Risky Business Podcast

Analysis and news podcasts published weekly

Risky Business #287 -- In Soviet Russia, bugs exploit you!

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

We've got a great show for you this week. Mark Dowd of Azimuth Security pops in to talk about the bugs he found in libraries used by secure telephony providers like Silent Circle. They're serious, serious bugs, and they were easy to find.

Also this week we talk to Les Goldsmith of ESD America. ESD is a pretty interesting outfit. They sell the German-developed GSMK Cryptophone, a product that has been around for a very, very long time and is mostly used by militaries and police. They also sell counter surveillance training, bug sweeping gear, armoured vehicles, tactical training and explosives detection dogs, but hey, today we're focussing on the electronic stuff.

We get Les's reaction to the news that the US has been bugging the offices of the European Union, the Ecuadorian embassy and, well, pretty much everyone all the time. He's got some really interesting perspectives on that.

In this week's sponsor interview we chat with Chris Gatford about these awful, awful IPMI vulnerabilities. The Intelligent Platform Management Interface turns out to be anything but! If you haven't heard, it turns out there are serious, protocol-level design flaws in IPMI which are going to make life tough for anyone who's actually using it. it's the sort of thing that will take a long time to truly fix, too.

Risky Business #287 -- In Soviet Russia, bugs exploit you!
0:00 / 66:07

Risky Business #286 -- The one where we talk about Snowden

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

This week's show is a bit shorter than usual. We've got a discussion of the week's news then a great chat with Brian Contos, the VP and CISO of Blue Coat Systems Advanced Threat Protection Group.

It's this week's sponsor interview and we'll be chatting about whether or not cyber warfare is really asymmetrical. It's the accepted wisdom that it is, but I gotta say, when we look at who's using it -- the US and Israel against Iran and Syria, Russia versus Estonia -- it looks to me like it's something used by the big guys to smash the little guys. Brian disagrees, so it's a nice lively discussion and it's coming up after the news.

Show notes

You can find that episode here.

Stolen Opera Code-Signing Certificate Used to Sign Malware | Threatpost

Google Adds Feature to Keep Malware Out of Chrome Web Store | Threatpost

Researcher Hijacks Facebook Accounts Via Mobile | Threatpost

Facebook bug exposed contact info of 6M users | Security & Privacy - CNET News

Senate urged to pass data breach notification law - Risk - SC Magazine Australia - Secure Business Intelligence

Australian AG scraps ISP data retention plans | Security & Privacy - CNET News

Hackers reportedly release data on U.S. troops in Korea | Security & Privacy - CNET News

Mobile malware grows by 614 percent in last year | Security & Privacy - CNET News

LG Android Backup Software Vulnerable to Root Exploit | Threatpost

Researchers Uncover PinkStats APT Toolkit | Threatpost

WikiLeaks Volunteer Was a Paid Informant for the FBI | Threat Level | Wired.com

14 Vulnerabilities Fixed in Firefox 22 | Threatpost

WordPress Update 3.5.2 Patches Seven Vulnerabilities | Threatpost

NSA collected Americans' email records in bulk for two years under Obama | World news | The Guardian

U.K. Spy Agency Secretly Taps Over 200 Fiber-Optic Cables, Shares Data With the NSA | Threat Level | Wired.com

Student group files complaint against U.S. firms over NSA data snooping | Security & Privacy - CNET News

Whistle-blower update: Snowden lands in Moscow; WikiLeaker's Gmail searched | Security & Privacy - CNET News

NSA Surveillance Leaks Prompt Legislation | Threat Level | Wired.com

Feds charge Snowden with espionage | Security & Privacy - CNET News

Handling of Encryption, Tor Exposed in Leaked NSA Documents | Threatpost

Udall: NSA states "significant" errors about privacy protections - The Denver Post

Putin says Snowden is not technically in Russia

you am i - rumble [audio only] - YouTube


Google is trying to step up their game. They are really aggressively making the right steps towards customer satisfaction. - Adam LaFavre

Risky Business #286 -- The one where we talk about Snowden
0:00 / 44:01

Risky Business #285 -- Beating the G20 Internet cafe

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

In this week's show we talk opsec with international man of mystery The Grugq. In light of revelations the Internet lounge at the G20 summit was essentially an intelligence collection system set up by GCHQ, we thought we'd look at what travelling diplomats and executives can do to protect their data when entering a hostile environment where all infrastructure is assumed to be controlled by your adversary.

