
News, analysis and commentary

Between Two Nerds: How organisations learn in a world of secrets

Presented by

Tom Uren
Tom Uren

Policy & Intelligence

The Grugq
The Grugq

Independent Security Researcher

In this edition of Between Two Nerds Tom Uren and The Grugq look at how different types of secrecy obsessed organisations learn.

The Grugq mentions the book Mafia Organisations: The Visible Hand of Criminal Enterprise by Maurizio Catino.

Between Two Nerds: How organisations learn in a world of secrets
0:00 / 24:02

Risky Biz News: Microsoft ties security goals to executive compensation

Presented by

Catalin Cimpanu
Catalin Cimpanu

News Editor

Claire Aird
Claire Aird


A short podcast updating listeners on the security news of the last few days, as prepared by Catalin Cimpanu and read by Claire Aird.

You can find the newsletter version of this podcast here.

Risky Biz News: Microsoft ties security goals to executive compensation
0:00 / 8:53

Sponsored: How Thinkst stays on top of attack trends

Presented by

Tom Uren
Tom Uren

Policy & Intelligence

In this Risky Business News sponsored interview, Tom Uren talks to Marco Slaveiro, Thinkst’s CTO about staying current with modern attack trends and not falling for the trap of optimising to catch red teams.

Sponsored: How Thinkst stays on top of attack trends
0:00 / 13:13

Risky Biz News: New router malware intercepts traffic to steal credentials

Presented by

Catalin Cimpanu
Catalin Cimpanu

News Editor

Claire Aird
Claire Aird


A short podcast updating listeners on the security news of the last few days, as prepared by Catalin Cimpanu and read by Claire Aird.

You can find the newsletter version of this podcast here.

Risky Biz News: New router malware intercepts traffic to steal credentials
0:00 / 7:36

Srsly Risky Biz: The problem with big tech

Presented by

Tom Uren
Tom Uren

Policy & Intelligence

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

In this podcast Tom Uren and Adam Boileau talk about how there is a growing consensus between regulators and lawmakers on the key problems of modern tech companies.

They also dive into how to deal with malicious foreign actors buying their way onto domestic cloud infrastructure and how drones are actually just like modern cars.

Srsly Risky Biz: The problem with big tech
0:00 / 19:50

Risky Business #746 – Microsoft takes your security seriously*

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

On this week’s show Patrick and Adam discuss the week’s security news, including:

  • Microsoft reassures* us that they take security very seriously*
  • Cisco ASA firewalls get sneakily backdoored, but no one’s quite sure how
  • Change Healthcare was 1FA Citrix all along
  • The FTC, FCC and other government sticks get waved at tech
  • Lizard Squad Finn who hacked the Vastaamo therapy chain gets sentenced
  • And much, much more.

This week’s sponsor is Zero Networks, who make a network micro-segmentation product that is actually usable. Zero Networks CEO Benny Lakunishok joins us to talk through why firewalling everything everywhere is finally workable.

* You’ll forgive us for being… a tad sceptical.

Risky Business #746 – Microsoft takes your security seriously*
0:00 / 63:12

Risky Biz News: Change Healthcare blames it all on a Citrix password

Presented by

Catalin Cimpanu
Catalin Cimpanu

News Editor

Claire Aird
Claire Aird


A short podcast updating listeners on the security news of the last few days, as prepared by Catalin Cimpanu and read by Claire Aird. You can find the newsletter version of this podcast here.

Risky Biz News: Change Healthcare blames it all on a Citrix password
0:00 / 7:34

Between Two Nerds: Busting 0day Myths

Presented by

Tom Uren
Tom Uren

Policy & Intelligence

The Grugq
The Grugq

Independent Security Researcher

In this edition of Between Two Nerds Tom Uren and The Grugq look at the life cycle of 0days, dissect the conventional wisdom and talk about how 0days are never truly ‘burnt’.

Between Two Nerds: Busting 0day Myths
0:00 / 22:40

Snake Oilers: Push Security, Knocknoc and iVerify

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

In this edition of Snake Oilers we’ll be hearing from:

  • Push Security: A browser plugin-based security company that combats identity-based attacks. (Much more compelling that it sounds in this description.)
  • Knocknoc: The tool Risky Business uses to protect our own applications and services. (Restrict network/port access to users who are authenticated via SSO.)
  • iVerify: Mobile security and threat hunting for iOS and Android. (Caught Pegasus in the wild!)
Snake Oilers: Push Security, Knocknoc and iVerify
0:00 / 42:06

Risky Biz News: Cyber Partisans hack Belarus KGB

Presented by

Catalin Cimpanu
Catalin Cimpanu

News Editor

Claire Aird
Claire Aird


A short podcast updating listeners on the security news of the last few days, as prepared by Catalin Cimpanu and read by Claire Aird. You can find the newsletter version of this podcast here.

Risky Biz News: Cyber Partisans hack Belarus KGB
0:00 / 6:29