Risky Business Podcast
April 02, 2019
Risky Biz Soap Box: All about WebAuthn with Duo Security
Presented by

CEO and Publisher
This is a wholly sponsored podcast brought to you by Duo Security.
WebAuthn is a new multifactor authentication standard for the web that is all rooted in very smart encryption tech. Some of you would already be using similar authentication standards in apps without even thinking about it, like doing biometric authentication in your banking apps. You want to log in via your app and it scans your face to auth you, that sort of thing. WebAuthn makes those types of authentication actions available to users through the browser.
It’s now an official W3C standard supported by most browsers. It’s the future of auth on the Web.
Duo Security has been involved a little bit with the standards process and in this edition of the Soap Box podcast you’re going to hear a nearly hour long conversation between myself, Nick Steele and James Barclay who are Duo’s resident Webauthn dudes at Duo Labs.
I hope you enjoy this conversation.

Brought to you by Duo Security
Identity Security, MFA & SSO
Show notes
Touch ID and Beyond: Duo’s Plans for WebAuthn | Duo Security
Web Authentication: An API for accessing Public Key Credentials Level 1