There's some great practical advice in that segment, and it's after the news.

In this week's sponsor interview we speak with Jack Daniel, Tenable Network Security's product manager about Microsoft's bug bounty program. $100k for a good exploit! The times, they change.

And we check in with Adam Boileau to discuss the week's news headlines. Show notes can be found here.

Risky Business #285 -- Beating the G20 Internet cafe
0:00 / 59:42

Risky Business #284 -- Snowden and the Internet counter-culture

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

In this week's feature interview we chat with author and speaker Richard Thieme about what they used to call the generation gap. NSA leaker Edward Snowden is "Internet generation". Are the ideals espoused by people like Snowden rooted in counter-cultural ideals or are they just generational norms?

Are these ideas around online liberty becoming mainstream? Now that we have so many gen-Ys and millennials actually running the information infrastructure that powers our institutions, could we be on the cusp of serious changes in the way the establishment works? That is an interesting chat.

In this week's sponsor interview we're chatting to John Vecchi, Solera's VP of Product Strategy, all about whether or not we're neglecting mundane threats because we're so focussed on identifying APT.

Adam Boileau joins us for this week's news segment. Show notes, including links to the articles discussed, can be found here.

Risky Business #284 -- Snowden and the Internet counter-culture
0:00 / 69:37

Risky Business #283 -- America, we need to talk

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

On this week's show we take a look at PRISM, the NSA's recently exposed massive surveillance program. Leaked PowerPoint slides from NSA describe a surveillance system that allows the agency to effortlessly capture a target's YouTube, Google, Facebook and Skype. This has been reported as these companies allowing the US government access to "back doors" on their systems.

In this week's episode we look at an alternative theory: The NSA is actually capturing information on "persons of interest" in real-time via fibre taps, decrypting it with private keys, then storing it. It's our theory and we're sticking with it. Listen to this week's episode to see if you agree!

Also this week we've got Tenable's chief of security, Marcus Ranum, stopping by in this week's sponsor interview to follow up on his keynote speech at AusCERT. The speech was called Never Fight a Land War in Cyber Space and it's really about the idea that conventional military thinking doesn't apply to the Internet.

I published a recording of his talk and it got a great reaction, but I was left with some questions after I saw it. So I rang him up and asked them! It's actually a really, really interesting interview so make sure you tune in for it.

****EDITOR'S NOTE: During the discussion on PRISM, I referenced 5Tb/s of traffic between "the US, Canada and US". That should have been "The US, Canada and Europe". Sorry about that!

Show notes

Report: NSA Was Granted Order to Snag Millions of Verizon Call Records for 3 Months | Threat Level | Wired.com

Assange no concern of ours, says Carr

Google push for faster zero day fixes hits a wall: Other companies | Security & Privacy - CNET News

NetTraveler Espionage Malware Campaign Ties to Gh0st RAT | Threatpost

Oracle Java Security Enhancements Get Mixed Reviews | Threatpost

FDIC: 2011 FIS Breach Worse Than Reported - Krebs on Security

Peer-to-Peer Botnets Grow Fivefold | Threatpost

Systems are now secure: Govt CIO | Computerworld New Zealand

Windows 8.1 to let you secure folders with your fingerprint | Security & Privacy - CNET News

Two-Factor Authentication Options for Web Services | Threatpost

Pills and Tattoos to Replace Passwords for Authentication | Threatpost

Microsoft, feds disrupt massive Citadel botnet | Security & Privacy - CNET News

Schneider Patches 18-Month Old SCADA Bugs | Threatpost

Five Bulletins, One Critical in Microsoft's June Patch | Threatpost

Google Fixes Security Vulnerabilities with Chrome Update | Threatpost

Apple Patches Mass of Security Bugs in OS X and Safari | Threatpost

Internet Systems Consortium Resolves Critical BIND Flaw | Threatpost


U.S. intelligence mining data from nine U.S. Internet companies in broad secret program - The Washington Post

