Risky Business #188 -- A bad week for third-party trust

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

On this week's show we're mostly focussing on news! It's been a massive week in news -- we've had AT&T users' Facebook data being re-routed through China, we've had more speculation on the RSA hack, Comodo has been busted dishing out trusted SSL certificates for gmail.com to a box in Iran, there's a stack of SCADA 0day being dropped, there's people going to prison, giant rats eating entire data centres.... ok, well I made the last bit up, but the rest of it, if you can believe it, is true!

So we'll chat with Adam Boileau about a lot of that stuff in the regular news segment, and we'll be joined by Declan Ingram to discuss the Comodo SSL breach and the SCADA news.

In this week's sponsor interview we're chatting with Tenable Network Security's evangelist Paul Asadorian. Well, Paul and his buddy Larry Pesce. Paul and Larry host the PaulDotCom security weekly podcast, and they popped by to discuss the issue of APTs and risk-based security. It's a great chat, and it's coming up later.

This week's show is sponsored by Tenable Network Security.

Risky Business #188 -- A bad week for third-party trust
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