Risky Business Podcast
January 11, 2017
Risky Business #438 -- Rich Mogull: Infosec as we know it is over
Presented by

CEO and Publisher

Technology Editor
On this week’s show we’ll be speaking with industry analyst Rich Mogull about what he sees as tidal forces that are going to rip the information security industry as we know it apart – he has some compelling ideas on that, that’s this week’s feature.
We also check in with Mara Tam who spent today attending the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence in DC. It was a public hearing, but a few things shook out of it were pretty interesting.
This week’s show is brought to you by Canary.tools, makers of honeypot tech, or, if you’re a wanker, Deception Technology. I’m guessing I’ll capitulate eventually and start using that terminology, but not yet, dammit! Haroon joins us to look at how Geopolitics now looks like an IRC war from 1999! We also look at some industry trends, in particular, very smart people building very good tech.
Adam Boileau is back in the news hotseat to talk about all the stuff we missed over the last six weeks. From Trumpleaks (lol) to Wassenaar, hax and more.
Links to everything are in this week’s show notes.
Oh, and do add Patrick and Adam on Twitter if that’s your thing.