
News, analysis and commentary

Risky Business #348 -- Did DPRK pwn Sony? PLUS Dan Guido on DARPA's Cyber Grand Challenge

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

On this week's show Adam and I establish that it's actually quite possible the disaster unfolding at Sony Pictures is, in fact, a North Korean government plot. I know, I know, there are sceptics, but any way you slice or dice it, it actually looks plausible. Tune in to find out why.

In this week's feature interview we chat with Dan Guido, CEO of Trail of Bits, about his company's approach to DARPA's Cyber Grand Challenge. It's an initiative that will see automated attack and defence rigs do battle at DEF CON in Las Vegas in 2016. It's a fascinating idea that involves a lot of cutting edge research. Don't miss that interview.

In this week's sponsor interview Matt Alderman of Tenable joins us to talk about what tech is going to be hot in 2015. Will a clear definition of threat intelligence (besides herpa derp) emerge in 2015? What about the skills shortage? Will that put even more impetus behind the push to security automation?

Show notes

Sony Got Hacked Hard: What We Know and Don't Know So Far | WIRED

Sony Pictures hack gets uglier; North Korea won't deny responsibility [Updated] | Ars Technica

Inside the "wiper" malware that brought Sony Pictures to its knees [Update] | Ars Technica

Sony Pictures malware tied to Seoul, "Shamoon" cyber-attacks | Ars Technica

Sony Breach May Have Exposed Employee Healthcare, Salary Data - Krebs on Security

An alleged 27GB Sony Pictures data dump. 65 PlayStation web servers. One baffling mystery \u2022 The Register

Iranian CLEAVER hacks through airport security, Cisco boxen \u2022 The Register

Critical networks in US, 15 other nations, completely owned, possibly by Iran | Ars Technica

An Interview With Darkside, Russia's Favorite Dark Web Drug Lord | WIRED

GCHQ boffins quantum-busted its OWN crypto primitive \u2022 The Register

Sites certified as secure often more vulnerable to hacking, scientists find | Ars Technica

Google kills CAPTCHAs: Are we human or are we spammer? \u2022 The Register

Hawking: RISE of the MACHINES could DESTROY HUMANITY \u2022 The Register

Australian Government funds effort to secure wearable data pulses \u2022 The Register

December 2014 Microsoft Patch Tuesday Advance Notification | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Apple Pulls Back Safari Patches | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Cyber Grand Challenge - Mike Walker on Vimeo

DARPA | Cyber Grand Challenge

National Tour - Augie March

Risky Business #348 -- Did DPRK pwn Sony? PLUS Dan Guido on DARPA's Cyber Grand Challenge
0:00 / 61:27

Risky Business #347 -- So what does Detekt... detect?

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

There's lots of fun news in this week's show. Sony Pictures got absolutely flattened, Regin is all the rage and the SEA has been enjoying some success.

In this week's feature interview we're chatting with Claudio Guarnieri about his tool Detekt. It copped an absolute tonne of criticism on Twitter over the last week or so, but as you'll hear, most of the critics were kind of missing the point about what Claudio was trying to achieve. I know, I know, the idea that someone on Twitter might have been wrong is crazy, but just listen to the interview and see what you think. Claudio joins us via Skype from Berlin for a chat about Detekt!

This week's show is brought to you by Websense, big thanks to them. Websense principal security researcher Carl Leonard will join us from London to do something very, very brave. He's going to make some predictions for what we could see in the malware space in 2015. Brave is the soul who makes predictions in this discipline. That's this week's sponsor interview, with thanks again to Websense!

