Risky Business Podcast
August 31, 2012
Risky Business #252 -- Attacks on Aramco likely state sponsored
Presented by

CEO and Publisher

Technology Editor
On this week's show we're talking to Rapid7's HD Moore about recent attacks against the Saudi Aramco oil company that saw 30,000 of 40,000 machines rendered inoperable for around 10 days.
It's the single most destructive attack I've ever heard of.
This week's show is brought to you by Insomnia Security. You might know this week's sponsor guest -- it's out news buddy Adam Boileau, aka Metlstorm.
Adam works for Insomnia! So it's the MOAR METL edition this week! He'll be along a bit later to talk about new trends in security assessments; new ways of doing things that can gauge how effective organisations are at detecting what he calls the "lateral movement" of attackers through networks. As you'd expect, it's very interesting stuff and it's coming up after this week's feature interview.
Show notes
Oracle reportedly knew of critical Java bugs under attack for 4 months | Ars Technica
Second accused LulzSec hacker arrested in Sony breach | Security & Privacy - CNET News
Researchers Hack Brainwaves to Reveal PINs, Other Personal Data | Threat Level | Wired.com
Researcher reports a CSRF vulnerability in Facebook's App Center, earns $5,000 | ZDNet
Air Force Openly Seeking Cyber-Weapons | threatpost
Hackers vow 'hellfire' in latest major data leak | Security & Privacy - CNET News
Looking to Bolster Security, Dropbox Adds Two-Factor Authentication | threatpost
Analysis Shows Traces of Wiper Malware, But No Links to Flame | threatpost
New Gauss and Flame link was a mistake, researchers say | Security & Privacy - CNET News
Citrix Systems \xbb Most Americans Confused By Cloud Computing According to National Survey
Gauss: Abnormal Distribution - Securelist
Virus Shuts RasGas Office Computers, LNG Output Unaffected - Bloomberg
Gh0stRat paper:
Insomnia Security, New Zealand
The hackers surely know what they are doing. They did a good job in making a grand entrance. - Kris Krohn Strongbrook