Verizon Breaks Silence on Top-Secret Surveillance of Its Customers | Threat Level | Wired.com

DHS Watchdog: 'Intuition and Hunch' Are Enough to Search Your Gadgets at Border | Threat Level | Wired.com

Teen Jailed for Rap Lyrics Posted After Boston Bombings | Threat Level | Wired.com

PRESENTATION: Marcus Ranum on militarisation trends | Risky Business


Oracle has really embraced the fact that they should be more careful with their security. They need to do that. - Kris Krohn Strongbrook

Risky Business #283 -- America, we need to talk
0:00 / 62:52

Risky Business #282 -- The future of hacktivism

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

This week's show is a cracker! We've got a great feature interview with journalist and author Parmy Olson about what the future might hold for Anonymous. Is it time for the Anonymous brand to be retired? The media has largely lost interest in its activities -- how could the hacktivism phenomenon bounce back to the same levels of notoriety as it experienced in 2011?

Tune in to find out!

This week's show is brought to you by Senetas, makers of absolutely kick-ass layer 2 encryption equipment.

In this week's sponsor interview we're chatting with Senetas co-founder and CTO Julian Fay about homomorphic encryption. This is where you can actually perform operations on data while it's still encrypted! It's all a bit twisted, but it's fascinating stuff and it's this week's sponsor interview topic.

Show notes

You can click through to the recording page here.

ASIO blueprints, Defence documents stolen - Hackers - SC Magazine Australia - Secure Business Intelligence

Confidential report lists U.S. weapons system designs compromised by Chinese cyberspies - The Washington Post

U.S. Government Seizes LibertyReserve.com - Krebs on Security

Liberty Reserve Founder Indicted on $6 Billion Money-Laundering Charges | Threat Level | Wired.com

Anonymous Hacktivist Jeremy Hammond Pleads Guilty to Stratfor Attack | Threat Level | Wired.com

Guantanamo Wi-Fi shuttered after Anonymous hacking threat | Security & Privacy - CNET News

Twitter Enables Two-Factor Authentication | Threatpost

Kim Dotcom Claims Ownership of Two-Factor Authentication | Threat Level | Wired.com

Holder Signed Off on Warrant Identifying Fox News Reporter as Criminal Conspirator | Threat Level | Wired.com

WikiLeaks Donations Down to a Trickle | Threat Level | Wired.com

Drupal hacked, resets passwords after millions of accounts exposed \u2022 The Register

Ruby on Rails Exploit Harvests IRC Botnet | Threatpost

Report Says Active Recovery Efforts Could Deter IP Theft By Foreign Attackers | Threatpost

Hackers Who Breached Google in 2010 Accessed Company's Surveillance Database | Threat Level | Wired.com

ReVuln Discovers Zero Day Vulns in Gaming Clients | Threatpost

PayPal to Fix XSS Flaw, But No Reward For Researcher | Threatpost

Vulnerabilities Plague File Lite, File Pro iOS Apps | Threatpost

Click-Fraud Falls as Microsoft Fights ZeroAccess Malware | Threatpost

Mac OS X Backdoor Found in Wild | Threatpost

Apple Patches QuickTime on Windows, Fixes 12 Bugs | Threatpost

Google Fixes More Than a Dozen Flaws in Chrome 27 | Threatpost

Skype Beta Plugs IP Resolver Privacy Leak - Krebs on Security

Google Strengthening Keys on SSL Certificates to 2048 Bits | Threatpost

IBM open sources new approach to crypto \u2022 The Register

Rokia Traor\xe9 "Sikey" - Acoustic / TV5MONDE - YouTube

We Are Anonymous: Inside the Hacker World of LulzSec, Anonymous, and the Global Cyber Insurgency: Parmy Olson: 9780316213523: Amazon.com: Books

Senetas - Data Protection through Encryption


The blueprints are already laid out. They need to execute the plan right there. - Mission Maids

Risky Business #282 -- The future of hacktivism
0:00 / 68:34

Risky Business #281 -- Eyes on DPRK

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

This week's feature interview is with Dave Jorm, a Brisbane-based security geek and environmental science aficionado who's done some really interesting OSINT analysis of agricultural efficiency in North Korea with publicly available satellite data.