Show notes

Sony Pictures hackers release list of stolen corporate files | Ars Technica

'Hacked by #GOP': staff at Sony Pictures resort to paper and pen after hack shuts computer system

I used to work for Sony Pictures. My friend still works there and sent me this. It's on every computer all over Sony Pictures nationwide. : hacking

Syrian Electronic Army claims hack of news sites, including CBC - Technology & Science - CBC News

Researchers Uncover Government Spy Tool Used to Hack Telecoms and Belgian Cryptographer | WIRED

Regin Cyberespionage Malware Platform Targets GSM Networks | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Oops: After Threatening Hacker With 440 Years, Prosecutors Settle for a Misdemeanor | WIRED

Freya Newman escapes conviction for leaking Frances Abbott scholarship details

Laughing Hacker Who Hit Sony, FBI Now Seeks Legal Lols - Businessweek

Icelandic hacker says guilty of stealing money from Wikileaks | Reuters

Apple, Google encryption 'not helping' criminal investigation: AFP | ZDNet

ATO bitcoin treatment could see business move offshore | ZDNet

Home Depot Breach Cost Company $43 Million in Third Quarter | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Home Depot hit with "at least 44 civil lawsuits" due to data breach | Ars Technica

Craigslist Back Online Following DNS Hijack | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

New Google Security Dashboard Manages Device Activity | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Using a password manager on Android? It may be wide open to sniffing attacks | Ars Technica

Skimmer Innovation: 'Wiretapping' ATMs - Krebs on Security

Siemens issues emergency SCADA patch \u2022 The Register

Siemens Patches WinCC Vulnerabilities Likely Being Exploited | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Four-year-old comment security bug affects 86 percent of WordPress sites | Ars Technica

Adobe Releases Emergency Flash Player Patch | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Adobe Reader sandbox popped says Google researcher \u2022 The Register

Privacy bods Detekt FinFisher dressed as bookmark manager \u2022 The Register

Resist Surveillance

Augie March - A Dog Starved (official video) - YouTube

Risky Business #347 -- So what does Detekt... detect?
0:00 / 69:22

Risky Business #346 -- Haters gonna hate, Americans gonna 'muric

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

On this week's show we're chatting with Peter Fillmore about payment card security. He was able to clone a contactless card and use it to do his shopping here in Australia -- this is something you shouldn't be able to do. So the question becomes, how can the USA, which is taking tentative steps towards chip cards, avoid some of the mistakes made in more advanced markets like ours?

We also find out chip-enabled ATMs pass card data through the chip reader straight into a parser running on the main ATM OS... which, yeah... That's pretty bad.

This week's show is brought to you by Senetas, makers of fine, fine encryption technology. They make layer 2 encryption gear... Senetas CTO Julian Fay, says the Snowden leaks are continuing to have a massive impact on the business landscape out there. These guys are shipping equipment to encrypt hundreds and hundreds of gigabits of data flowing between data centres that are increasingly located in Europe. So all that talk about companies moving their equipment out of the USA? Well, it IS happening.

He's got some fascinating insights for us.

Show notes

Critical NSA Reform Bill Fails in the Senate | WIRED

Beefed up iPhone crypto will lead to a child dying, DOJ warned Apple execs | Ars Technica

U.S. Gov Insists It Doesn't Stockpile Zero-Day Exploits to Hack Enemies | WIRED

EFF, Others Plan to Make Encrypting the Web Easier in 2015 | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Whatsapp Just Switched on End-to-End Encryption for Hundreds of Millions of Users | WIRED

IAB Urges Designers to Make Encryption the Default | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Paper: NetFlow Data De-Anonymizes Tor Users | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

For a year, gang operating rogue Tor node infected Windows executables | Ars Technica

SMS pwnage on MEELLIONS of flawed SIM cards, popular 4G modems \u2022 The Register

Google Releases Open Source XSS Web App Scanner | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Open Source OpenSOC Security Analytics Framework Released | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Visa, MasterCard Remove Passwords from 3D Secure | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Swedish Court Rejects Julian Assange's Appeal to Dismiss His Arrest Warrant | WIRED

How the Dark Web's New Favorite Drug Market Is Profiting From Silk Road 2's Demise | WIRED

AT&T Stops Using Invasive 'Perma-Cookies,' But It May Turn Them Back On | WIRED

UK.gov teams up with moneymen on HACK ATTACK INSURANCE \u2022 The Register

Network Hijackers Exploit Technical Loophole - Krebs on Security

Attackers Using Compromised Web Plug-Ins in CryptoPHP Blackhat SEO Campaign | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

