Risky Business Podcast

Analysis and news podcasts published weekly

Risky Business #356 -- Crypto Wars 2.0 with guest Alex Stamos

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

This week's feature interview is with Alex Stamos, CISO of Yahoo. Alex did a fantastic AppSec keynote in early February that I wanted to ask him about, so we booked this interview a couple of weeks ago.

Then, last week, Alex made the news. Big time.

While on a panel with Admiral Mike Rogers, Alex challenged the NSA chief on the government's apparent desire to mandate the introduction of interception capabilities into products made by technology companies.

Alex asked if companies that agreed to introduce back doors for the US government should also agree to provide similar back doors to other countries as well, ones that might not be democratic. From there, there was some to and fro.

It was a cordial exchange but it was written up as a stoush.

Alex joined me via Skype to discuss that exchange, security at scale and bug bounties.

It's time for this week's sponsor interview now with Julian Fay, CTO and co-founder of Senetas, makers of fine, fine hardware security equipment.

Julian joined me this week to discuss a raft of crypto news, starting off with the Freak vulnerability, which, as best I can tell, isn't actually a giant fireball heading towards earth, despite what some of the tech press might be saying.

Don't forget you can now support the Risky Business page via our Patreon campaign. Oh, and do add Patrick and Adam on Twitter if that's your thing.

Show notes

Google quietly backs away from encrypting new Lollipop devices by default [Updated] | Ars Technica

Buyout puts supersecure Blackphone in one company's hands - CNET

There's Now a Free iPhone App That Encrypts Calls and Texts | WIRED

Sailfish Secure wants to be an Android alternative safe from spies' prying eyes - CNET

Tim Cook to governments: Lay off our privacy - CNET

US court rubber-stamps dragnet metadata surveillance (again) \u2022 The Register

Komodia Certificate Manipulation Enabled Man-In-The-Middle Attacks | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Lenovo.com hijack reportedly pulled off by hack on upstream registrar | Ars Technica

More IoT insecurity: This Blu-ray disc pwns PCs and DVD players | Ars Technica

In major goof, Uber stored sensitive database key on public GitHub page | Ars Technica

50,000 Uber driver names, license numbers exposed in a data breach | Ars Technica

Apple Pay a haven for 'rampant' credit card fraud, say experts \u2022 The Register

Credit Card Breach at Mandarin Oriental - Krebs on Security

Iran hacks America where it hurts: Las Vegas casinos \u2022 The Register

Alleged Aussie Anon hauled in for Indonesia phone tap hacking spat \u2022 The Register

Hospital Sues Bank of America Over Million-Dollar Cyberheist - Krebs on Security

Natural Grocers Investigating Card Breach - Krebs on Security

Government moves quickly to adopt metadata retention law review recommendations

Federal MPs hit in phone prank | Herald Sun

Seagate Business NAS Firmware Vulnerabilities Disclosed | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

D-Link Working on Firmware Updates for Three Critical Bugs | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Spam Uses Default Passwords to Hack Routers - Krebs on Security

Firefox 37 to Include New OneCRL Certificate Blocklist | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Patrick Gray on the State of Security and State Security | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

New Zealand Spies on Neighbors in Secret 'Five Eyes' Global Surveillance - The Intercept

Snowden revelations / The price of the Five Eyes club: Mass spying on friendly nations - National - NZ Herald News

"FREAK" flaw in Android and Apple devices cripples HTTPS crypto protection | Ars Technica

Surveillance-based manipulation: How Facebook or Google could tilt elections | Ars Technica

House committee subpoenas Clinton emails in Benghazi probe

AppSec is Eating Security - Opening Keynote - AppSec California 2015 - Alex Stamos - YouTube

Here's how the clash between the NSA Director and a senior Yahoo executive went down. - The Washington Post


Rainy Day Women | triple j Unearthed

Risky Business #356 -- Crypto Wars 2.0 with guest Alex Stamos
0:00 / 72:23

Risky Business #355 -- Gemalto op exposes cellphone crypto flaws

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

On this week's show we're speaking with Philippe Langlois. You may remember him as the founder of Qualys in the 90s, but these days he's the CEO and founder of P1 Security, a telecommunications security firm. He'll be joining us to discuss the NSA and GCHQ operation against SIM card manufacturer Gemalto.

