Risky Business Podcast
October 16, 2009
Risky Business #127 -- Extra Chunky Cyber Security with David Rice
Presented by

CEO and Publisher

Technology Editor
This week's show features an excerpt from David Rice's plenary speech at the GovCERT Symposium in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
In his talk, David asks what the security business could learn from pasta sauce, Diet Pepsi and food science in general. It's a bit out there, but it's well worth a listen.
You'll also hear from Microsoft Australia's Andrew Parsons about a couple of programs Microsoft is running that involve giving away an absolute tonne of expensive software to students and start-ups. It's not a security related interview, but hey, the programs are pretty interesting and worth featuring.
There's no news guest this week -- I'm still travelling back to Australia from Europe. It's a long way. No, really... It's far.
But we'll be back to regular programming next week.