchange CEO with embezzlement - Yahoo News

Atlanta's Bitpay got hacked for $1.8 million in bitcoin - Atlanta Business Chronicle

Cryptome founder revokes PGP keys after weird 'compromise' \u2022 The Register

Scan of Internet for Compromised Cisco Routers Finds Fewer Than 100 | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Once seen as bulletproof, 11 million+ Ashley Madison passwords already cracked | Ars Technica

Ashley Madison passwords like "thisiswrong" tap cheaters' guilt and denial | Ars Technica

DARPA Protecting Software From Reverse Engineering Through Obfuscation | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Installation of Tor Relays in Libraries Attracts DHS Attention | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Researchers Outline Bugs in Yahoo, PayPal, Magento | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

'To read this page, please turn off your ad blocker...' \u2022 The Register

CoreBot Adds New Capabilities, Transitions to Banking Trojan | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

GM Took 5 Years to Fix a Full-Takeover Hack in Millions of OnStar Cars | WIRED

Hack Brief: Emergency-Number Hack Bypasses Android Lock Screens | WIRED

Shedload of security bugs squashed in iOS 9 - what the hell went wrong with iOS 8? \u2022 The Register

AirDrop hole deposits stealth malware on all pre-iOS 9 Apple devices \u2022 The Register

Apple mitigates but doesn't fully fix critical iOS Airdrop vulnerability | Ars Technica

New Debian Releases Fix PHP, VirtualBox Bugs | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

WordPress Shortcodes Security Patch | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Bug Bounties, (Non) Lawsuits and Working with the Research Community \xab Executive Perspective | FireEye Inc

Lattice-based cryptography - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Quantum-safe Security : Cloud Security Alliance

NSA preps quantum-resistant algorithms to head off crypto-apocalypse | Ars Technica

Risky Business #383 -- Inside FireEye's research gag
0:00 / 57:38

Risky Business #382 -- Charlie Miller talks car hax, Uber

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

On this week's show we're checking in with Charlie Miller. We chat car hacking and we also (kind of) find out what he's up to now he's working at Uber.

This week's show is brought to you by HackLabs, an Australian security consultancy. They're a key sponsor of Australia's Cyber Security Challenge, which is basically a CTF for Australian CS students. What makes this one a bit different is it's being run by the Prime Minister's Office, which is, yeah, unexpected. Chris joins us later to discuss the challenge, that's this week's sponsor interview.

Adam Boileau, as always, stops in to discuss the week's news.

Don't forget you can now support the Risky Business page via our Patreon campaign.

Oh, and do add Patrick and Adam on Twitter if that's your thing.

Show notes

Is John McAfee running for US president? 'My campaign manager told me not to comment' \u2022 The Register

Ex-Ashley Madison CTO Threatens Libel Suit - Krebs on Security

Ashley Madison made dumb security mistakes, researcher says \u2022 The Register

Extorting money from Ashley Madison customers is actually pretty easy | Ars Technica

Pwn2Own loses HP as its sponsor amid new cyberweapon restrictions | Ars Technica

Lockpickers 3-D Print TSA Master Luggage Keys From Leaked Photos | WIRED

Russian Spy Gang Hijacks Satellite Links to Steal Data | WIRED

The Feds Need a Warrant to Spy With Stingrays From Now On | WIRED

The Untold Story of Silk Road, Part 2: The Fall | WIRED

US counter-intel czar to hack victims: "raise shields" against spearphishing | Ars Technica

Director of national intelligence: Snowden forced "needed transparency" | Ars Technica

FTC, Experts Push Startups to Think About Security From the Beginning | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Bitcoin cyberextortionists are blackmailing banks, corporations | Ars Technica

MS researchers claim to crack encrypted database with old simple trick | Ars Technica

Researchers respond to developer's accusation that they used crypto wrong | Ars Technica

Mozilla: data stolen from hacked bug database was used to attack Firefox | Ars Technica

Serious bug causes "quite a few" HTTPS sites to reveal their private keys | Ars Technica

Many new top-level domains have become Internet's "bad neighborhoods" [Updated] | Ars Technica

Lateline - 09/09/2015: Its been described by the Government as its latest security weapon, but is the National Facial Biometric Matching Capability open to misuse?