Last week The Intercept reported on some Snowden dox that said NSA and GCHQ were basically scooping up SIM card private keys from anywhere they could, including from within Gemalto's network. Because cellphone encryption schemes are symmetric, this is bad. It's very, very bad. We'll talk to Philippe about that.

This week's show is sponsored by Palo Alto Networks, big thanks to them. PAN CSO Rick Howard will be along in this week's sponsor interview to talk about one of his passion projects, the Cybersecurity Canon. It's basically his book club idea that PAN is now sponsoring and it's got a LOT of potential. Find out how you can get involved in this week's sponsor interview, with big thanks to Palo Alto Networks.

Don't forget you can now support the Risky Business page via our Patreon campaign. Oh, and do add Patrick and Adam on Twitter if that's your thing.

Show notes

The Great SIM Heist: How Spies Stole the Keys to the Encryption Castle

PCS Harvesting at Scale - The Intercept

Gemalto Doesn't Know What It Doesn't Know - The Intercept

Lenovo Superfish Certificate Password Cracked | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Lenovo PCs ship with man-in-the-middle adware that breaks HTTPS connections [Updated] | Ars Technica

How to remove the Superfish malware: What Lenovo doesn't tell you | Ars Technica

Get your Snort rules here: SuperFish Detection - SquareLemon

Support Risky Business on Patreon:

Security software found using Superfish-style code, as attacks get simpler | Ars Technica

Here's how the clash between the NSA Director and a senior Yahoo executive went down. - The Washington Post

Spies Can Track You Just by Watching Your Phone's Power Use | WIRED

LenoLOL! 'Lizard Squad HACKS lenovo.com' \u2022 The Register

TrueCrypt Audit Cryptanalysis Handed Off to NCC Group | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Moxie Marlinspike >> Blog >> GPG And Me

Hackers Cut in Line at the Burning Man Ticket Sale-And Get Caught | WIRED

How Hackers Abused Tor To Rob Blockchain, Steal Bitcoin, Target Private Email And Get Away With It - Forbes

Hacker Claims Feds Hit Him With 44 Felonies When He Refused to Be an FBI Spy | WIRED

Accused British hacker, wanted for crimes in US, won't give up crypto keys | Ars Technica

LinkedIn premium users to get $1 each in password-leak settlement | Ars Technica

FBI: $3M Bounty for ZeuS Trojan Author - Krebs on Security

Europol cracks down on botnet infecting 3.2 million computers | Ars Technica

Snowden's favourite Linux - Tails - rushes sec-fix version to market \u2022 The Register

Cybersecurity Canon

P1 Security

The Shins - Phantom Limb [OFFICIAL VIDEO] - YouTube

Risky Business #355 -- Gemalto op exposes cellphone crypto flaws
0:00 / 56:55

Risky Business #354 -- Breaking exploit automation

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

On this week's show we're chatting with Assured Information Security senior research engineer Jacob Torrey about some work he's due to present at SysCAN and Infiltrate. It's called HARES, and it's basically a pretty impressive party trick that makes reverse engineering malware payloads a lot harder.

He's also been following some work around some compile-time tricks that make software builds unique. This can make your 0day a lot less useful because exploit has to be custom built for each target... think of it as a compile-time ASLR trick, but better.

NOTE: Originally this post said the compile-time tricks were Jacob's research. They're not, I got that mixed up. Soz. Been crook this week and I guess I've been a bit sloppy. The podcast still contains the incorrect assertion that the research Jacob is talking about is his own. I'll put a clarifying statement in next week's show. - Pat

This week's show is brought to you by BugCrowd, crowdsourced bug bounties. And we'll be chatting with Bugcrowd founder and CEO Casey Ellis about some interesting stuff this week -- like how to you take bug reports from people who don't speak english? Will a video do it?

We also chat about some comments made by Alex Stamos, the CISO of Yahoo, in a recent AppSec conference keynote. He says bug bounty crowds need to chill out; that until a few years ago they would have gone to prison for running SQLMap against a target and now they're
getting paid. He also says the CFAA makes bounty programs legally risky for participants and we're one prosecution away from blowing the whole model up.

