RB2: AusCERT podcast: Maltego creator Roelof Temmingh discusses falsifying digital identities

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

The following audio is an excerpt from Maltego creator Roelof Temmingh's AusCERT presentation.

Maltego is a very interesting bit of information visualisation software. If you haven't heard of it, check it out.

We've all heard the saying that we all leave digital footprints on the web. Well, in this part of his talk Roelof talks about creating false footprints, or false online identities.

It's seriously interesting stuff and not the sort of thing that you normally hear about at a security conference. We'll be posting an interview with Roelof at some point also.

RB2: AusCERT podcast: Maltego creator Roelof Temmingh discusses falsifying digital identities
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