Risky Business Podcast

Analysis and news podcasts published weekly

Risky Business 336 -- Too many cons

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

On this week's show we've got a great interview with Haroon Meer of Thinkst. Thinkst has a paid service that analysis the output of security conferences and puts together reports. Now, some of you might wonder why such a service would be needed, so let's put things in perspective: there were 2,700 conference presentations in the second quarter of this year at 116 events over 140 conference days. Yikes!

Haroon will be along in a bit to talk about the conference content boom, and he's also made their latest report free for Risky Business listeners! As I say, it's part of Thinkst's paid subscription service, so you'd be nuts not to grab it.

This week's show is brought to you by Tenable Network Security, thanks to the guys and gals over there. In this week's sponsor interview we're chatting with Paul Asadoorian, Tenable's product marketing manager for Nessus.

Paul is also well known as the host of the security weekly podcast! It's an infosec podcast with a massive audience that you've no doubt heard of.

We're chatting with Paul about embedded devices. He co-wrote a book on hacking the WRT54g home wireless gateway some years ago and he's gearing up to teach a SANS course on embedded device assessments. So yeah, Paul's going to stop by and discuss the state of all things embedded.

Show notes

Dread Pirate Sunk By Leaky CAPTCHA - Krebs on Security

FBI's Story of Finding Silk Road's Server Sounds a Lot Like Hacking | WIRED

Should we be worried? Showing on login page : SilkRoad

Troll or thief? User claims Bitcoin founder Satoshi Nakamoto dox sabotage \u2022 The Register

PayPal goes crypto-currency with Bitcoin \u2022 The Register

Feds Threatened to Fine Yahoo $250K Daily for Not Complying With PRISM | WIRED

Five Million Email Passwords, Addresses Leak Russian Forum | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Home Depot Data Breach Confirmed | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

BlackPOS malware confirmed in Home Depot US hack - Security - News - iTnews.com.au

Apple Plans to Extend 2FA to iCloud | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

After hacking, Apple to send out more security alerts to users | Ars Technica

Barclays brings finger-vein biometrics to Internet banking | Ars Technica

Researchers find data leaks in Instagram, Grindr, OoVoo and more - CNET

Salesforce Warns Customers of Dyreza Banker Trojan Attacks | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Traffic Networks Firm Patches Sensor Vulnerabilities | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Microsoft to patch ASP.NET mess even if you don't \u2022 The Register

Cisco Patches Denial-of-Services Vulnerability in IMC | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

September 2014 Microsoft Patch Tuesday security bulletins | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Critical Fixes for Adobe, Microsoft Software - Krebs on Security

Apache Warns of Tomcat Remote Code Execution Vulnerability | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Infamous "podcast patent" heads to trial | Ars Technica


Embedded Device Security Assessments For The Rest Of Us

Risky Business 336 -- Too many cons
0:00 / 70:10

Risky Business #335 -- Whaledump hacker could change NZ government

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

I'm back from a two week holiday in beautiful Indonesia, so we'll be spending most of this show catching up on what I missed while I was away! So there's plenty of news to talk about with Adam Boileau, and also a chat about some very interesting politicking going on in New Zealand.

A hacker going by the name of Whaledump has been dropping leaked emails and documents all over the place that are causing all sorts of headaches for the government. If that wasn't enough, Kim Dot Com has jumped into the fray... apparently he has a big reveal coming on September 15th that could change the course of the NZ election campaign. Is this the future of democracy?

This week's show is brought to you by BugCrowd, big thanks to them.

We'll be chatting with BugCrowd head honcho Casey Ellis all about the skills shortage in infosec, particularly in testing. People interested in a career in infosec are using platforms like BugCrowd as a proving ground, but will that pipeline be enough to satiate the demand for talent out there?

Risky Business #335 -- Whaledump hacker could change NZ government
0:00 / 66:55

Risky Business #334 -- Brian Snow reflects on 34 years at NSA, Snowden

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

On this week's show we're having an extended chat with 34-year NSA veteran Brian Snow. During his career he rose to director level -- he acted as technical director of three divisions within the agency -- before he retired in 2006.

Brian joins us to talk about the Snowden disclosures and how the NSA's culture changed post 9/11.

