Risky Business Podcast

Analysis and news podcasts published weekly

Wide World of Cyber: Krebs and Stamos on How AI Will Change Cybersecurity

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Alex Stamos
Alex Stamos

CISO, Sentinel One

Chris Krebs
Chris Krebs

Chief Intelligence and Public Policy Officer, Sentinel One

In this podcast SentinelOne’s Chief Trust officer Alex Stamos and its Chief Intelligence and Public Policy Officer Chris Krebs join Patrick Gray to talk all about AI.

It’s been a year and a half since ChatGPT landed and freaked everyone out. Since then, AI has really entrenched itself as the next big thing. It’s popping up everywhere, and the use cases for cybersecurity are starting to come into focus.

Threat actors and defenders are using this stuff already, but it’s early days and as you’ll hear, things are really going to change, and fast.

Wide World of Cyber: Krebs and Stamos on How AI Will Change Cybersecurity
0:00 / 44:52

Risky Business #748 -- New cyber rules for US healthcare are coming

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

This week Patrick Gray and Adam Boileau along special guest Lina Lau discuss the week’s news, including:

  • The ongoing Ascension healthcare disruption, and
  • Whether its reasonable for healthcare orgs to be pushing back
  • Platforming cybercriminals for interviews
  • Own the libs by… not using E2EE messaging?
  • CISA’s secure by design, we want to believe!
  • The $64billion scale of indusrialised fraud
  • And much, much more.

This week’s sponsor is network discovery specialist, Run Zero. Director of research Rob King joins to talk about the weird and wonderful delights in their new Research Report.

Risky Business #748 -- New cyber rules for US healthcare are coming
0:00 / 62:33

Risky Business #747 -- Lockbit Leader Has A Very Bad Day

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

Patrick dials in from RSA in San Francisco to discuss the week’s security news with Adam, including:

  • The west doxxes LockbitSupp, who must now hide his hundred million dollars
  • Revil hacker behind Kasaya breach gets 14 years
  • Microsoft makes some positive sounding* noises on security
  • A fun flaw in nearly all VPN clients
  • Gitlab admins continue their never-ending incident response
  • And much, much more.

This week’s sponsor is Stairwell. Long time infosec researcher Silas Cutler joins us to talk through his adventures in attacker C2 systems, and how this feeds into Stairwell’s data.

* we’re still sceptical they’ll get it right, but they do at least seem to realise how deep the doo-doo they’re in is… Pat speculates they have … tentacles, and a regulatory-threat-gland.

Risky Business #747 -- Lockbit Leader Has A Very Bad Day
0:00 / 55:11

Risky Business #746 – Microsoft takes your security seriously*

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

On this week’s show Patrick and Adam discuss the week’s security news, including:

  • Microsoft reassures* us that they take security very seriously*
  • Cisco ASA firewalls get sneakily backdoored, but no one’s quite sure how
  • Change Healthcare was 1FA Citrix all along
  • The FTC, FCC and other government sticks get waved at tech
  • Lizard Squad Finn who hacked the Vastaamo therapy chain gets sentenced
  • And much, much more.

This week’s sponsor is Zero Networks, who make a network micro-segmentation product that is actually usable. Zero Networks CEO Benny Lakunishok joins us to talk through why firewalling everything everywhere is finally workable.

* You’ll forgive us for being… a tad sceptical.

Risky Business #746 – Microsoft takes your security seriously*
0:00 / 63:12

Snake Oilers: Push Security, Knocknoc and iVerify

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

In this edition of Snake Oilers we’ll be hearing from:

  • Push Security: A browser plugin-based security company that combats identity-based attacks. (Much more compelling that it sounds in this description.)
  • Knocknoc: The tool Risky Business uses to protect our own applications and services. (Restrict network/port access to users who are authenticated via SSO.)
  • iVerify: Mobile security and threat hunting for iOS and Android. (Caught Pegasus in the wild!)
Snake Oilers: Push Security, Knocknoc and iVerify
0:00 / 42:06

Special Edition: Chris Krebs, Alex Stamos and Patrick Gray

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Alex Stamos
Alex Stamos

CISO, Sentinel One

Chris Krebs
Chris Krebs

Chief Intelligence and Public Policy Officer, Sentinel One

In this special edition of the Risky Business podcast Patrick Gray chats with former Facebook CSO Alex Stamos and founding CISA director Chris Krebs about sovereignty and technology.

