
News, analysis and commentary

Risky Business #16 -- IPS, Apple bugs and the Estonia DDoS - UPDATED!

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

IPS, Apple bugs and the Estonia DDoS. Risky Business number 16 is now available for download. On this week's show:

  • Munir Kotadia from ZDNet Australia joins us with the news
  • Karl Hanmore from AusCERT updates us on this week's threats and has some good news
  • Juniper Networks security research manager Steve Manzuik talks about the limitations of IPS, then discusses the remote root vulnerability his team found in Apple's OS X operating system
  • Cybertrust's Paul Nevin joins us to chat about the massive DDoS that crippled Estonia


UPDATE: Well some silly chicken at ITRadio.com.au HQ "clucked up" yesterday. We forgot to include our semi-regular AusCERT slot with Karl Hanmore! He had some interesting things to say this week about AV vulnerabilities and a new tool published by Microsoft that allows computer users to run binary to XML conversions on Office files. If you're a keen listener, you can hear the segment by itself here.

Risky Business #16 -- IPS, Apple bugs and the Estonia DDoS - UPDATED!
0:00 / 27:08

Risky Business #15 -- Database forensics

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

Database forensics, Second Life fraud, the week's news and more. Your weekly security podcast is available for download, thanks to our sponsor Cybertrust and hosting partner Vigabyte.

On this week's podcast:

  • Munir Kotadia from ZDNet Australia joins us with the week's security news
  • AusCERT's Mark McPherson on crime in virtual worlds
  • NGS Sostware's David Litchfield talks database forensics
  • Cybertrust Australia's Mark Goudie joins us from the company's Melbourne office
Risky Business #15 -- Database forensics
0:00 / 29:18

Risky Business #14 -- AusCERT special

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

AusCERT special. Microsoft's product security manager, One Laptop Per Child security concerns, the Cybertrust acquisition and more. Risky Business #14 is available for download, thanks to our sponsor Cybertrust and hosting partner Vigabyte.\xc2\xa0

This week's show was produced on the ground at the annual AusCERT computer security conference. On today's show:

  • Munir Kotadia joins us in the flesh to talk about the AusCERT conference
  • Ivan Krstic, the One Laptop Per Child project's security architect talks desktop security
  • Microsoft's General Manager of Product Security, George Stathakopoulos, gives us the lowdown on what's happening at Redmond HQ
  • Cybertrust's Paul O'Rourke and Verizon Business' Darren Day discuss the latter's acquisition of the former. What does it mean for Cybertrust's 180 Australian staff?
Risky Business #14 -- AusCERT special
0:00 / 27:31

Risky Business #13 -- Web application research and consumer liability for online fraud

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

The ethics of Web application security research, and liability concerns for consumers who bank online. Welcome to Risky Business #13, thanks to our sponsor Cybertrust and hosting partner Vigabyte.

On this week's podcast:

  • Munir Kotadia from ZDNet Australia discusses this week's security news
  • White Hat Security's Jeremiah Grossman joins us to chat about the ethics of hacking away at Web applications without the permission of the site operator
  • Cybertrust's David Shaw joins us on the line to discuss moves by some Australian financial institutions toward placing the liability for online fraud squarely on consumers
  • Patrick Gray plays 35 second of audio which proves telecommunications providers do business in the Twilight Zone
Risky Business #13 -- Web application research and consumer liability for online fraud
0:00 / 24:25

Risky Business #12 -- Hacker extraditions and the national ID card

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

Hacker extraditions and the national ID card. The weekly Risky Business IT security podcast is available for download thanks to our sponsor Cybertrust and hosting partner Vigabyte. Don't forget to use the links to the left of this post to subscribe!