We'll find out what Casey thinks about that.

Adam Boileau, as usual, joins us to discuss the week's news headlines.

Don't forget you can now support the Risky Business page via our Patreon campaign. Oh, and do add Patrick and Adam on Twitter if that's your thing.

Risky Business #354 -- Breaking exploit automation
0:00 / 64:59

Risky Business #353 -- Andy Greenberg: Why I feel sorry for Ross Ulbricht

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

This week's feature interview is with Andy Greenberg, senior writer with WIRED. He's covered Silk Road from the get go, even scoring an in depth interview with DPR before he was caught and unmasked as Ross Ulbricht. He attended every day of Ulbricht's trial and says he was there every minute the jury was.

He joined me via Skype earlier this week to talk about the trial of Ross Ulbricht, the future of underground markets and the disconnect between Ross Ulbricht's real life and online personas.

In fact, that disconnect is so great that Andy actually feels sorry for Ross Ulbricht, despite the allegation that as the Dread Pirate Roberts he commissioned as many as six murders for hire.

This week's show is brought to you by a new sponsor, Intralinks! These guys have a background doing very specialist work in facilitating mergers and acquisitions, but they're pushing into the enterprise space with a really interesting product which you can think of as an enterprise-grade file sharing service with built in IRM.

Intralinks Richard Anstey joins us a bit later on for a chat about the security challenge presented by file sharing services, and what some solutions might look like. And I've gotta say, even though we talk about their product a bit, it's a very interesting interview.

Don't forget you can now support the Risky Business page via our Patreon campaign. Oh, and do add Patrick and Adam on Twitter if that's your thing.

Risky Business #353 -- Andy Greenberg: Why I feel sorry for Ross Ulbricht
0:00 / 75:46

Risky Business #352 -- Bye bye DPR, plus special guest Dave Aitel

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

In this week's feature we're chatting with Dave Aitel of Immunity Inc. We chat to him about the Sony hack being a demonstration of North Korean capability as opposed to genuine revenge... we also talk about security conferences in 2015 and chat to him about his rage-inspiring musings on so-called junk hacking from last year.

In this week's sponsor interview we speak with HackLabs big cheese Chris Gatford about the so-called Ghost vulnerability.

As it turned out, it was a bit of a fizzer, but it's still an interesting bug from a management point of view. How the hell do you figure out what the impact of something like that is on your network? The gethostbyname code is, of course, all over your nix boxes, but it's no doubt statically included in a whole bunch of your enterprise crapware as well. And the thing is, the fact that it's causing heart palpitations out there in some enterprise teams proves one thing: We don't trust out upstream software providers to patch this stuff... we don't even trust them to know what code is in their own products! It's a contemporary pickle and Chris Gatford of Hacklabs will be along in a bit to discuss it.

Don't forget you can now support Risky Business via our Patreon campaign!

You can follow Patrick on Twitter here and Adam here.

Risky Business #352 -- Bye bye DPR, plus special guest Dave Aitel
0:00 / 56:29

Risky Business #351 -- Kim Zetter talks Stuxnet: Countdown to Zero Day

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

In this week's feature interview we're chatting with Wired journalist Kim Zetter about her fantastic book Stuxnet: Countdown to Zero Day. As it turns out, the assumption that US and Israeli intelligence agencies had "boots on ground" intelligence to design the malicious code could very well be bunkum!

This week's show is brought to you by Tenable Network Security, so in this week's sponsor interview we're chatting with Tenable's very own Marcus Ranum about attribution.

No, not just the North Korea angle... we cover off what sort of focus the average enterprise needs to put on attributing attacks. Does it even matter?

Adam Boileau, as always, joins the show to discuss the week's security news.

You can become a Risky Business patron thanks to our Patreon campaign.

And you can also follow Patrick or Adam on Twitter, if that's your thing.

Show notes

First ever Risky.Biz YouTube rant with Patrick Gray - YouTube

Support Risky Business via our Patreon campaign!