Brian also had some great comments on quantum crypto concerns that I've broken out into a separate podcast - I've put that one in the RB2 feed along with a recording of a panel I hosted at the Splendour in the Grass music festival a few weeks ago. You can find them in the RB2 feed.

This week's show is brought to you by Tenable Network Security, thanks to them, and in this week's sponsor interview we're chatting with Tenable CEO Ron Gula about continuous monitoring.

Adam Boileau joins us for this week's news, as does special guest Andrew Colley.

Show notes

Why surveillance companies hate the iPhone - The Washington Post

Edward Snowden: The Untold Story | Threat Level | WIRED

Snowden: I Left the NSA Clues, But They Couldn't Find Them | Threat Level | WIRED

Blackphone DEF CON Vulnerabilities Difficult to Exploit | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Techno-Archaeologists Used an Abandoned McDonald's to Hijack a Satellite | Motherboard

Anonymous Posts St. Louis Police Dispatch Tapes From Day of Ferguson Shooting | Mother Jones

Dan Tentler (Viss) on Twitter

Obama picks former Googler to head federal tech overhaul - CNET

Millions of PCs Affected by Mysterious Computrace Backdoor | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Study: Uyghur Remain in Crosshairs of Targeted Attacks | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

The Dole Bludger's Revenge | newmatilda.com

Disqus Patches CSRF, Other Flaws in Plugin | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Authentication Bypass Bug Fixed in BlackBerry Z10 | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

IE to Block Older ActiveX Controls, Starting with Java | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Adobe, Microsoft Push Critical Security Fixes - Krebs on Security

Book alleges dirty National Party politics; Greens, Slater to lay complaints - National - NZ Herald News

Q&A: Malcolm Turnbull on data retention - Networking - Security - Software - Telco/ISP - News - iTnews.com.au


Risky Business #334 -- Brian Snow reflects on 34 years at NSA, Snowden
0:00 / 67:58

Risky Business #333 -- Yahoo CISO Alex Stamos joins the show

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

We've got an absolute cracker of a show for you this week. I've let it run longer than usual because we've just got some great news and interviews this week.

Our feature interview is with Alex Stamos, Yahoo's CISO. We hear from him on what his job looks like -- Yahoo has a billion users and its business and technology is incredibly diverse. So what has Alex been up to since he took the helm earlier this year? Tune in to find out!

In this week's sponsor interview we chat with Rahul Kashyap, Bromium's Chief Security Architect. Bromium has taken a look at endpoint exploitation trends and it might surprise you to know that in 2014 there have been more public exploits for IE than for Java!

Show notes

Gamma FinFisher hacked: 40 GB of internal documents and source code of government malware published | netzpolitik.org

Phineas Fisher (GammaGroupPR) on Twitter

Leaked Files: German Spy Company Helped Bahrain Hack Arab Spring Protesters - The Intercept

Russian Hackers Amass Over a Billion Internet Passwords - NYTimes.com

Files containing 360 million credentials, 1.25 billion email addresses, located on Deep Web - SC Magazine

Q&A on the Reported Theft of 1.2B Email Accounts - Krebs on Security

CIA Insider: U.S. Should Buy All Security Exploits, Then Disclose Them | Threat Level | WIRED

Security expert calls home routers a clear and present danger | Ars Technica

Visit the Wrong Website, and the FBI Could End Up in Your Computer | Threat Level | WIRED

Feds' Silk Road Investigation Broke Privacy Laws, Defendant Tells Court | Threat Level | WIRED

Snowden's Russia asylum extended three more years - CNET

Schneier on Security: The US Intelligence Community has a Third Leaker

Terrorists embracing new Android crypto in wake of Snowden revelations | Ars Technica

Hacker Redirects Traffic From 19 Internet Providers to Steal Bitcoins | Threat Level | WIRED

How Hackable Is Your Car? Consult This Handy Chart | Autopia | WIRED

Watch This Wireless Hack Pop a Car's Locks in Minutes | Threat Level | WIRED

Can a plane be hacked via in-flight Wi-Fi? Researcher says it's so - CNET

Yes, Hackers Could Build an iPhone Botnet-Thanks to Windows | Threat Level | WIRED

