Risky Business Podcast
July 05, 2018
Snake Oilers 6 part 2: Proofpoint on cred phishing, Exabeam defines next-gen SIEM
Presented by

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Snake Oilers is a wholly sponsored podcast series we a few times a year here at Risky Biz HQ. The idea is we get a bunch of vendors together and they pitch their tech in a straightforward way. Less “stops advanced cyber threats” and more “here’s what our stuff does and how it works”.
You’re hearing this instead of a weekly show because I am currently on a beach somewhere tropical.
We’ve got two vendors in this edition of ‘Oilers: next-gen SIEM platform company Exabeam and email filtering giant Proofpoint.
Our sponsor guest from Proofpoint is Ryan Kalember. Ryan is the SVP of cybersecurity strategy at Proofpoint, and regular listeners would have heard him pop up here and there on other Risky Business podcasts.
Ryan knows an awful lot about email security and he’s joining us this week to talk about a few things. A big selling point he wants to hit home this week is that Proofpoint offers its clients dedicated IPs for their outbound mail servers. That means you won’t be blocked when someone else using the same IP for outbound mail starts sending spam. Believe it or not this is a thing that happens to users on other mail filtering platforms. From there Ryan spells out Proofpoint’s approach to combating credential phishing. Aaaaand we talk about other stuff too. We started off by talking about how some organisations are getting blocked because their filtering provider is sharing IPs between clients.
Exabeam also drops in to talk about what a next gen SIEM actually is. From day one Exabeam was a startup that meant business. As you’ll hear, they started off as a SIEM-helper, and they’ve gradually built out their product from there. Now they’re going after the established SIEM market – think Splunk, Arcsight, those types of products. Despite only being five years old, Exabeam has quickly established itself as a real player in the SIEM market.
And why not? They make a compelling argument that the most popular SIEM products have gone stale. Anu Yamanan is the VP of products at Exabeam and she’s here to explain the general pitch behind all next generation SIEM gear. The idea is to go beyond the event log and build a timeline of events that actually has context around it. SOC analysts, SIEM specialists and CSOs will be interested to hear what she has to say here.