Risky Business Podcast
January 15, 2019
Risky Business #526 -- Huawei arrest in Poland, DPRK SWIFT hack conviction, more from the El Chapo trial
Presented by

CEO and Publisher

Technology Editor
This week’s podcast features Patrick and Adam talking about the week’s security news, including:
- Huawei staffer arrested for spying in Poland
- Conviction in DPRK SWIFT hack against Bangladesh central bank
- El Chapo used Flexispy to spy on mistresses and staff
- NSO group on charm offensive
- Iran hijacking DNS entries, conducting PITM with DV certs
- Kaspersky tipped NSA on Hal Martin
- US government certificates expire amid shutdown
- Idiot sentenced to 10 years prison for DDoSing children’s hospital
This week’s show is brought to you by Trail of Bits! Trail of Bits is a security engineering firm and consultancy based in New York. They aren’t a typical pen-testing firm, they build as well as break.
In this week’s sponsor interview JP Smith from Trail of Bits joins us to talk about the work he put in to CSAW. Not the Centre for Sustainable Architecture with Wood, which is a thing, but the Cyber Security Awareness Worldwide CTF.
JP is a sick man. He’s sick. You’ll hear about the mind-bending CTF challenges he put together for CSAW. Remarkably, some teams were actually able to solve his problems, some of which featured complex numbers mapped to a four dimensional unit sphere being used to drive the rotation of a virtual IBM Selectric typewriter golfball in Second Life. As I say, he’s a sick, sick man.
Links to everything that we discussed are below and you can follow Patrick or Adam on Twitter if that’s your thing.

Brought to you by Trail of Bits
We don't just fix bugs, we fix software