He's presenting his findings at AusCERT's annual conference on the Gold Coast next week; he joins the podcast to talk about his work and the online community of North Korea watchers.

Ok, so it's not exactly about infosec, but it's really interesting stuff and I hope you all enjoy it!

This week's show is brought to you by the fine folks at HackLabs, the Australian pentesting firm. If you need your pens tested, get in touch with the team at HackLabs.com.

This week's sponsor interview is with HackLabs head honcho Chris Gatford. We chat to him about a tale of two banks -- one big Middle Eastern bank and one small Australian bank. They're two organisations with very different approaches to security and very different security postures, but both eventually failed penetration tests by making the same simple mistakes.

Show notes

LulzSec Hackers Sentenced to Prison by London Court | Threat Level | Wired.com

Hacker Aush0k fronts Sydney court - Hackers - SC Magazine Australia - Secure Business Intelligence

$45M Bank Hack Suspect Was Shot Dead While Playing Dominoes | Threat Level | Wired.com

Judge Allows Evidence Gathered From FBI's Spoofed Cell Tower | Threat Level | Wired.com

Saudi Telecom Sought U.S. Researcher's Help in Spying on Mobile Users | Threat Level | Wired.com

Bloomberg Leaks Private Messages from Data-Mining Project | Threatpost

Obama Administration Secretly Obtains Phone Records of AP Journalists | Threat Level | Wired.com

Lawmakers Introduce Bill Requiring Court Order to Seize Phone Records | Threat Level | Wired.com

FBI's Latest Proposal for a Wiretap-Ready Internet Should Be Trashed | Wired Opinion | Wired.com

Biometric Database of All Adult Americans Hidden in Immigration Reform | Threat Level | Wired.com

Syrian Internet Connection Cut Off Again | Threatpost

Trade Sanctions Cited in Hundreds of Syrian Domain Seizures - Krebs on Security

DDoS Services Advertise Openly, Take PayPal - Krebs on Security

Honeynet Project Researchers Build ICS Honeypot | Threatpost

Attackers Target Older Java Bugs | Threatpost

Malicious Firefox, Chrome Extensions Target Facebook Users | Threatpost

Spyware Campaign Originating in India Targeting Pakistanis | Threatpost

Firefox 21 Update Patches 8 Vulnerabilities, 3 Critical | Threatpost

Microsoft Patches IE Zero Day Used In Watering Hole Attack | Threatpost

Adobe Patches ColdFusion Flaws Exploited in Wild | Threatpost

How a Career Con Man Led a Federal Sting That Cost Google $500 Million | Threat Level | Wired.com

Zuluboy - Mbombela (A Twist of Bayethe) - YouTube


With that sentencing, they will know be very vigilant of what they are all about. I guess they are all ears on that one. - Mission Maids


Hi Patrick!!

Thanks for your show. I am an avid listener, still a computer security student. :)

So, thanks again.

Risky Business #281 -- Eyes on DPRK
0:00 / 59:02

Risky Business #280 -- South Africa edition

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

This week's show was being produced on the road so it's a bit of a different format -- I did a longer than usual news panel session from the conference floor!

Our news discussion panel consists of:

The Grugq
Dominic White, SensePost
Charl van der Walt, SensePost
Andrew MacPherson, Paterva (Maltego)

After that we've got this week's sponsor interview with Peleus Uhley of Adobe.

Adobe is this week's sponsor, big thanks to them, and Peleus joins the show to talk about throwing a spanner in the works of mass malware customisation. We look at some of the approaches large vendors are using these days to disrupt the development lifecycle of the bad guys. It's interesting stuff and it's after the news.

Show notes

You can find episode 280 here.