On this week's show:

  • Patrick Gray and ZDNet Australia's Munir Kotadia chew through this week's news
  • Robert Lowe (not the actor) from AusCERT gives us the low-down on this week's bugs and malware
  • Erhan Karabardak of Melbourne-based law firm Cooper Mills discusses the extradition of Australian software pirate Hew Griffiths
  • US-based security heavyweight Richard Forno gets stuck into national ID cards
  • Cybertrust's David Shaw gives listeners the skinny on cyber-attacks on hotel guests
Risky Business #12 -- Hacker extraditions and the national ID card
0:00 / 39:34

Risky Business #11 -- IPv6 bugs

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

IPv6 and bad standards. The weekly Risky Business IT security podcast is available for download thanks to our sponsor Cybertrust and hosting partner Vigabyte. Don't forget to use the links to the left of this post to subscribe!

On this week's show:

  • Patrick Gray and ZDNet Australia's Munir Kotadia chew through this week's news
  • IPv6 is insecure... could it be the standard's fault? Adam Pointon of Assurance.com.au pops in to share his thoughts
  • AusCERT's Karl Hanmore warns of more hard-coded password issues, this time in some VPN kit.
Risky Business #11 -- IPv6 bugs
0:00 / 27:15

Risky Business #10 -- Voice biometrics

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

Voice biometric systems are this week's feature. The weekly Risky Business IT security podcast is available for download thanks to our sponsor Cybertrust and hosting partner Vigabyte. Don't forget to use the links to the left of this post to subscribe!

On this week's show:

  • Apple patches some VERY nasty OS X bugs - Munir Kotadia from ZDNet Australia joins us to discuss
  • Karl Hanmore relaxes over those Microsoft DNS bugs
  • Australian Health Management's Operations manager, Melinda Charlesworth, talks voice biometrics
  • 'My PABX got pwned'. David Shaw from Cybertrust talks comms security
Risky Business #10 -- Voice biometrics
0:00 / 30:40

Risky Business #9 -- VoIP security and the vulnerability drinking game

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

VoIP security is this week's topic on Risky Business, your weekly security briefing sponsored by Cybertrust and hosted by Vigabyte.

On this week's show:

  • Patrick and ZDNet Australia's Munir Kotadia invent the vulnerability drinking game
  • AusCERT's Karl Hanmore has a virus of his own, but still gets to a phone to clue us in on the week's developments
  • Sense of Security's Jason Edelstein and Cisco's Colin Bradley talk VoIP security
  • DNS problems in Windows no big deal? Depends on whether you're a stickler for best practice or not, Cybertrust's Brian Denehy (not the actor) explains
Risky Business #9 -- VoIP security and the vulnerability drinking game
0:00 / 36:39

Risky Business #8 -- Richard A. Clarke interview

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

Former White House security advisor Richard A. Clarke chats about technology and national security. He was a special advisor to Bill Clinton on counter terrorism, then he worked for George W. Bush.

Clarke became a controversial figure when he published a scathing account of his time working for President Bush, Against All Enemies, in 2004.

In that book he accused Bush of ordering him to link the 9/11 attacks in the US to Iraq, and says his warnings about Al Qaeda's intention to attack the United States went unheeded.

Between 2001 and 2003, he was also George W. Bush's cyber security tsar. If you want a run down on national security aspects of technology, Clarke is extremely well qualified.

His most recent book, Breakpoint, is a fictional thriller which explores the impact current and emerging technologies are having on national security. This special Easter edition of Risky Business is now available for download now thanks to our sponsor Cybertrust and our hosting partner Vigabyte. Our regular guests aren't along this week -- they were all on a break on Monday, which is when we record the show.

Risky Business #8 -- Richard A. Clarke interview
0:00 / 20:03

Risky Business #7

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

Annoying Apple ads, the ANI bug, AISA and more. Risky Business is now available for download thanks to Cybertrust and our hosting partner Vigabyte. On this week's show:

  • Why one Apple devotee is annoyed over the company's security themed advertisements
  • The Australian Information Security Association tells us how we can save $400 on an AusCERT conference registration fee
  • Cybertrust talks about the ANI animated cursor bug... nasty!
  • ZDNet Australia's Munir Kotadia talks news
Risky Business #7
0:00 / 27:53