Risky Business News Podcast

Analysis and news podcasts published weekly

Risky Biz News: FBI nukes Qakbot botnet

Presented by

Catalin Cimpanu
Catalin Cimpanu

News Editor

Claire Aird
Claire Aird


A short podcast updating listeners on the security news of the last few days, as prepared by Catalin Cimpanu and read by Kaitlyn Sawrey.

You can find the newsletter version of this podcast here.

Risky Biz News: FBI nukes Qakbot botnet
0:00 / 7:11

Between Two Nerds: Know thyself

Presented by

Tom Uren
Tom Uren

Policy & Intelligence

The Grugq
The Grugq

Independent Security Researcher

In this edition of Between Two Nerds Tom Uren and The Grugq look at how asset inventory tools aren’t a substitute for knowing what a business values.

Between Two Nerds: Know thyself
0:00 / 25:03

Risky Biz News: Kroll SIM-swapped in attack targeting crypto platforms

Presented by

Catalin Cimpanu
Catalin Cimpanu

News Editor

Claire Aird
Claire Aird


A short podcast updating listeners on the security news of the last few days, as prepared by Catalin Cimpanu and read by Kaitlyn Sawrey.

You can find the newsletter version of this podcast here.

Risky Biz News: Kroll SIM-swapped in attack targeting crypto platforms
0:00 / 5:34

Srsly Risky Biz: Why did Russia deploy hackers to war zones?

Presented by

Tom Uren
Tom Uren

Policy & Intelligence

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

In this podcast Patrick Gray and Tom Uren talk about how Ukraine has countered Russia’s cyber operations.

They also look at various initiatives the US government is taking to secure open source software and ask whether it is getting serious about FOSS.

Srsly Risky Biz: Why did Russia deploy hackers to war zones?
0:00 / 15:55

Risky Biz News: WinRAR zero-day used to hack stock and crypto traders

Presented by

Catalin Cimpanu
Catalin Cimpanu

News Editor

Claire Aird
Claire Aird


A short podcast updating listeners on the security news of the last few days, as prepared by Catalin Cimpanu and read by Kaitlyn Sawrey.

You can find the newsletter version of this podcast here.

Risky Biz News: WinRAR zero-day used to hack stock and crypto traders
0:00 / 7:27

Risky Biz News: South Korea investigates Chinese "spy chips"

Presented by

Catalin Cimpanu
Catalin Cimpanu

News Editor

Claire Aird
Claire Aird


A short podcast updating listeners on the security news of the last few days, as prepared by Catalin Cimpanu and read by Kaitlyn Sawrey.

You can find the newsletter version of this podcast here.

Risky Biz News: South Korea investigates Chinese "spy chips"
0:00 / 6:09

Between Two Nerds: Hacking CCTV cameras for fun and profit

Presented by

Tom Uren
Tom Uren

Policy & Intelligence

The Grugq
The Grugq

Independent Security Researcher

In this edition of Between Two Nerds Tom Uren and The Grugq examine the history of CCTV hacking and what different groups they get out of these hacks.

Between Two Nerds: Hacking CCTV cameras for fun and profit
0:00 / 25:48

Risky Biz Sponsor Interview: Using AI to do security research

Presented by

Tom Uren
Tom Uren

Policy & Intelligence

In this Risky Business News sponsor interview Tom Uren talks to Dan Guido, CEO of Trail of Bits, about AI. Dan thinks AI technologies will be a “game changer”. But he also thinks the conversation around AI is not very sophisticated just yet.

Risky Biz Sponsor Interview: Using AI to do security research
0:00 / 20:32

Risky Biz News: Foreign intelligence services are targeting the US space sector

Presented by

Catalin Cimpanu
Catalin Cimpanu

News Editor

Claire Aird
Claire Aird


A short podcast updating listeners on the security news of the last few days, as prepared by Catalin Cimpanu and read by Kaitlyn Sawrey.

You can find the newsletter version of this podcast here.

Risky Biz News: Foreign intelligence services are targeting the US space sector
0:00 / 6:52

Risky Biz News: PowerShell's official package repo is a supply chain mess

Presented by

Catalin Cimpanu
Catalin Cimpanu

News Editor

Claire Aird
Claire Aird


A short podcast updating listeners on the security news of the last few days, as prepared by Catalin Cimpanu and read by Kaitlyn Sawrey.

You can find the newsletter version of this podcast here.

Risky Biz News: PowerShell's official package repo is a supply chain mess
0:00 / 5:48