Risky Business Podcast

Analysis and news podcasts published weekly

Risky Business #644 -- USA sanctions NSO Group, hits REvil

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

On this week’s show Patrick Gray and Adam Boileau discuss the week’s security news, including:

  • US sanctions NSO, Candiru, COSEINC and Positive Technologies
  • We wrap up the action in ransomware
  • Why exploit tournaments are boring in America and exciting in China
  • More malicious npm packages in the wild
  • Pentagon updates CMMC to 2.0
  • Much, much more

We’ll hear from Corelight’s CISO Bernard Brantley in this week’s sponsor interview. We’re talking about how attackers think in graphs and defenders think in lists.. Microsoft’s John Lambert wrote a post about that back in 2015, and Bernard joins the show this week to talk about why it’s just as relevant as ever. Stick around for that one.

Risky Business #644 -- USA sanctions NSO Group, hits REvil
0:00 / 62:54

Risky Business #643 -- Iranian fuel stations targeted, PNG ransomware a regional security risk

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

On this week’s show Patrick Gray and Adam Boileau discuss the week’s security news, including:

  • Someone took down Iranian fuel stations
  • Papua New Guinea ransomware attack is pretty grim stuff
  • Russia’s SVR still going berserk in cloudtown
  • China Telecom America gets the boot
  • Much, much more

We’ll be hearing from Senetas CEO Andrew Wilson in this week’s sponsor interview. He’s joining us to talk about how the global semiconductor shortage is making him a very, very sad panda.

Risky Business #643 -- Iranian fuel stations targeted, PNG ransomware a regional security risk
0:00 / 73:03

Risky Biz Feature Interview: Mark Dowd on the 0day market and future of exceptional access

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

This feature podcast was made possible by the Hewlett Foundation’s Cyber Initiative. The foundation has given us grant funding to produce this podcast series, which is designed to educate policymakers in cybersecurity so they can make better decisions.

In this edition you’ll hear an interview I recorded with Mark Dowd.

Mark is a world-renowned security researcher who, some years ago, co-founded a company called Azimuth Security. As you’ll hear, the original plan was to provide security research and consulting services to vendors. But, pretty quickly, Azimuth became a serious player in offensive security, selling exploits and other tools to government agencies in the Five Eyes countries.

We recorded this interview touching on the history of Azimuth, what the public gets wrong when talking about 0day and surveillance, and were this whole thing could go – especially considering writing memory corruption exploits is getting so much harder.

Risky Biz Feature Interview: Mark Dowd on the 0day market and future of exceptional access
0:00 / 56:24

Risky Business #642 -- Brits, Dutch and Aussies embrace Hounds Doctrine

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

On this week’s show Patrick Gray and Adam Boileau discuss the week’s security news, including:

  • UK, Netherlands and Australia promise offensive response to big ticket ransomware
  • Wave of major cyber regulation and legislation in USA
  • Iran up in yer O365s, Russians in yer gmails
  • Submarine spy guy would have been fine, if he didn’t make one very big mistake
  • Much, much more

Jonathan Reiber is this week’s sponsor guest. He’s senior director of cybersecurity at AttackIQ and he’s joining us to talk through the US Government’s executive order on Zero Trust. Jonathan says it is actually born of a realisation the US government needs to do something differently, that the old approaches aren’t working.

Risky Business #642 -- Brits, Dutch and Aussies embrace Hounds Doctrine
0:00 / 59:08

Risky Business #641 -- Lawsuit: Ransomware contributed to baby's death

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

On this week’s show Patrick Gray and Adam Boileau discuss the week’s security news, including:

  • Group-IB CEO arrested in Russia for treason
  • Lawsuit alleges ransomware contributed to hospitalised baby’s death
  • Nakasone outs self as hound release advocate
  • Syniverse owned, but we don’t know how badly
  • Why Google keyword warrants are awesome
  • Much, much more…

Nucleus co-founder Scott Kuffer is this week’s sponsor guest and the topic is actually a bit hilarious. They’ve found a killer use case that customers are clamouring for: Being able to map vulnerabilities to org groups within your enterprise so you can see who’s slacking off when it comes to patching.

