Risky Biz Soap Box: ExtraHop CTO Jesse Rothstein talks network monitoring

Spotting rogue network usage in the COVID-19 age with ExtraHop...
14 May 2020 » Risky Business

This isn’t the normal, weekly Risky Business podcast, Soap Box is the wholly sponsored podcast series we do here at Risky.Biz where vendors pay us money to come on to the show and talk about topics that interest them.

Today we’re speaking with Jesse Rothstein, the co-founder and CTO of ExtraHop Networks. ExtraHop is a network security play, but they started off more in the application monitoring and performance space before gradually moving into security over time.

In this interview Jesse talks about network security monitoring, ExtraHop’s history, and what people are using the ExtraHop tech to do during the COVID-19 crisis.

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