A neverending story: PC users lose another $120M to tech support scams | Ars Technica

State Department shuts down email system after suspected hacker attack | US news | theguardian.com

Malware's new target: your password manager's password | Ars Technica

Apple iOS 8.1.1 Fixes Several Code-Execution Flaws | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Nasty Security Bug Fixed in Android Lollipop 5.0 | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Windows Phone security sandbox survives Pwn2Own unscathed | Ars Technica

Microsoft Releases Emergency Security Update - Krebs on Security

WinShock PoC clocked: But DON'T PANIC... It's no Heartbleed \u2022 The Register

Drupal Denial of Service Session Hijacking Patch | Threatpost | The first stop for security news


Payment Security Consulting

the loved ones - ever lovin' man - YouTube

Risky Business #346 -- Haters gonna hate, Americans gonna 'muric
0:00 / 72:21

Risky Business #345 -- Advanced sock puppetry and news website manipulation

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

On this week's show we're taking a look at how you -- YES YOU -- can game online media. Find out how you can make comments on major news sites just disappear with one line of bash! Find out how you can drive a cupcake recipe into the "most popular" stories box on the world's major news sites!

That's a chat with Azhar Desai of Thinkst and it's this week's feature.

This week's show is brought to you be Tenable Network Security, thanks to them. And in this week's sponsor interview we're speaking with Tenable strategist Jack Daniel about his latest project Shoulders of Infosec. It's essentially a history project that seeks to record the achievements of infosec discipline pioneers.

Adam Boileau, as always, joins the show to talk about the week's infosec news.

Show notes

Silk Road, other Tor "darknet" sites may have been "decloaked" through DDoS [Updated] | Ars Technica

How Did The FBI Break Tor?

So Far Feds Have Only Confirmed Seizing 27 "Dark Market" Sites In Operation Onymous - Forbes

the grugq on Twitter: "http://t.co/mLVVT9NHzF"

129 Of the Seized ".Onion" Domains Were at a Single Bulgarian Hosting - Deep Dot Web

Law enforcement seized Tor nodes and may have run some of its own | Ars Technica

TORpedo'd dev dumps Doxbin files after police raids \u2022 The Register

Supporting Anonymous Use of Facebook in Tor - DigiCert Blog

New Mozilla Privacy Initiative to Include High-Capacity Tor Relays | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Did the government hack a CBS journalist? Maybe. [Updated] | Ars Technica

Sharyl Attkisson Changes Hacking Story Again: Now She Doesn't Know Who Did It | Blog | Media Matters for America

Australian Federal Police methods under question after 'LulzSec hacker' claims he was wrongly accused - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Hacker Emails Testing Service BrowserStack's Customers, Says Company Lied About Security | TechCrunch


Masque Attack: All Your iOS Apps Belong to Us | FireEye Blog

DarkHotel: A Sophisticated New Hacking Attack Targets High-Profile Hotel Guests | WIRED

FBI defends "ruse" of undercover agents posing as hotel cable guys | Ars Technica

Only Half of USB Devices Have an Unpatchable Flaw, But No One Knows Which Half | WIRED

Chinese hack U.S. weather systems, satellite network - The Washington Post

All US Postal Service employees' personal data exposed by hackers | Ars Technica

Countdown to Zero Day: Stuxnet and the Launch of the World's First Digital Weapon: Kim Zetter: 9780770436179: Amazon.com: Books

Lonely Planet 2001 Out to Eat San Francisco (Out to Eat Series): Kim Zetter, Andrew Dean Nystrom: 9781864500844: Amazon.com: Books

Stuxnet worm infected high-profile targets before hitting Iran nukes | Ars Technica

iPhone, Galaxy S5, Nexus 5, and Fire Phone fall like dominoes at Pwn2Own | Ars Technica

Don't blame Obama, but DDoS attacks are now using his press releases | Ars Technica