Risky Business #641 -- Lawsuit: Ransomware contributed to baby's death
0:00 / 60:38

Risky Biz Snake Oilers: Mike Wiacek launches Stairwell, Red Canary on modern MDR and Datadog pitches full stack monitoring

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

In this edition of the Snake Oilers we’ll hear pitches from three vendors:

  • Stairwell! A new startup from Chronicle Security co-founder Mike Wiacek
  • Red Canary explains what modern managed detection and response looks like
  • Pierre Betouin from Datadog talks about the challenges around bringing together DevOps and Security while providing full-stack security

Links to everything we talked about are in the show notes.

Risky Biz Snake Oilers: Mike Wiacek launches Stairwell, Red Canary on modern MDR and Datadog pitches full stack monitoring
0:00 / 44:30

Risky Business #640 -- Huh. The CIA really was out to neck Assange

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

On this week’s show Patrick Gray and Adam Boileau discuss the week’s security news, including:

  • The amazing Yahoo! News story on the former CIA director’s awesome brainwaves
  • Hostage diplomacy pays off for Huawei CFO
  • NSA releases great guidance on VPN security
  • Microsoft has actually hired a cybersecurity executive
  • Much, much more

This week’s show is brought to you by Material Security. Material’s co-founder Ryan Noon will be along in this week’s sponsor interview to talk about smarter ways to do email retention and destruction. They have a product that interfaces with your mail provider’s API – whether you’re on Google Workspace or O365 – to do things like archive and redact email, and they’re finding their customers are using these features to actually implement retention email strategies.

Risky Business #640 -- Huh. The CIA really was out to neck Assange
0:00 / 68:05

Risky Business #639 -- USA's ransomware non-policy fails to meet its unstated objective

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

On this week’s show Patrick Gray and Adam Boileau discuss the week’s security news, including:

  • BlackMatter is back in the USA’s critical supply chain
  • The FBI and friends apparently got up in REvil’s business
  • The Azure OMI thing is totally the disaster we were expecting
  • Much, much more

Brett Winterford is this week’s sponsor guest. These days Brett is a senior director of cybersecurity strategy at Okta, but the reason you might recognise his name is because he took a year off working for vendors to be our newsletter author – he was the founding editor of the Seriously Risky Business newsletter.

He’ll be along to talk about legacy auth and why vendors should have deprecation policies.

Risky Business #639 -- USA's ransomware non-policy fails to meet its unstated objective
0:00 / 63:19

Risky Business #638 -- Licensed to Pwn

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

On this week’s show Patrick Gray and Adam Boileau discuss recent security news, including:

  • Apple 0day has everyone freaking out
  • So much more 0day in the wild
  • American Project Raven staffers settle with DoJ
  • Two absolutely bonkers Azure security problems
  • SEC tells corporate America to spill on breaches
  • Much, much more

In this week’s sponsor interview Gigamon’s security product manager Fayyaz Rajpari will be along to talk about some of the work they’ve been doing to integrate their NDR product with Crowdstrike.

Risky Business #638 -- Licensed to Pwn
0:00 / 62:58

Snake Oilers: Get Signal Sciences in your CDN, automate canary generation and cloud your SIEM!

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Snake Oilers: Get Signal Sciences in your CDN, automate canary generation and cloud your SIEM! Three solid pitches in this edition…

In this edition of the Snake Oilers we’ll hear pitches from three vendors:

  • Brian Joe from Fastly talks about its integration of the Signal Sciences WAF into its CDN
  • Ben Whitham and Dan Holman talk about HoneyTrace, a canary creation and monitoring automation play
  • Anton Chuvakin from Google Cloud talks about cloud native SIEMs

Links to everything we talked about are in the show notes.

Snake Oilers: Get Signal Sciences in your CDN, automate canary generation and cloud your SIEM!
0:00 / 36:20