Risky Business Podcast
February 18, 2010
Risky Business #140 -- Former NSA tech director, info assurance, Brian Snow
Presented by

CEO and Publisher

Technology Editor
On this week's show we're joined by a very special guest -- Brian Snow.
Until his recent retirement, Brian was the technical director of information assurance for the United States National Security Agency. So, in other words he knows a few things about information security and in this week's show we cover a bunch of stuff with him -- everything from Google's recent trouble in China to e-voting, to cyrpto trust models and more.
That's after the news.
In this week's sponsor interview Veracode's Tyler Shields joins us to chat about the Blackberry proof of concept spyware he's created... apparently it's still not too hard to get custom malware installed on to the Blackberry and Tyler will tell us all about it!