WTF, Russia's domestic Internet traffic mysteriously passes through Chinese routers | Ars Technica

Emoticons blast three security holes in Pidgin :-( \u2022 The Register

Potentially catastrophic bug bites all versions of Windows. Patch now | Ars Technica

Adobe, Microsoft Issue Critical Security Fixes - Krebs on Security


LABJACD | Unearthed

shouldersofinfosec [licensed for non-commercial use only] / The Shoulders of InfoSec Project

Risky Business #345 -- Advanced sock puppetry and news website manipulation
0:00 / 60:12

Risky Business #344 -- Super Mario Cisco adventures

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

On this week's show we're chatting with Alec Stuart Muirk about some of his research into Cisco appliance security. That interview is not so much a blow by blow of the bugs he found, which were pretty devastating by the way, but more about how accessibility is a major hurdle when researching various bits of kit.

As you'll hear, many security vendors are starting to release their kit as VMs, which means researchers will be more likely to poke at them. Does that mean more boneheaded bugs like the stuff he found? Well, probably.

This week's show is brought to you by Bromium. In this week's sponsor interview we're chatting with Bromium's chief security architect Rahul Kashyap about some of his reflections on 2014. Well, two in particular. He says the decision of retailers to skip POS refresh programs during the US recession that began in 2008 is preeeetty much how the retail sector in the USA wound up in so much strife now. And he also shares some interesting thoughts on how standardised indicators of compromise may be turned against attack victims in 2015.

Show notes

Feds Arrest Alleged 'Silk Road 2\u2032 Admin, Seize Servers - Krebs on Security

Blake Benthall Criminal Complaint

Not Just Silk Road 2: Feds Seize Two Other Drug Markets and Counting | WIRED

US Attorney's office: Whoops, Silk Road 2.0 hired a fed [Updated] | Ars Technica

Why Facebook Just Launched Its Own 'Dark Web' Site | WIRED

Active "WireLurker" iPhone infection ushers in new era for iOS users | Ars Technica

WireLurker Mac OS X Malware Shut Down | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Secret Manuals Show the Spyware Sold to Despots and Cops Worldwide - The Intercept

Hacking Team Responds in Defense of Its Spyware - The Intercept

How to leak sensitive data from an isolated computer (air-gap) to a near by mobile phone - AirHopper | Cyber Security Labs @ Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

Crypto attack that hijacked Windows Update goes mainstream in Amazon Cloud | Ars Technica

Nat McHugh: How I created two images with the same MD5 hash

Flaw in New 'Secure' Credit Cards Would Let Hackers Steal $1M Per Card | WIRED

Who wants to be A MILLIONAIRE? Not so fast, Visa tells wannabe pay-by-bonk thieves \u2022 The Register

Pirate Bay Founder Convicted on Hacking Charges, Sentenced to 3.5 Years | WIRED

Thai police question The Pirate Bay founder | Stuff.co.nz

Cell carrier was weakest link in hack of Google, Instagram accounts | Ars Technica

Ericsson boss sticks a pin in Google's loony Loon bubble \u2022 The Register

Microsoft releases free anti-malware for Azure VMs \u2022 The Register

EFF: VPNs will crumble Verizon's creepy supercookie stalkers \u2022 The Register

Feds investigate Homeland Security background checker security breach \u2022 The Register

Russia to ban iCloud.. to PROTECT iPhone fiddlers' pics 'n' sh*t \u2022 The Register

Critics chafe as Macs send sensitive docs to iCloud without warning | Ars Technica

Thieves Cash Out Rewards, Points Accounts - Krebs on Security

Does your phone company track you? | Ars Technica

Google releases "nogotofail" to detect HTTPS bugs before they bite users | Ars Technica

Yosemite infested by nasty 'Rootpipe' vuln \u2022 The Register

Fatback Band - Tour

https://ruxcon.org.au/assets/2014/slides/Breaking Bricks Ruxcon 2014.pdf

Risky Business #344 -- Super Mario Cisco adventures
0:00 / 58:08

Risky Business #343 -- Special news guest HD Moore

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

This week's show is brought to you by the fine folks at BugCrowd, big thanks to them. BugCrowd CEO Casey Ellis will be along in this week's sponsor interview to talk about what's shakin' in the bounty world. And you know what? There are some interesting engagement models emerging out of the whole paid bounty scene, he's going to talk about that. We also find out that, according to Casey, bug bounty programs will get you a PCI compliance tick from an auditor, which isn't something I knew!

