Risky Business #13 -- Web application research and consumer liability for online fraud

Previously on Risky Business...
15 May 2007 » Risky Business

The ethics of Web application security research, and liability concerns for consumers who bank online. Welcome to Risky Business #13, thanks to our sponsor Cybertrust and hosting partner Vigabyte.

On this week's podcast:

  • Munir Kotadia from ZDNet Australia discusses this week's security news
  • White Hat Security's Jeremiah Grossman joins us to chat about the ethics of hacking away at Web applications without the permission of the site operator
  • Cybertrust's David Shaw joins us on the line to discuss moves by some Australian financial institutions toward placing the liability for online fraud squarely on consumers
  • Patrick Gray plays 35 second of audio which proves telecommunications providers do business in the Twilight Zone
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