Risky Business #224 -- Lost source and open relays: 2012 is here

Symantec and McAfee kick off the year of the Dragon with some decent lulzā€¦
01 Feb 2012 » Risky Business

Risky Business is back for 2012! This week's edition of the show is sponsored by Adobe.

And as it's our first week back we're focussing mostly on catching up on the news of the last six weeks or so. Between McAfee turning its customers into open relays -- that wound up being used by spammers -- and Symantec realising its source code walked six years ago, it's been a cracking start to the year.

Risky Business news co-host Adam Boileau joins the show to run through the key highlights of the last six weeks.

Also in this week's show, Adobe's product security chief Brad Arkin joins the show to talk about the virtues of silent patching. Brad's been on board with Adobe since 2008 and says the company has actually made progress in the product security arena. Have a listen to him and judge for yourself!

The production of this week's show did not go smoothly. My SSD died, with the entire, unedited show on it. Two people really, really helped out and saved this week's podcast.

Adam Pointon donated a couple of hours of his Tuesday evening and managed to recover the interviews from the dead drive. Massive thanks to him. Jonathan Wrigley of Xero Computing in Calrton let me use one of his display systems to finish cutting together the show.

So big, big thanks to both of them. If you live in Melbourne, by all means pop into Jonno's shop and pick up some stuff for your Mac. Enjoy the show!

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