Risky Business Podcast
December 04, 2017
Snake Oilers #4: Dino Dai Zovi, Chris McNab and Sylvain Gil
Presented by

CEO and Publisher
We’ll be hearing from three vendors in this edition of Oilers. Dino Dai Zovi will be along first up to talk about his startup, Capsule8, which looks very promising indeed.
After we’ve heard from Dino we’ll be chatting with Chris McNab. He used to run incident response for iSec Partners and later NCC Group, but these days he runs AlphaSOC, a company he founded. They’re a very simply play – they do DNS and IP analytics.
They offer that as a Splunk application or via an API, and you would be amazed how much bad stuff you can kick off your network with something as simple as DNS and IP analytics. Tor exfil, whole families of malware, BitTorrent, all sorts of stuff. Chris will be along soon to talk about that.
Then we’re rounding it out with a conversation with Sylvain Gil, the co-founder of Exabeam.
Exabeam started off in analytics and UEBA, but they’ve taken a bunch of money and they’re spending it on building out their SIEM, which is already pretty popular in certain circles because they don’t license it based on volume. Sylvain pops along later on to talk about how that’s changing SIEM use cases for a bunch of people. For example they can pump their EDR logs into their SIEM without wearing a seven figure SIEM consumption bill. He also walks through how they’ve used open source technologies like Hadoop in their products. It’s an all around chat that one, not so much a pitch, but yeah, I found it really interesting and I hope you will too.
Links to all three profiled vendors are below!