PRESENTATION: Opening keynote with comedian Bennett Arron

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

You're about to hear an excerpt from the opening keynote from the AusCERT conference by comedian Bennett Arron.

Several years ago Bennett Arron was in serious debt. He owed thousands of pounds to mobile phone companies, catalogues and department stores. But it wasn't him! As it turned out, he was a victim of Identity Theft.

Years later, he wound up writing a comedy show about his experience... he eventually directed and presented a Documentary for Channel 4 called How To Steal An Identity.

In it he actually stole the identity of the then Home Secretary, Charles Clarke.

He was arrested over it, but you'll be pleased to know he was never convicted.

Anyway, Bennett was kind enough to allow Risky Business to play an excerpt from his talk. The whole thing is about an hour long and very entertaining... so obviously you should book him for your next exotically-located conference and or event. Big thanks to Bennett for allowing us to play this chunk of his talk.

PRESENTATION: Opening keynote with comedian Bennett Arron
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