Risky Business Podcast
April 17, 2014
Risky Business #318 -- TrueCrypt passes audit, Weev off the hook and more
Presented by

CEO and Publisher

Technology Editor
It's a four day week this week and a four day next week so I'm afraid I couldn't organise feature interviews for both, so this week you're getting an extra long news section and a sponsor interview!
This week's show is brought to you by Senetas, makers of fine, fine layer 2 encryption gear. If you're planning a greenfields network you have absolutely no excuse to not check out their stuff, it rocks like a banana on its back. This week we're joined by Senetas CEO Andrew Wilson in the sponsor slot. He'll be talking about a privacy act readiness survey Senetas did that yielded some genuinely depressing results.
He also compares director-level attitudes to infosec to director-level attitudes to occupational health and safety issues 50 years ago. It's a really, really interesting take so do stick around for that.
Show notes are here.