Show notes

Verizon's 'Perma-Cookie' Is a Privacy-Killing Machine | WIRED

Facebook, Google, and the Rise of Open Source Security Software | WIRED

GCHQ views data without a warrant, government admits | UK news | The Guardian

Feds identify suspected 'second leaker' for Snowden reporters - Yahoo News

NY Senator Calls for Renewed Crackdown on Dark Web Drug Sales | WIRED

Now Everyone Wants to Sell You a Magical Anonymity Router. Choose Wisely | WIRED

White House unclassified network hacked, apparently by Russians | Ars Technica

Research links massive cyber spying ring to Russia | Ars Technica

Researchers identify sophisticated Chinese cyberespionage group - The Washington Post

Moscow, Beijing poised to sign deal on joint cyber security ops \u2022 The Register

'Replay' Attacks Spoof Chip Card Charges - Krebs on Security

Hackers Are Using Gmail Drafts to Update Their Malware and Steal Data | WIRED

FBI created fake Seattle Times Web page to nab bomb-threat suspect | Local News | The Seattle Times

Intel bods to detail RSA birko crypto man-in-the-middle diddle \u2022 The Register

Shellshock over SMTP attacks mean you can now ignore your email \u2022 The Register

MacOS X 10.10 & FreeBSD10 ftp Remote Comand Execution - CXSecurity.com

Spiderbait - Run - YouTube

Risky Business #343 -- Special news guest HD Moore
0:00 / 45:10

Risky Business #342 -- The NSA Playset, cloud woes and more!

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

Despite some technical challenges we have a great show for you all this week. We'll be chatting with Mike Ryan of iSec Partners and his pal, independent hardware hacker Joe Fitzpatrick, all about the NSA Playset! It's a hobbyist project that aims to recreate all the awesome tools in the leaked NSA ANT catalogue. Such fun!

We'll also be hearing a tale of cloud woe from the trenches of enterprise IT. A friend of the show had his entire global email infrastructure pulled offline by Symantec with what he says was inadequate warning. And he might just have a point there. Have a listen to the interview and make your own mind up.

This week's show is brought to you by the fine folks at Websense! Websense does Web, email and data security, and this week's sponsoe guest is Neil Thacker, head of information security and strategy for Europe, middle east and africa at Websense. And he's going to tell us that DLP is back baby... it's finding new life for a few reasons... the most interesting of which, I reckon, is as a confirmation tool for detecting when a positive is most definitely not false!

Show notes

Palo Alto Networks boxes spray firewall creds across the net \u2022 The Register

Is your home or office internet gateway one of '1.2 MILLION' wide open to hijacking? \u2022 The Register

Chipmaker FTDI bricking counterfeit kit \u2022 The Register

Kickstarter Freezes Anonabox Privacy Router Project for Misleading Funders | WIRED

In wake of Anonabox, more crowdsourced Tor router projects make their pitch | Ars Technica

The Case of the Modified Binaries | Leviathan Security Group

Google Accounts Now Support Security Keys - Krebs on Security

How to Stop Apple From Snooping on Your OS X Yosemite Searches | WIRED

Apple dumps SSL 3.0 for push notifications due to Poodle flaw - CNET

Whisper CTO says tracking "anonymous" users not a big deal, really | Ars Technica

Guns don't scare people, hackers do: Americans fear identity theft more than shooting sprees \u2022 The Register

Obama Executive Order Forces Chip & Pin, EMV on Government | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Xen says its security policies might be buggier than its software \u2022 The Register

NIST Publishes Draft Hypervisor Security Guide | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Chinese APT groups targeting Australian lawyers \u2022 The Register

