RB2: Securus Global's Declan Ingram on Forrester's latest report

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

In this edition of the RB2 podcast we're chatting with Declan Ingram from Securus Global about an interesting report that was recently released by analysis house Forrester.

It was commissioned by Microsoft and was intended to assess the data security practices of North American, European, and Australian enterprises by surveying CISOs.

Forrester sought to understand the value of sensitive information contained in enterprise portfolios; the security controls used to protect this information; the drivers of information security programs; and the cost and impact of enterprise data security incidents.

There were some interesting findings. Among them, that security managers use compliance regimes to justify security spending, not security for security's sake.

You can download the report here.

RB2: Securus Global's Declan Ingram on Forrester's latest report
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