Risky Business Podcast
February 27, 2007
Risky Business #2
Presented by

Patrick Gray
CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Technology Editor
Risky Business #2 is now available for download, thanks to our sponsor Cybertrust. On This week's show:
- Bugs, bugs and more bugs. Munir Kotadia from ZDNet gives us a run down on the last week's disclosures.
- AusCERT's Karl Hanmore joins us for the week in review
- eEye Digital security's "Chief Hacking Officer" Marc Maiffret talks Vista Security
- Cybertrust's Andrew Walls discusses the latest bugs in the open source IDS Snort
If you're looking for a Windows podcatcher, try Ziepod.
To play this week's episode now, click on "Play Now" below!
Risky Business #2
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