New Site Recovers Files Locked by Cryptolocker Ransomware - Krebs on Security

In major shift, Google boosts search rankings of HTTPS-protected sites | Ars Technica

Thousands of Mozilla developers' e-mail addresses, password hashes exposed | Ars Technica

Oracle Database Redaction 'Trivial to Bypass' | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Critical code execution bug in Samba gives attackers superuser powers | Ars Technica

Microsoft security sandbox for IE: Still broken after all these years | Ars Technica

Help Australia's PM and attorney-general to define metadata \u2022 The Register

Conservative Party Web Security

Yahoo to begin offering PGP encryption support in Yahoo Mail service | Ars Technica


Dilo by HopeStreet Recordings on SoundCloud - Hear the world's sounds

Risky Business #333 -- Yahoo CISO Alex Stamos joins the show
0:00 / 78:10

Risky Business #332 -- Evading IDS with Multipath TCP

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

In this week's feature interview we're chat with Catherine Pearce of Neohapsis about some research she'll be presenting at BlackHat next week with her colleague Patrick Thomas. They're doing a talk all about Multipath TCP, and yes, it's exactly what it sounds like and yes, it's great for doing stuff like IDS evasion and confusing firewalls.

In this week's sponsor interview we speak with Senetas CTO Julian Fay about the so-called BADA55 paper. Senetas is about to ship elliptic curve algos with its gear -- is it reconsidering now we know that elliptic curves can be subverted? No way! Tune in to find out why.

Show notes

WikiLeaks publishes court suppression order over what Julian Assange calls 'unprecedented' case of censorship | News.com.au

Tor security advisory: "relay early" traffic confirmation attack | The Tor Blog

Tor hidden services attacks deanonymize users | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Russia publicly joins war on Tor privacy with $111,000 bounty | Ars Technica

Why the Security of USB Is Fundamentally Broken | Threat Level | WIRED

Dark Reading Radio: Data Loss Prevention (DLP) Fail

Your iPhone Can Finally Make Free, Encrypted Calls | Threat Level | WIRED


Instasheep: Coder builds tool to hijack Instagram accounts over Wi-Fi | Ars Technica

seL4 Secure Microkernel Made Open Source | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Hackers Plundered Israeli Defense Firms that Built 'Iron Dome' Missile Defense System - Krebs on Security

CIA admits to spying on Senate committee - CNET

China rebuffs Canada for 'irresponsible' hacking claims - CNET

Service Drains Competitors' Online Ad Budget - Krebs on Security

The App I Used to Break Into My Neighbor's Home | Threat Level | WIRED

Microsoft Releases EMET 5.0 Exploit Mitigation Tool | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Crouching Yeti APT Campaign Stretches Back Four Years | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

New Backoff PoS Malware Identified in Several Attacks | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Neohapsis Labs | Multipath TCP - BlackHat Briefings Teaser

We Never Change | Every Day Carry

Risky Business #332 -- Evading IDS with Multipath TCP
0:00 / 53:12

Risky Business #331 -- The Tails bug that wasn't, the Tor talk that isn't

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

Earlier this week Twitter was abuzz with talk of a serious bug in the Tails live OS, a bootable on-a-DVD or USB device OS used by pro-democracy activists. And by pro democracy activists I mean, you know, potheads buying a few ounces on Silk Road, but whatever...

Well according to the Twitters there was a Tails bug that was going to be a big deal... right? Riiight? Well, maybe not.

The Grugq joins the show to discuss that, and the pulling of a scheduled BlackHat talk on Tor.

This week's show is brought to you by Microsoft. Alas my interview with the scheduled MS spokesperson fell through so there's no sponsor interview this week. I'd ask you to check out Microsoft Interflow anyway though, particularly if you're in IR.

Adam drops in for the week's news segment, you can find links to everything discussed here.

Risky Business #331 -- The Tails bug that wasn't, the Tor talk that isn't
0:00 / 50:36

Risky Business #330 -- Setting the infosec agenda

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

On this week's show we're chatting with infosec journalist turned PR strategist Elinor Mills. For eight years Elinor wrote about security for CNet News.com, before joining Bateman group as a content and media strategist in 2012.

We're chatting with Elinor about how the infosec media agenda is set. Do massive advertising, marketing and PR budgets give disproportionate media influence to companies that don't deserve it? Drum roll please... yup. Yes. Yes they do. But we'll chat to Elinor about that after the news.