Gloves on as Googler deposits foul zero-day on Kaspersky lawn \u2022 The Register

Hacker drops zero-day, opens FireEye fire sale \u2022 The Register

Attack code exploiting Android's critical Stagefright bugs is now public | Ars Technica

It's still 2015, and your Windows PC can still be pwned by a webpage \u2022 The Register

An Android Porn App Takes Your Photo and Holds It to Ransom

Greg! The Stop Sign!! by TISM - a metaphor for our collective mortality | Music | The Guardian

TISM - Greg! The Stop Sign!!! - YouTube

Risky Business #382 -- Charlie Miller talks car hax, Uber
0:00 / 56:23

Serious Business #5 -- Kanye 2020, vaccination-free childcare and the EU refugee crisis

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Hey everyone and welcome to Serious Business number 5! This is the podcast I do about non infosec related topics. It's less of a professional information security digest and more of an excuse for me to blab with my cohost, comedian Dan Ilic, about serious stuff every few weeks.

WARNING: Contains a fair bit of discussion about Australian politics. You may be permanently scarred after listening.

On this edition of the show we're talking to Dan about a bunch of stuff. Kanye West has apparently announced he's running for president in 2020, we talk about that. We talk about Donald Trump because, wow... just wow...

Then we move on to the depressing stuff, the European refugee crisis. Are the handful of flashpoint images and stories actually going to get people motivated about fixing the wider problem? Or will they result in a few Kickstarters to directly help the affected individuals, absolving donors of their first world guilt? We have a bob each way on that one.

We talk about the vaccination free childcare centre springing up in my 'hood -- geez, what could go wrong there -- and finally we look at the way streaming services are reshaping the media landscape, in particular the types of shows that are being commissioned. Could NetFlix spell the end of high-quality tv news and current affairs?

Serious Business #5 -- Kanye 2020, vaccination-free childcare and the EU refugee crisis
0:00 / 34:54

Risky Business #381 -- Samy Kamkar on his outlaw days

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

On this week's show we're chatting with hacker superstar and YouTube phenomenon Samy Kamkar. Samy is a security researcher of note -- his recent hardware hacks have been coming thick and fast. This week I spoke to him about his brush with the law following his unleashing of the Samy worm on MySpace a decade ago, some of his recent research and his plans for the future.

This week's show is brought to you by Tenable Network Security! Big thanks to Tenable for its support of the Risky Business podcast, we sure do appreciate it. So in this week's sponsor interview we're speaking with Tenable's very own Cris Thomas, a.k.a. Space Rogue. He was one of the early l0pht crew and this week we get his thoughts of the encroachment of security into pop culture and mainstream media. Between the Ashley Madison data breach's media impact and the fantastic USA Network television program Mr. Robot, is the security community finally getting the love its been craving all this time?

Adam Boileau, as always, joins the show for a look at the week's news headlines.

Don't forget you can now support the Risky Business page via our Patreon campaign.

Oh, and do add Patrick and Adam on Twitter if that's your thing.

Show notes

12 Must-Follow Feeds in the World of Security | WIRED

Prepare to be Thunderstruck: What if 'deuszu' ISN'T the Ashley Madison hacker? \u2022 The Register

What us worry? Ashley Madison says it added over 100K users last week | Ars Technica

Ecuador Considered Smuggling Julian Assange to Freedom in a Bag | WIRED

Uber Hires the Hackers Who Wirelessly Hijacked a Jeep | WIRED

Malware infecting jailbroken iPhones stole 225,000 Apple account logins | Ars Technica

China and Russia cross-referencing OPM data, other hacks to out US spies | Ars Technica

Lizard Squad launches DDoS against UK law enforcement agency | Ars Technica

Six Nabbed for Using LizardSquad Attack Tool - Krebs on Security

Spooks, plod and security industry join to chase bank hacker \u2022 The Register

BitTorrent patched against flaw that allowed crippling DoS attacks | Ars Technica