Kim Zetter's awesome Stuxnet book on Amazon:

Prosecutors Trace $13.4M in Bitcoins From the Silk Road to Ulbricht's Laptop | WIRED

A Heroin Dealer Tells the Silk Road Jury What It Was Like to Sell Drugs Online | WIRED

Here's the Secret Silk Road Journal From the Laptop of Ross Ulbricht | WIRED

Silk Road paid off hackers to keep site running - CNET

No, Department of Justice, 80 Percent of Tor Traffic Is Not Child Porn | WIRED

Bitcoin Exchange Operator Sentenced to 4 Years for Silk Road Transactions | WIRED

Aspiring Singer Arrested in Israel on Suspicion of Hacking Madonna | WIRED

Barrett Brown Sentenced to 5 Years in Prison in Connection to Stratfor Hack | WIRED

Dutch judge allows alleged "sophisticated" Russian hacker to be sent to US | Ars Technica

New Rules in China Upset Western Tech Companies - NYTimes.com

FCC Warns Businesses WiFi Blocking is Illegal | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Snowden reveals LEVITATION technique of Canada's spies \u2022 The Register

Researcher says Aussie spooks help code Five Eyes mega malware \u2022 The Register

Oz spooks hack, wreck Middle East 'cooling system': report \u2022 The Register

Australia launches cyber-weapons in global counter-terrorist operations

Facebook: Oi, Lizard Squad - we can take down our own site, ta \u2022 The Register

Information Security: The Internet of Gas Stati... | SecurityStreet

Google drops three OS X 0days on Apple | Ars Technica

iTunes Connect bug logs developers in to other developers' accounts at random | Ars Technica

PHP Applications, WordPress Vulnerable to Ghost glibc Bug | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Critical "GHOST" Vulnerability Released | Sucuri Blog

Thunderstrike Patch Slated for Inclusion in New OS X Build | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Bug in ultra secure BlackPhone let attackers decrypt texts, stalk users | Ars Technica

Chrome 40 Patches 62 Security Vulnerabilities | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Medeski Martin & Wood

Risky Business #351 -- Kim Zetter talks Stuxnet: Countdown to Zero Day
0:00 / 74:09

Risky Business #350 -- We're baaaaaack

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

Welcome back to Risky Business for another year. This is the ninth year of weekly Risky Business podcasts, we're stoked you're sticking around for more.

In this week's show Patrick Gray and Adam Boileau discuss the last month's crazy CyberNews(tm) and Palo Alto CTO and founder Nir Zuk stops by for the sponsor interview.

You can now support Risky Business by becoming a Patron.

Risky Business #350 -- We're baaaaaack
0:00 / 58:51

Risky Business #349 -- 2014 in review

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

In this special edition we take a look back over the big news items of 2014.

Risky Business #349 -- 2014 in review
0:00 / 174:22

Risky Business #348 -- Did DPRK pwn Sony? PLUS Dan Guido on DARPA's Cyber Grand Challenge

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

On this week's show Adam and I establish that it's actually quite possible the disaster unfolding at Sony Pictures is, in fact, a North Korean government plot. I know, I know, there are sceptics, but any way you slice or dice it, it actually looks plausible. Tune in to find out why.

In this week's feature interview we chat with Dan Guido, CEO of Trail of Bits, about his company's approach to DARPA's Cyber Grand Challenge. It's an initiative that will see automated attack and defence rigs do battle at DEF CON in Las Vegas in 2016. It's a fascinating idea that involves a lot of cutting edge research. Don't miss that interview.

In this week's sponsor interview Matt Alderman of Tenable joins us to talk about what tech is going to be hot in 2015. Will a clear definition of threat intelligence (besides herpa derp) emerge in 2015? What about the skills shortage? Will that put even more impetus behind the push to security automation?

