Risky Business News Podcast
June 10, 2022
Risky Biz News: BPF malware is now a thing
Presented by

Catalin Cimpanu
News Editor

Claire Aird
A short podcast updating listeners on the security news of the last few days, as prepared and presented by Catalin Cimpanu.
You can find the newsletter version of this podcast here.
Show guests include Joakim Kennedy, a security researcher at Intezer, Nishant Bhaskar and Hadi Givehcian, two computer science Ph.D. students at the University of California, San Diego.
Special thanks also go out to Ismael Valenzuela from BlackBerry, Vice President Threat Research & Intelligence at BlackBerry Cylance, whose audio segment didn’t make it into the show due to some audio technical issues.
Risky Biz News: BPF malware is now a thing
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