
News, analysis and commentary

Dumb and dumber: Media circus meets police thuggery at AusCERT

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

The publication of allegedly stolen, private photographs by Fairfax Online was eclipsed in stupidity only by the QLD Police Service's decision to seize the iPad of journalist Ben Grubb at the AusCERT conference on Tuesday.

Every time the coppers raid media organisations to seize computers and documents in order to track down, say, the source of an embarrassing political leak, it pisses me off something awful.

The lack of respect shown to the media and its sources by governments in this country, both state and federal, is pretty astonishing.

The Australian Federal Police (AFP) actually investigates public service leaks that harm nothing more than the incumbent's polling figures. It's ridiculous. A media that operates freely of this sort of intimidation is vital to maintaining a healthy democracy.

As for the Ben Grubb incident, it's my view that police should simply not have the powers at their disposal that enabled them to seize his iPad in connection with an investigation into the alleged theft of private photos from a Facebook account.

Background on that is here if you need it.

Despite the fact there's an argument brewing about whether QLD Police actually acted within the law in seizing Ben's gadget, the action, in my view, was categorically the wrong thing for the police to do.

Some of you out there on teh Twitters got up me yesterday over my failure to discuss the media freedom aspect of this whole AusCERT-gate thingamajig.

I didn't bother because the police were just acting like police. The whole thing was just so predictable. It's what happens in any jurisdiction that hasn't passed shield laws.

In this instance, it seems likely the intention of the officers in seizing the device was to obtain evidence to use against another individual. In fact, the coppers likely knew the evidence was on the iPad because Ben may have showed it to them himself! It's not explicitly stated in his piece, but you get the impression it's possible he pulled up some correspondence on his tablet.

It's likely that when they realised that a treasure-trove of evidence was likely stored on the iPad (correspondence between Ben and his source pertaining to a security conference presentation that may have crossed a few lines), they asked Ben to surrender it and he refused.

That's when they arrested him in a meeting room at AusCERT for a short time and seized his iPad.

The police claim they were within their rights to seize the iPad because it had allegedly stolen photos on it; tainted goods.

It's a clumsy argument, but it's a great example of coppers doing what coppers do -- taking the shortest path from A to B. Should they be allowed to do that? Absolutely not. Can you understand why they did? Absolutely!

It's also a bit difficult to defend Fairfax chose to publish allegedly stolen private photos. It gets REALLY difficult to defend Fairfax when you find out that the subject of the allegedly stolen photo contacted the editorial team and asked them to remove the private photo and they refused.

I know this because the subject of the photo told me.

It gets IMPOSSIBLE to defend Fairfax when we hear its justification for publishing the photos: It had legal advice that as the photos were published "on the Internet" they were fair game, regardless of whether they were posted to a private photo album on Facebook.

(NOTE: It's possible that the image in question was obtained by Fairfax via a Facebook Content Distribution Network URL that had been brute-forced during the research done during for Sunday's presentation. Technically that would mean the image was "on the Internet" and available without authentication, so probably fair game legally, but ethical questions remain.)

Legal advice aside, I'm amazed they didn't realise what 24-karat knobs they were being. Needlessly publishing private material is just a really shitty thing to do. One of the photos featured the subject and his young child. Sure, they blurred the child's face, but it was a private photo.

To keep the photos up there AFTER the subject and owner of the image copyright has asked you to remove it is tabloid asshattery at its most extreme. Sure, they cropped out the kid after an angry phone call, but they left the allegedly private picture identifying the subject up.

So are the laws that allowed the coppers to seize Ben's iPad daft? Yes. Were the coppers themselves acting like supreme dopes when they briefly detained Ben? Yes.

But really, if you had the ringside view I did when this whole thing played out, you'd find it a bit tough to muster up much sympathy for Fairfax and its now iPadless journalist Ben Grubb.

The nice side affect of the big hoo-ha is it's brought up a debate on press freedom in Australia. If anything, this whole episode will nudge proposed shield laws along quite nicely.

We need those shield laws to pass to prevent this sort of idiocy.

So to end with the same summary that accompanied yesterday's piece: Meh.

The big BSides Facebook hoo-ha

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Well, hasn't this been an interesting AusCERT...

If you haven't heard by now, Fairfax IT journalist Ben Grubb was briefly detained by QLD police yesterday afternoon in connection to a BSides Australia security presentation delivered on Sunday.

The presentation, by Christian Heinrich, demonstrated a brute-force attack against Facebook's Content Distribution Network. I didn't see the presentation myself, but the long and short of it is the vulnerability demonstrated allows the attacker to obtain Facebook users' private photos.