Show notes

Sony Got Hacked Hard: What We Know and Don't Know So Far | WIRED

Sony Pictures hack gets uglier; North Korea won't deny responsibility [Updated] | Ars Technica

Inside the "wiper" malware that brought Sony Pictures to its knees [Update] | Ars Technica

Sony Pictures malware tied to Seoul, "Shamoon" cyber-attacks | Ars Technica

Sony Breach May Have Exposed Employee Healthcare, Salary Data - Krebs on Security

An alleged 27GB Sony Pictures data dump. 65 PlayStation web servers. One baffling mystery \u2022 The Register

Iranian CLEAVER hacks through airport security, Cisco boxen \u2022 The Register

Critical networks in US, 15 other nations, completely owned, possibly by Iran | Ars Technica

An Interview With Darkside, Russia's Favorite Dark Web Drug Lord | WIRED

GCHQ boffins quantum-busted its OWN crypto primitive \u2022 The Register

Sites certified as secure often more vulnerable to hacking, scientists find | Ars Technica

Google kills CAPTCHAs: Are we human or are we spammer? \u2022 The Register

Hawking: RISE of the MACHINES could DESTROY HUMANITY \u2022 The Register

Australian Government funds effort to secure wearable data pulses \u2022 The Register

December 2014 Microsoft Patch Tuesday Advance Notification | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Apple Pulls Back Safari Patches | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Cyber Grand Challenge - Mike Walker on Vimeo

DARPA | Cyber Grand Challenge

National Tour - Augie March

Risky Business #348 -- Did DPRK pwn Sony? PLUS Dan Guido on DARPA's Cyber Grand Challenge
0:00 / 61:27

Risky Business #347 -- So what does Detekt... detect?

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

There's lots of fun news in this week's show. Sony Pictures got absolutely flattened, Regin is all the rage and the SEA has been enjoying some success.

In this week's feature interview we're chatting with Claudio Guarnieri about his tool Detekt. It copped an absolute tonne of criticism on Twitter over the last week or so, but as you'll hear, most of the critics were kind of missing the point about what Claudio was trying to achieve. I know, I know, the idea that someone on Twitter might have been wrong is crazy, but just listen to the interview and see what you think. Claudio joins us via Skype from Berlin for a chat about Detekt!

This week's show is brought to you by Websense, big thanks to them. Websense principal security researcher Carl Leonard will join us from London to do something very, very brave. He's going to make some predictions for what we could see in the malware space in 2015. Brave is the soul who makes predictions in this discipline. That's this week's sponsor interview, with thanks again to Websense!

Show notes

Sony Pictures hackers release list of stolen corporate files | Ars Technica

'Hacked by #GOP': staff at Sony Pictures resort to paper and pen after hack shuts computer system

I used to work for Sony Pictures. My friend still works there and sent me this. It's on every computer all over Sony Pictures nationwide. : hacking

Syrian Electronic Army claims hack of news sites, including CBC - Technology & Science - CBC News

Researchers Uncover Government Spy Tool Used to Hack Telecoms and Belgian Cryptographer | WIRED

Regin Cyberespionage Malware Platform Targets GSM Networks | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Oops: After Threatening Hacker With 440 Years, Prosecutors Settle for a Misdemeanor | WIRED

Freya Newman escapes conviction for leaking Frances Abbott scholarship details

Laughing Hacker Who Hit Sony, FBI Now Seeks Legal Lols - Businessweek

Icelandic hacker says guilty of stealing money from Wikileaks | Reuters

Apple, Google encryption 'not helping' criminal investigation: AFP | ZDNet

ATO bitcoin treatment could see business move offshore | ZDNet

Home Depot Breach Cost Company $43 Million in Third Quarter | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Home Depot hit with "at least 44 civil lawsuits" due to data breach | Ars Technica

Craigslist Back Online Following DNS Hijack | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

New Google Security Dashboard Manages Device Activity | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Using a password manager on Android? It may be wide open to sniffing attacks | Ars Technica

Skimmer Innovation: 'Wiretapping' ATMs - Krebs on Security

Siemens issues emergency SCADA patch \u2022 The Register

Siemens Patches WinCC Vulnerabilities Likely Being Exploited | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Four-year-old comment security bug affects 86 percent of WordPress sites | Ars Technica

Adobe Releases Emergency Flash Player Patch | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Adobe Reader sandbox popped says Google researcher \u2022 The Register

Privacy bods Detekt FinFisher dressed as bookmark manager \u2022 The Register

Resist Surveillance

Augie March - A Dog Starved (official video) - YouTube

Risky Business #347 -- So what does Detekt... detect?
0:00 / 69:22