Former security intern admits developing super-stealthy Android spyware | Ars Technica

Android ransomware uses XMPP chat to call home, claims it's from NSA | Ars Technica

OPM (Mis)Spends $133M on Credit Monitoring - Krebs on Security

White House eyes sanctions for China over cyber-theft of trade secrets | Ars Technica

Lawyer: Turkey Arrested Journalists to Deter Foreign Media - ABC News

Jihadist Fan Club CryptoCrap - Hacker OPSEC

FBI: $1.2B Lost to Business Email Scams - Krebs on Security

How a bug in Visual Studio 2015 exposed my source code on GitHub and cost me $6,500 in a few hours

Associated Press sues FBI for impersonating its site to install spyware \u2022 The Register

Netflix Sleepy Puppy Cross-Site Scripting Payload Framework | Threatpost | The first stop for security news



Sneaky adware caught accessing users' Mac Keychain without permission | Ars Technica

Attacks accessing Mac keychain without permission date back to 2011 | Ars Technica

Google Chrome 45 Security Patches, Bug Bounty Awards | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Cyber Security Challenge Australia

Combo Breaker - motorized combo lock cracking device - YouTube

Home by waxheadmusic | Free Listening on SoundCloud

InControl Remote Mobile App | Land Rover USA

Risky Business #381 -- Samy Kamkar on his outlaw days
0:00 / 77:38

Risky Business #380 -- AshMad fallout: Attackers doxed, suicides and mayhem

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

On this week's show we look at the fallout from the Ashley Madison attack. Did Brian Krebs just dox the Impact Team ringleader? Is he Australian?

Adam Boileau and I talk about all the AshMad fallout and other infosec news.

This week's show is brought to you by RSA. And in this week's sponsor interview we're chatting with RSA's Brett Williams about vendor trends; looking at the big endpoint push of 2015. I also picked his brain on the SIEM vs full packet capture/big data approach.

Don't forget you can now support the Risky Business page via our Patreon campaign.

Oh, and do add Patrick and Adam on Twitter if that's your thing.

Show notes

Ashley Madison: 'Suicides' over website hack - BBC News

AshleyMadison: $500K Bounty for Hackers - Krebs on Security

Ashley Madison Hackers Release an Even Bigger Batch of Data | WIRED

Leaked AshleyMadison Emails Suggest Execs Hacked Competitors - Krebs on Security

Ashley Madison Hit With $500 Million in Lawsuits | WIRED

Ashley Madison Offering $500K Reward for Info on Hackers | WIRED

Almost None of the Women in the Ashley Madison Database Ever Used the Site

Exposed Ashley Madison members targeted by scammers and extortionists | Ars Technica

Ashley Madison hackers leave footprints that may help investigators | Ars Technica

Who Hacked Ashley Madison? - Krebs on Security

Street Gangs, Tax Fraud and 'Drop Hoes' - Krebs on Security

IRS' estimate of tax records stolen by fraudsters soars to over 300,000 | Ars Technica

Agora, the Dark Web's Biggest Drug Market, Is Going Offline | WIRED

GitHub attacked again as Chinese developers forced by police to pull code | Ars Technica

Court Says the FTC Can Slap Companies for Getting Hacked | WIRED

Spotify Clears Up Its Controversial Privacy Policy | WIRED

Mr. Robot Finale Postponed in Wake of Virginia TV Station Shooting | WIRED

Pro-Government Twitter Bots Try to Hush Mexican Activists | WIRED

Facebook ThreatExchange Information Sharing | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Facebook Opens ThreatExchange Information Sharing Platform | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Google Pulls App Exploiting Certifi-Gate Vulnerability | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Details Surface on Patched Sandbox Violation Vulnerability in iOS | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Apple Patches iOS Ins0mnia Vulnerability | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

August 2015 Apple QuickTime Security Patches | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

MT WARNING | Free Listening on SoundCloud


Risky Business #380 -- AshMad fallout: Attackers doxed, suicides and mayhem
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