PRESENTATION: All your SCADAS are belong 2 Mark Fabro

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

This is a recording of Mark Fabro's day two keynote speech from AusCERT. Mark is a control systems security expert and a terrific speaker. He's the president and chief security scientist for Lofty Perch, a control system security consultancy. He's extremely well plugged in to the SCADA security scene, he's done a bunch of strategy consulting to the US government. Basically Mark is Mr. SCADA. It's his thing.

In this talk Mark argues that we're focussing on the wrong stuff when it comes to SCADA security. He gives us an experts view on the conversation we should be having if we actually want to fix things. Here's Mark Fabro, I hope you enjoy it.

PRESENTATION: All your SCADAS are belong 2 Mark Fabro
0:00 / 41:07