Chinese government launches man-in-middle attack against iCloud [Updated] | Ars Technica

Quick PHP patch beats slow research reveal \u2022 The Register

DEATH by PowerPoint: Microsoft warns of 0-day attack hidden in slides \u2022 The Register

Cisco Patches Three-Year-Old Telnet Remote Code Execution Bug in Security Appliances | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Risky Business #342 -- The NSA Playset, cloud woes and more!
0:00 / 62:30

Risky Business #341 -- Beware of the poodle

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

In this week's show we're chatting with Matt Solnik of Accuvant Labs about his stellar presentation at Breakpoint last week. In this interview he describes how he can leverage crappy carrier management client software into full remote compromise attacks against most smartphones, including fully patched iOS8 and Android. It's savage stuff and if you work in telcoland you'd be nuts to miss it.

This week's show is brought to you by tenable network security. Tenable's very own Marcus Ranum will be along in this week's sponsor interview to chime in on desktop virtualisation trends, as well as cloud, remote desktop, the browser as a terminal and enterprise computing in general. The mainframe is dead. Long live the mainframe. It's a great chat.

Show notes

There Is a New Security Vulnerability Named POODLE, and It Is Not Cute | WIRED

Browser Vendors Move to Disable SSLv3 in Wake of POODLE Attack | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Bahraini Activists Hacked by Their Government Go After UK Spyware Maker | WIRED

NSA May Have Undercover Operatives in Foreign Companies | WIRED

Russian 'Sandworm' Hack Has Been Spying on Foreign Governments for Years | WIRED

With This Tiny Box, You Can Anonymize Everything You Do Online | WIRED

Judge Rejects Defense That FBI Illegally Hacked Silk Road-On a Technicality | WIRED

Snapchat Can't Stop the Parasite Apps That Screw Its Users | WIRED

Developer of hacked Snapchat web app says "Snappening" claims are hoax [Updated] | Ars Technica

Dropbox Denies Hack, Says 'Your Stuff is Safe' | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Malware Based Credit Card Breach at Kmart - Krebs on Security

Signed Malware = Expensive "Oops" for HP - Krebs on Security

Who's Watching Your WebEx? - Krebs on Security

Doubling up on Ads Code Bounties

Heistmeisters crack cost of safecrackers with $150 widget \u2022 The Register

Shellshock Exploits Spreading Mayhem Botnet Malware | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

October 2014 Oracle Java Security Patches | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Fixes for IE, Flash Player in October Patch Tuesday Release | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Firms Detail Zero Days Targeting Windows Kernel | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Drupal Fixes Highly Critical SQL Injection Flaw | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

SAP Patches Seven Vulnerabilities in Three Products | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

BlackBerry 10 Open to Bug That Allows Malicious App Installation | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Google Online Security Blog: This POODLE bites: exploiting the SSL 3.0 fallback

Speakers \xbb Breakpoint 2014
https://ruxconbreakpoint.com/speakers/#Mathew Solnik

Tower Of Power - Soul Vaccination - YouTube

Risky Business #341 -- Beware of the poodle
0:00 / 69:01

Risky Business #340 -- BPX droppin' iOS8 remote jailbreaks like it "ain't no thang"

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

This week's show was recorded on site at the Ruxcon Breakpoint conference in Melbourne. There have been a handful of absolute jaw-droppers among the presentations here, including a demo showcasing remote code exec against *most* mobile devices, including fully patched iOS8.

This week's show is brought to you by Context information security and we've got a great chat coming up with Mark Graham, Context's head of threat intelligence. He spends most of his days hip deep in data Context has gathered on APT groups, and he's seen some interesting trends. Bad guys are apparently using vendor analysis/blog posts to improve their "product", the Russians are getting in on the action and there's a renewed effort in keeping APT campaigns stealthy.