So how did the police become involved?

Well it's no secret that Christian doesn't particularly enjoy the company of Chris Gatford, a security consultant who runs a small outfit called HackLabs.

I should point out right now that I, myself, don't particularly enjoy Christian's company. In the past he has been a very vocal critic of the Risky Business podcast and me in particular. I don't like him, and I'm fairly certain he doesn't like me.

Where the presentation became an issue for police is when Christian demonstrated the attack against Gatford's wife's Facebook account. He brute-forced some of her photos and displayed a photo of Chris with his young son to the BSides attendees.

I believe he may have blurred out the child's photo, but I haven't confirmed that.

Chris Gatford was livid.

Most of the journalists attending the conference were aware of the presentation but chose not to pursue it as a story. It looked like a case of rivalry between two guys who don't particularly like each other. The Facebook bug is a good one and I planned to mention it in the show, but the angle around the photos, in my view, just wasn't worth bringing to the world's attention.

Sydney Morning Herald online reporter Ben Grubb took a different view.

He published this story, along with the photo of Chris Gatford and his son.

The face of Chris's child was definitely blurred for publication, but I believe posting it was a poor decision on Fairfax's behalf. The Herald editors eventually cropped Gatford's child from the picture, then pulled the picture in its entirety later.

So why was Ben detained?

Well it seems he had been in communication with Heinrich in regard to the attack against Gatford's wife's Facebook account. It is my belief that Ben was detained and his iPad seized so the police could obtain evidence from the iPad in order to consider the preparation of a prosecution brief against Heinrich. This is just my suspicion -- I don't have any solid evidence at all to suggest that a prosecution brief is being prepared or that Heinrich has broken any laws.

If the police decide to pursue the matter, it's possible there could be some issues around unauthorised access to data. A solicitor also might have an opinion on whether cyber-bullying laws apply here -- using a carriage service provider to stalk, intimidate or harass -- that sort of thing. Those offences are taken quite seriously under Australian law. To be clear, at this point no one has suggested that Heinrich has used the Internet to stalk, intimidate or harass anyone.

The reason it was easy for the coppers to seize Ben's iPad is it may be possible for the police to argue he had committed an offence that's in some way equivalent to being in possession of stolen goods, the photos. I sincerely doubt he will be charged with anything, and it remains to see if a prosecution is brought against Christian. It may not be.

And that's pretty much it. Brian Hay of QLD police did a press conference this morning that I didn't bother attending. Of course this whole event is getting way more attention than it should.

It's also important to note that Heinrich's presentation was to BSides Australia, a pre-AusCERT event. It wasn't an AusCERT talk as has been reported.

I haven't approached anyone to ask them for a response to this post. It's just a summary of what I believe to be the case. I'm sick with a cold, jetlagged as hell, and frankly there's other work I'd rather be focussing on.

To sum up: Meh.

PRESENTATION: Scott McIntyre on the security "generation gap"

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

You're about to hear a full presentation recorded at the AusCERT conference. Scott McIntyre is a recent immigrant to Australia... he used to work for XS4all in the Netherlands, but these days he works as the Senior Technology Architecture Specialist in Security Operations for Telstra in Melbourne. His presentation is all about his views though, not those of Telstra. Disclaimer. Etc.

His talk focuses on what he calls the IT Security Generation Gap. Too often are today's security policies written and enforced by people who don't "get" social media, the public Internet, iPads and BitTorrent. But at the same time, anyone with an infrastructure to secure needs workable procedures and tooling to protect their data and systems. His talk covers common failings in this generation gap and provides guiding principles to close the gap and reduce exposure.

PRESENTATION: Scott McIntyre on the security "generation gap"
0:00 / 39:17

PRESENTATION: Mark Newton makes IPv6 security interesting!

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

You're about to hear a full presentation recorded at the AusCERT conference: a great presentation by Mark Newton, an engineer with Internode, all about IPv6 security.

Internode is an ISP and Mark really knows his stuff. We all know security considerations in IPv6 aren't exactly thrilling, but Mark managed to actually make this presentation interesting and a little bit thought provoking. I was popping in and out throughout this session and yeah, it was definitely more interesting than I was expecting. So here it is!

PRESENTATION: Mark Newton makes IPv6 security interesting!
0:00 / 48:37

SPONSOR PODCAST: Microsoft's Paul Conroy on what's hip in identity management

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Our coverage of the conference is brought to you by the fine folks at Microsoft -- without their support, there would be no AusCERT podcasts, so big thanks to MS!