LivingSocial Ups its Password Encryption After Breach | Threatpost

Hacker Jailbreaks Google Glass for Root Access Unlock | Threatpost

Dutchman Arrested in Spamhaus DDoS - Krebs on Security

Alleged SpyEye Seller 'Bx1\u2032 Extradited to U.S. - Krebs on Security

Two-Factor Authentication Won't Stop Twitter Compromises | Threatpost

More Malware Showing Up as Fake SourceForge Web Sites | Threatpost

Ramnit Man-in-the-Browser Attack Targets UK Banks | Threatpost

Google Play Android Apps Must Update in Google Store | Threatpost

Obama Expands Surveillance to Critical Infrastructure | Threatpost

CISPA Is Dead. Now Let's Do a Cybersecurity Bill Right | Wired Opinion | Wired.com

Law Requiring Warrants for E-Mail Wins Senate Committee Approval | Threat Level | Wired.com

Man Convicted of Hacking Despite Not Hacking | Threat Level | Wired.com

Oracle Delays Java 8 Features for Security Overhaul | Threatpost

Security Explorations Finds Seven New Flaws in IBM SDK | Threatpost

IE 8 Zero Day Widens Scope of DoL Watering Hole Attack | Threatpost

Pentagon Approves Samsung KNOX Android Platform for DoD | Threatpost

Australian police arrest alleged leader of LulzSec hacking group | Security & Privacy - CNET News

Researchers Hack Building Control System at Google Australia Office | Threat Level | Wired.com

Hacker Breached U.S. Army Database Containing Sensitive Information on Dams | Threat Level | Wired.com

Bank Sues Cyberheist Victim to Recover Funds - Krebs on Security

Senators propose law to go after foreign cybercriminals | Security & Privacy - CNET News

Brad Arkin Named Adobe CSO | Threatpost

Freddie Hubbard - Red Clay (Complete) - YouTube


I can't figure out how cats and dogs live together. This is cool. - Kris Krohn Strongbrook

Risky Business #280 -- South Africa edition
0:00 / 62:45

Risky Business #279 -- Retarded Persistent Threat

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

This week's edition of the show is pre-recorded because I'm off surfing in Jeffreys Bay, South Africa. There will be no show next week, but the week after that I'll be bringing you an episode from the ITWeb Security Summit in Johannesburg where I'm speaking.

In this week's show we've got a great interview with Wade Baker, the managing principal of Verizon's RISK team, and the topic, of course, is this year's Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report.

We've also got a sponsor interview with Marcus Ranum of Tenable Network Security. Tenable is this week's sponsor, so you can thank them for making this week's show possible. Do check out Tenable.com for all your vulnerability scanning and SIEM needs!

We chat with Marcus about what he calls economic spoiler attacks -- these are the disruptive, state-sponsored attacks we've seen against Saudi Aramco and South Korea.

If you'd like to download this week's track, you can grab it for free from the TripleJ Unearthed website here.

Risky Business #279 -- Retarded Persistent Threat
0:00 / 44:05

Risky Business #278 -- Pentest revenue figures puzzling

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

This week's show is jam packed. We'll be hearing from our favourite firmware hacker, sneaky Snare, all about the leak of AMI's UEFI implementation source code and firmware signing key. What will it mean for firmware research?

We'll also be chatting with Nick Ellsmore. Nick founded a company here in Australia called SIFT, which eventually merged with Stratsec, which was then bought by BAE. These days, apart from being ridiculously wealthy, Nick has put together Delling Advisory, a consultancy focussing on mergers and acquisitions in information security.

And he's been writing some very interesting blog posts about the Australian information security market. He might be focussing on things downunder, but I'm pretty sure what we're talking about today applies everywhere -- penetration testing revenue estimates just don't add up. Nick believes a lot of mandated pentesting work in Australia is actually being done by IT systems integrators that don't actually have appropriate skills, or isn't being done at all.

This week's show is brought to you by Senetas, an absolutely awesome company that makes layer two crypto gear. You should go to Senetas.com and buy all their things. In this week's sponsor interview we're chatting with Senetas CTO Julian Fay about a proposed extension to BitCoin called Zerocoin. The extension is designed to make Bitcoin anonymous.

As always, Adam Boileau joins us for the week's news headlines. Show notes are here.

Risky Business #278 -- Pentest revenue figures puzzling
0:00 / 61:34