Show notes

Shellshock-like Vulnerability May Affect Windows | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

White hat claims Yahoo and WinZip hacked by "shellshock" exploiters | Ars Technica

Yahoo says attack wasn't Shellshock - CNET

That Unpatchable USB Malware Now Has a Patch ... Sort Of | WIRED

Twitter Sues the Government for Violating Its First Amendment Rights | WIRED

Feds 'Hacked' Silk Road Without a Warrant? Perfectly Legal, Prosecutors Argue | WIRED

Finding a Video Poker Bug Made These Guys Rich-Then Vegas Made Them Pay | WIRED

AT&T Hit By Insider Breach | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Huge Data Leak at Largest U.S. Bond Insurer - Krebs on Security

Arbor: DDoS Attacks Getting Bigger as Reflection Increases | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Create app-specific passwords for iCloud - CNET

Bugzilla Zero-Day Exposes Zero-Day Bugs - Krebs on Security

Tyupkin ATM Malware Discovered by Kaspersky Lab | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Reddit-powered botnet infected thousands of Macs worldwide | Ars Technica

FDA: Medical device cybersecurity necessary, but optional | Ars Technica

Adobe's e-book reader sends your reading logs back to Adobe-in plain text [Updated] | Ars Technica

October 2014, Melbourne

Alice Russell - Twin Peaks - YouTube

Risky Business #340 -- BPX droppin' iOS8 remote jailbreaks like it "ain't no thang"
0:00 / 60:14

Risky Business #339 -- Neel Mehta on Heartbleed, Shellshock

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

On this week's show we're chatting with Neel Mehta, a security researcher with Google. Neel is best known for finding the Heartbleed bug, and he joins us this week to talk about Heartbleed, ShellShock, the security of SSL stacks and where he expects vuln research to go in the future.

Funnily enough this is Neel's first interview about Heartbleed, so I guess we can call this a scoop!

This week's show is brought to you by Bromium, makers of fine, fine exploit mitigation software. Personally I'm a real fan of Bromium's stuff. They're relatively new, but if you have a Java problem in your enterprise, as in, you have to have Java in your enterprise, Bromium has a solution for you -- they make micro-vm software that mitigates memory corruption bugs and it's actually quite good.

Bromium's chief security architect Rahul Kashyap joins us this week to talk about some malvertising research he presented at the virus bulletin conference recently, and he also previews the results of Bromium's code audit. That's right, a security software company actually had their software audited! Bowl me over. The audit report will be available next week, but we get the inside scoop on that before it's out.

Show notes

JPMorgan hack exposed data of 83 million, among biggest breaches in history

Xen Bug Could cause Crashes, Expose Cloud Data | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Musings on the recent Xen Security Advisories | Bromium Labs

Apple patches "Shellshock" Bash bug in OS X 10.9, 10.8, and 10.7 | Ars Technica

OpenVPN vulnerable to Shellshock Bash vulnerability | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Fiora\u202e\u2604anreteA on Twitter: "RT "cmd.exe #shellshock" @dakami: "this is why we can't have nice strings" http://t.co/9LPTbtVazr"

Silk Road Lawyers Poke Holes in FBI's Story - Krebs on Security

The Unpatchable Malware That Infects USBs Is Now on the Loose | WIRED

Lacoon Discovers Xsser mRAT, the First Advanced iOS Trojan

If the information from https://www.lacoon.com/lacoon-discovers-xsser-mrat-first - Pastebin.com

Holder urges tech companies to leave device backdoors open for police - The Washington Post

Cops Are Handing Out Spyware to Parents-With Zero Oversight | WIRED

The Criminal Indictment That Could Finally Hit Spyware Makers Hard | WIRED

CloudFlare Rolls Out Free SSL | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

FBI to Open Up Malware Investigator Portal to External Researchers | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Chrome bug hunters, Google's giving you a raise - CNET

WPScan Vulnerability Database WordPress Security Resource | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Second Same-Origin Policy Bypass Flaw Haunts Android Browser | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Advertising firms struggle to kill malvertisements | Ars Technica


The Basics

Leftovers | The Basics

Risky Business #339 -- Neel Mehta on Heartbleed, Shellshock
0:00 / 59:35