As a part of that sponsorship Risky Business is posting a few sponsored podcasts -- this is one of them, an interview with Microsoft's Identity specialist Paul Conroy. In it, we discuss what enterprise customers out there are actually looking for, as well as having a bit of a chat about SAML 2.0 -- an authentication protocol that you can use... and I can't believe I'm going to say this. In the... cloud. I said cloud. I'm sorry. But listen to the interview, it'll make sense.

SPONSOR PODCAST: Microsoft's Paul Conroy on what's hip in identity management
0:00 / 10:34

PRESENTATION: Smart Grid security with Ian Appleby

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

This podcast is an AusCERT talk by Ian Appleby. He's the Information Security Manager at Endeavour Energy and he's responsible for the security of its Corporate and SCADA Systems.

The talk is on Risk Management in a Smart Metering Environment.

PRESENTATION: Smart Grid security with Ian Appleby
0:00 / 27:36

INTERVIEW: Tim Hudson on the Queensland smart card license fail

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

In this interview we hear from Tim Hudson, an independent cryptography dude, who, as you'll hear, may or may not have worked on Queensland's Smart Card drivers license project. Absurdly, on legal advice, he can't actually tell us if he worked on that project.

There were mutterings in the Queensland state parliament some time ago about a project consultant criticising the rollout... the minister responsible also said something about the department exploring legal options to shut said critic up. Geez, I wonder if it was Tim?

Tim did a presentation here at AusCERT earlier today... I asked him to tell me what he spoke about.

INTERVIEW: Tim Hudson on the Queensland smart card license fail
0:00 / 13:08

PRESENTATION: Jason Larsen, Idaho National Labs, talks embedded device security

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

You're about to hear a presentation by Jason Larsen, a security researcher at the Idaho National Laboratory. The INL is run by the US Department of Energy and is home to the National SCADA Testbed (NSTB) and the Industrial Control System CERT(ICS-CERT).

I'm going to read from his talk synopsis here: The first half of Jason's presentation will be an overview and update on what's happening in control. In most cases, simply sending properly formatted commands to the field equipment is enough, but there are cases when this does not achieve the attacker's goals. If the field equipment contains sanity checks, the attacker needs sub-second control, or if he simply wants to hide, he will invade the field equipment. Understanding the challenges the attacker faces are essential for any sort of investigative or forensics effort. The second part of the presentation will cover attack and forensics of the embedded systems used in industrial control systems.

We were a couple of minutes late plugging into the desk, so we'll pick up Jason's talk just a few minutes in.

PRESENTATION: Jason Larsen, Idaho National Labs, talks embedded device security
0:00 / 36:25

PRESENTATION: Opening keynote with comedian Bennett Arron

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

You're about to hear an excerpt from the opening keynote from the AusCERT conference by comedian Bennett Arron.

Several years ago Bennett Arron was in serious debt. He owed thousands of pounds to mobile phone companies, catalogues and department stores. But it wasn't him! As it turned out, he was a victim of Identity Theft.

Years later, he wound up writing a comedy show about his experience... he eventually directed and presented a Documentary for Channel 4 called How To Steal An Identity.

In it he actually stole the identity of the then Home Secretary, Charles Clarke.

He was arrested over it, but you'll be pleased to know he was never convicted.

Anyway, Bennett was kind enough to allow Risky Business to play an excerpt from his talk. The whole thing is about an hour long and very entertaining... so obviously you should book him for your next exotically-located conference and or event. Big thanks to Bennett for allowing us to play this chunk of his talk.

PRESENTATION: Opening keynote with comedian Bennett Arron
0:00 / 20:30

INTERVIEW: Inter-protocol exploitation with BeEF creator Wade Alcorn

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

In this interview we're chatting with Wade Alcorn. By day he's NGS Security's general manager for Asia Pacific, but by night he's out there maintaining BeEF -- the browser exploitation framework.

If you haven't heard of beef it's a very cool tool. If you can get someone to load it into your browser, either by them visiting a site you control directly, or alternatively through some sort of cross site scripting bug, then you can get the browser to do all sorts of stuff for you -- like portscan the victim's LAN, attack JBOss servers and stuff like that.

I caught up with Wade and asked him to tell us all about BeEF and what's the latest. With beef. Here's the beef.

INTERVIEW: Inter-protocol exploitation with BeEF creator Wade Alcorn
0:00 / 10:47