RB2: ShakaCon Podcst: Lockpicking with Deviant Ollam

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

This is the final of our podcast series recorded at Shaka Con. From next week on RB2 you'll hear reports prepared by our roving reporter Paul Craig on location at New Zealand's OWASP day.

Shaka Con is a hacker conference held annually in Honalulu, Hawaii, and as you'll hear, the conference didn't limit itself to digital security. Lock picking aficionado Deviant Ollam was there to give a talk all about locks and curiously, how to fly with locked luggage.

If you've travelled within the USA you may have opened up your bags one day to find a friendly note from the TSA telling you they have searched your bag for your safety.

Well, as it turns out, there's a way to legally fly with a locked bag. It involves flying with firearms. Only in America, folks.

Risky.Biz's own Paul Craig caught up with Deviant at Shaka Con and filed this interview.

RB2: ShakaCon Podcst: Lockpicking with Deviant Ollam
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