Risky Business News Podcast

Analysis and news podcasts published weekly

Risky Biz News: Russia hacks TeamViewer

Presented by

Catalin Cimpanu
Catalin Cimpanu

News Editor

Claire Aird
Claire Aird


A short podcast updating listeners on the security news of the last few days, as prepared by Catalin Cimpanu and read by Claire Aird.

You can find the newsletter version of this podcast here.

Risky Biz News: Russia hacks TeamViewer
0:00 / 11:58

Sponsored: Rad Security describes its concept of "verified runtime fingerprints"

Presented by

Catalin Cimpanu
Catalin Cimpanu

News Editor

In this Risky Business News sponsor interview, Catalin Cimpanu talks with Jimmy Mesta, CTO and Co-Founder of Rad Security (formerly KSOC). Jimmy explains how Rad Security has replaced signature-based detections with a new concept the company calls “behavioral fingerprints” or “verified runtime fingerprints,” which can detect malicious activity in cloud environments using a wider set of indicators.

Sponsored: Rad Security describes its concept of "verified runtime fingerprints"
0:00 / 14:04

Srsly Risky Biz: Why the Optus breach was dumb

Presented by

Tom Uren
Tom Uren

Policy & Intelligence

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

In this podcast Tom Uren and Patrick Gray talk about how Optus’s 2022 data breach went down and how the company had been vulnerable for years.

They also look at the US government’s ban on Kaspersky products, why it makes sense and why the ban took a long time to arrive.

Srsly Risky Biz: Why the Optus breach was dumb
0:00 / 14:58

Risky Biz News: Russia wants its own CISA

Presented by

Catalin Cimpanu
Catalin Cimpanu

News Editor

Claire Aird
Claire Aird


A short podcast updating listeners on the security news of the last few days, as prepared by Catalin Cimpanu and read by Claire Aird.

You can find the newsletter version of this podcast here.

Risky Biz News: Russia wants its own CISA
0:00 / 8:46

Srsly Risky Biz: China's superstar hackers

Presented by

Tom Uren
Tom Uren

Policy & Intelligence

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

In this podcast Tom Uren and Patrick Gray talk about a new report that explores how China’s vulnerability discovery and research ecosystem is linked to state sponsored espionage. This research finds that a relatively small number of people are responsible for an outsize contribution to vulnerability discovery.

They also talk about difficulties at CISA’s Joint Cyber Defence Collaborative initiative and why it should be retired.

Srsly Risky Biz: China's superstar hackers
0:00 / 18:19

Risky Biz News: Apple launches private cloud for AI workloads

Presented by

Catalin Cimpanu
Catalin Cimpanu

News Editor

Claire Aird
Claire Aird


A short podcast updating listeners on the security news of the last few days, as prepared by Catalin Cimpanu and read by Claire Aird.

You can find the newsletter version of this podcast here.

Risky Biz News: Apple launches private cloud for AI workloads
0:00 / 8:50

Between Two Nerds: The cyber Rorschach test

Presented by

Tom Uren
Tom Uren

Policy & Intelligence

The Grugq
The Grugq

Independent Security Researcher

In this edition of Between Two Nerds Tom Uren and The Grugq talk about how the use of cyber operations in Ukraine is informative but information is incomplete. Rather than clarifying the role of cyber operations in conventional warfare there is still a lot of room for confirmation bias.

Between Two Nerds: The cyber Rorschach test
0:00 / 19:51

Risky Biz News: Microsoft relents on Windows 11 Recall

Presented by

Catalin Cimpanu
Catalin Cimpanu

News Editor

Claire Aird
Claire Aird


A short podcast updating listeners on the security news of the last few days, as prepared by Catalin Cimpanu and read by Claire Aird.

You can find the newsletter version of this podcast here.

Risky Biz News: Microsoft relents on Windows 11 Recall
0:00 / 8:23

Sponsored: Panther on how the market is moving towards detection engineers

Presented by

Catalin Cimpanu
Catalin Cimpanu

News Editor

In this Risky Business News sponsor interview, Catalin Cimpanu talks with Panther Senior Engineering Manager Nicholas Hakmiller on how the IT market is adapting to the cybersecurity skill shortage by training regular software talent in detection engineering, how AI is not there yet, and how Panther excels at spotting initial account compromise.

Sponsored: Panther on how the market is moving towards detection engineers
0:00 / 13:33

Risky Biz News: Interpol plugs Red Notices leak

Presented by

Catalin Cimpanu
Catalin Cimpanu

News Editor

Claire Aird
Claire Aird


A short podcast updating listeners on the security news of the last few days, as prepared by Catalin Cimpanu and read by Claire Aird.

You can find the newsletter version of this podcast here.

Risky Biz News: Interpol plugs Red Notices leak
0:00 / 8:43