In this week's sponsor interview we're chatting with Holly Stewart, Microsoft's senior program manager in its malware protection centre. We're talking about coordinated malware eradication.

Microsoft has launched a new program designed to attack the malware ecosystem at all levels. That means working with the ad distribution networks, online payment companies, ISPs... choke off the distribution, choke off the cash. It's a much more comprehensive approach than we've seen before and Holly will tell us how you might get involved.

Show notes

GCHQ's "Chinese menu" of tools spreads disinformation across Internet | Ars Technica

JTRIG Tools and Techniques

Journalists will face jail over spy leaks under new security laws | World news | theguardian.com

NSA spies just LOVE swapping your sexts, says Snowden: 'It's a fringe benefit' \u2022 The Register

Outside Panel Finds Over-Reliance on NSA Advice Led to Dual EC Problems | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Swedish Court to Julian Assange: You're Not Going Anywhere | Threat Level | WIRED

Supposed 'leader' of LulzSec pleads guilty to hacking, hubris \u2022 The Register

Meet 'Project Zero,' Google's Secret Team of Bug-Hunting Hackers | Threat Level | WIRED

Yahoo Full Application Source Code Disclosure Vulnerability | Security Down!

Chinese hackers take command of Tesla Model S - CNET

Malware hidden in Chinese inventory scanners targeted logistics, shipping firms | PCWorld

China calls Apple's iPhone a national security threat - CNET

Chinese businessman charged with hacking Boeing, Lockheed Martin | Ars Technica

FBI: We found US MILITARY AIRCRAFT INTEL during raid on alleged Chinese hacker \u2022 The Register

How elite hackers (almost) stole the NASDAQ | Ars Technica

Bitcoin pool GHash.io commits to 40% hashrate limit after its 51% breach | Ars Technica

"Severe" password manager attacks steal digital keys and data en masse | Ars Technica

Mathematics makes strong case that "snoopy2" can be just fine as a password | Ars Technica

DDoS attacks intensified in first half of 2014 - CNET

Beware Keyloggers at Hotel Business Centers - Krebs on Security

Here's How Easy It Could Be for Hackers to Control Your Hotel Room | Threat Level | WIRED

SSL Black List Aims to Publicize Certificates Associated With Malware | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

CNET attacked by Russian hacker group - CNET

Microsoft: No-IP takedown cleansed 4.7m PCs - Security - News - iTnews.com.au

Exploit emerges for LZO algo hole \u2022 The Register

LibreSSL PRNG Vulnerability Patched | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Cisco Patches Wireless Residential Gateway Vulnerabilities | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Apple blocks older, risky Flash plug-ins, forcing you to upgrade - CNET

Five Vulnerabilities Fixed in Apache Web Server | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Active Directory flaw allows credentials theft - Security - News - iTnews.com.au

Chrome for Android Update Patches URL Spoofing Bug | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Rickroll Innocent Televisions With This Google Chromecast Hack | Threat Level | WIRED

Win/lose Whirlywirld original.m4v - YouTube

Risky Business #330 -- Setting the infosec agenda
0:00 / 58:27

Risky Business #329 -- BitCoins ARE money, Snowden seeks Russia stay

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

There is no feature interview in this week's show. If you tuned in last week you would have heard HD Moore and I talking about a project called Invisible.im. Well, we launched a FAQ and the Internet liked it... the Internet *really* liked it... so I've spent much of the week working on invisible.im. There's some really cool stuff happening there that I can't really talk about yet, but I can say the project has picked up a lot of interest.

There's some very cool stuff happening and I'll be able to talk more about it soon.

So, in this week's show we're going to have a chat about the week's infosec news with Adam Boileau, then we'll have a really interesting talk with Chris Gatford, head honcho with this week's sponsor Hacklabs. We're chatting with Chris all about the case of the public transport Victoria website receiving a "free pentest" from a 16-year-old kid. He reported a bug, didn't hear anything back after a couple of days, then went to the press. The whole thing blew up and he wound up in a bunch of hot water with the police.

Anyway, the whole episode came to a conclusion this week. The kid had to sign a statement acknowledging that he'd committed a crime, but beyond that there was no further sanction.