China and Russia are doing their level best to yeet American tech from their supply chains – hardware, software and cloud services. They’ll be rebuilding these supply chains – for government systems, at least – from components that they have complete visibility into, and control over.

Meanwhile, America’s government faces different supply chain challenges. It has a supply chain that won’t be weaponised against it by its adversaries, but it lacks the same sort of visibility and control that its adversaries will eventually achieve over their supply chains. So where does this leave the west? Where does it leave China and Russia?

Special Edition: Chris Krebs, Alex Stamos and Patrick Gray
0:00 / 45:26

Risky Business #745 – Tales from the PANageddon

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

On this week’s show Patrick and Adam discuss the week’s security news, including:

  • Palo Alto’s firewalls have a ../ bad day
  • Sisense’s bucket full of creds gets kicked over
  • United Healthcare draws the ire of congress
  • FISA 702 reauthorisation finally moves forward
  • Apple warns about “mercenary exploitation” but what’s the India link?
  • And much, much, more

This week’s sponsor is Panther, a platform that does detection as code on massive amounts of data. Panther’s founder Jack Naglieri is this week’s sponsor guest, and we spoke with him about some common detection-as-code approaches.

Risky Business #745 – Tales from the PANageddon
0:00 / 58:10

Risky Business #744 -- Ransomware upstarts jostle in Lockbit's absence

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

On this week’s show Patrick and Adam discuss the week’s security news, including:

  • Ransomware: down but not out
  • Zero day prices on the rise…
  • … and what it means for enterprise software
  • Geopolitical conflict comes to computers in Palau
  • Ukraine cyber chief Illia Vitiuk suspended
  • More x86 microarchitectural bad times
  • And much much more

Proofpoint’s chief strategy officer Ryan Kalember is this week’s sponsor guest. He takes aim at some recent vendor trends, like security companies describing themselves as “platforms”.

Risky Business #744 -- Ransomware upstarts jostle in Lockbit's absence
0:00 / 0:00

Snake Oilers: Kodex, ClearVector and Censys

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

In this edition of Snake Oilers you’ll hear pitches from three companies:

  • Kodex: Makes a platform companies can use to interact with law enforcement (Solves the law enforcement impersonator problem, among others.)
  • ClearVector: Cloud security startup from former FireEye/Mandiant SVP/CTO John Laliberte
  • Censys: Scans the entire internet, identifies assets you didn’t know were yours, helps you track attacker infrastructure like C2
Snake Oilers: Kodex, ClearVector and Censys
0:00 / 42:03

Risky Business #743 -- A chat about the xz backdoor with the guy who found it

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

On this week’s show Patrick and Adam discuss the week’s security news, including:

  • The SSH backdoor that dreams (or nightmares) are made of
  • Microsoft gets a solid spanking from the CSRB
  • Ukraine uses an old Russian WinRAR bug to hack Russia
  • Push-notifications and social-engineering combined-arms vs Apple
  • And much, much more.

We have a special guest in this week’s show, Andres Freund, the Postgres developer who discovered the backdoor in the xz Linux compression library.

This week’s show is brought to you by Island, a company that makes a security-focussed enterprise browser. Island’s Bradon Rogers is this week’s sponsor guest and he’ll be joining us to talk about how people are swapping out their Virtual Desktop Infrastructure for enterprise-focussed browsers like theirs.

Risky Business #743 -- A chat about the xz backdoor with the guy who found it
0:00 / 57:41