Risky Business Podcast
April 23, 2019
Snake Oilers 9 part 1: The best Snake Oilers edition we've ever run
Presented by

CEO and Publisher
On this edition of Snake Oilers you’ll be hearing from three vendors offering what I believe to be excellent security technology. I haven’t personally used this tech, but conceptually everything featured in this edition is The Good Stuff. You’ll see. Or hear. You know what I mean.
First up we’ll be hearing from CMD, they make killer software for Linux that lets you lock down account actions. Not permissions, actions. Do all the default and service accounts you have to run on your Linux fleet terrify you? Well, this is a solution for that. There’s a visibility component there, too.
Then we’ll be hearing from AlphaSOC. When we last spoke to them they were just doing domain-based analytics, but they’ve expanded their tech and now offer IP-based and http request-based analytics. You can deploy AlphaSOC as a Splunk app or hook up to their API any other way you want. They’re offering free trials, but even when you’re on the paid service it’s actually pretty affordable.
The brain behind AlphaSOC is Chris McNab who used to run incident response at NCC Group. He’s seen how the planes crash into the mountains and he has created a product that performs eminently sensible analysis on your traffic and metadata to alert you to badness.
Then finally we’ll be hearing from Nucleus. This is a new company and if your job is managing vulnerabilities and vuln scanners in your org then straight up, just skip to the Nucleus interview immediately. They’ve created a web app that normalises vulnerability scanning information. It’ll take the outputs from Snyk, Rapid7, Checkmarx, Netsparker, OpenVAS, Twistlock, Fortify, Burp Suite, Nessus, Qualys, Acunetix AND others.
It ingests all of this data, normalises it, then plumbs these alerts through to the right people through a multitude of different ticketing systems. If your’e stuck in the 7th layer of Sharepoint or Spreadsheet vulnerability management hell, this is a solution to your problems. You will weep salty tears of joy when you hear this one. Free trials of Nucleus are also available.
Links to the companies featured are below!