"Unsolicited pentests" are a murky, murky area. Chris joins us to chat about this case and how we might move towards some sort of consensus on how things should actually happen in these situations.

Show notes

Judge Shoots Down 'Bitcoin Isn't Money' Argument in Silk Road Case | Threat Level | WIRED

Snowden asks for extension on Russian asylum - CNET

US arrests Russian politician's son over hacking theft - Security - News - iTnews.com.au

In NSA-intercepted data, those not targeted far outnumber the foreigners who are - The Washington Post

Latest Snowden Leaks: FBI Targeted Muslim-American Lawyers | Threat Level | WIRED

Researcher: I Was Suspended For Finding Flaws In FireEye Security Kit

Google confronts more site certificate problems - CNET

Google blocks leaked Goldman Sachs email - Security - Software - News - iTnews.com.au

Microsoft Settles With No-IP Over Malware Takedown | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Chinese Hackers Pursue Key Data on U.S. Workers - NYTimes.com

China cyberspies hit US national security think tanks - CNET

Android factory reset doesn't delete all data - CNET

How Google Map Hackers Can Destroy a Business at Will | Business | WIRED

Aussies dodge US mobile device flight bans - Security - News - iTnews.com.au

Minister defends NZ's slow migration off XP - Security - Software - News - iTnews.com.au

Oracle ends Java support for Windows XP - Security - Software - News - iTnews.com.au

Brute-Forcing Botnet Sniffs Out Lax POS Systems | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

DHS Releases Hundreds of Documents on Wrong Project Aurora | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Android Exploited to Make, End Phone Calls; Send USSD Codes | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Yahoo Fixes Trio of Bugs in Mail, Messenger, Flickr | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

July 2014 Adobe Flash Player patch | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Microsoft July 2014 Patch Tuesday fixes 29 IE Vulnerabilities | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

The Ex-Google Hacker Taking on the World's Spy Agencies | Threat Level | WIRED

Just Another Security Blog: PTV; The police, and the aftermath.

Little band scene - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dogs in Space - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Risky Business #329 -- BitCoins ARE money, Snowden seeks Russia stay
0:00 / 50:47

Risky Business #328 -- HD Moore talks massive scanning and invisible.im

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

This week's show is brought to you by Rapid7, big, big thanks to them.

This week's sponsor interview is with Rapid7's Chief Research Officer HD Moore. But you know what? One interview with HD just isn't enough, is it? So he's also joining us in the feature segment to discuss a project I'm putting together called Invisible.im.

It's an instant messenger system that I designed... it feels very, very weird saying that because I suffer from acute imposter syndrome, but yeah, I designed an IM system for journalists and other privacy conscious people and HD actually made it work! He has created a prototype, and much to everyone's surprise it actually works... we're on to something, so he'll be along after the news to talk about

Then we're going to chat with HD some more in this week's sponsor interview. The research team at Rapid7's has been doing some really interesting work on massive internet scanning. That sort of thing has become pretty trendy in the last couple of years, but the Rapid7 team have really pushed this stuff towards the
cutting edge. They've also discovered some hilarious vulnerabilities out there in the process. Rapid7's Mark Schloesser will be at BlackHat to talk about their latest research, but HD joins the show today to preview it.

Adam Boileau, as always, joins us for a check of the week's news headlines.

Risky Business #328 -- HD Moore talks massive scanning and invisible.im
0:00 / 71:32

Risky Business #327 -- PayPal grounded by Flight Mode

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

On this week's show we're chatting with Zach Lanier of Duo Security about some work he did on bypassing PayPal's two-factor authentication. In short, PayPal's implementation had an absolute clanger of a logic bug in it that these guys were able to find. The secret sauce to the attack? Flight mode! No joke.

This week's show is sponsored by Tenable Network Security, thanks to them! In this week's sponsor interview we'll hear from Tenable's Marcus Ranum about whether or not law enforcement agencies actually have their priorities straight when it comes to computer crime. Are they going after targets that most harm society? Or are they just hitting soft targets?

Adam Boileau, as always, joins us to discuss the week's news headlines. Show notes are here.

Risky Business #327 -- PayPal grounded by Flight Mode
0:00 / 58:48