
News, analysis and commentary

Risky Business #322 -- China charges: Just what is America doing?

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

On this week's show we've got a cracking interview with ANU Professor and former prime ministerial advisor Hugh White about the charges brought against alleged Chinese military hackers by the US Department of Justice. That one's coming up after the news.

This week's show is brought to you by Tenable Network Security. Jack Daniel of Tenable stops by in this week's sponsor interview to talk about password managers in light of the eBay breach. Is it time we really started encouraging people to use them?

Show notes

Hackers raid eBay in historic breach, access 145 million records | Reuters

Expert: Fake eBay Customer List is Bitcoin Bait - Krebs on Security

'Blackshades' Trojan Users Had It Coming - Krebs on Security

U.S. Indictment of Chinese Hackers Could Be Awkward for the NSA | Enterprise | WIRED

USDOJ: U.S. Charges Five Chinese Military Hackers for Cyber Espionage Against U.S. Corporations and a Labor Organization for Commercial Advantage

NSA reportedly installing spyware on US-made hardware - CNET

China ups security checks on tech suppliers as US tensions mount - CNET

Why did China ban Windows 8? - Security - Technology - News - iTnews.com.au

Cisco CEO asks Obama to control NSA surveillance - CNET

NSA Reform Bill Passes the House-With a Gaping Loophole | Threat Level | WIRED

Free App Lets the Next Snowden Send Big Files Securely and Anonymously | Threat Level | WIRED

Pro-Privacy Blackphone Pulls $30M Into Silent Circle | TechCrunch

Whistleblowers Beware: Apps Like Whisper and Secret Will Rat You Out | Business | WIRED

Secrets, lies and Snowden's email: why I was forced to shut down Lavabit | Comment is free | theguardian.com

Darkcoin, the Shadowy Cousin of Bitcoin, Is Booming | Threat Level | WIRED

AFP arrests man over Melbourne IT hack - Security - Technology - News - iTnews.com.au

SNMP DDoS Attacks Spike

SNMP Public Community String Zero Day in Routers Disclosed | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

XMPP Mandating Encryption on Messaging Service Operators | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Remove metadata from Office files, PDFs, and images - CNET

Chip and PIN EMV Protocol security vulnerabilities found | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Privileged User Access Lacking Trust But Verify | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

ICS-CERT Confirms Public Utility Compromised Recently | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Samsung Eyeing Iris Recognition for New Phones | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Why You Should Ditch Adobe Shockwave - Krebs on Security

Malvertising Redirecting to Angler EK, Silverlight Exploits | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Android Outlook App Could Expose Emails, Attachments | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Microsoft Working on Patch for IE 8 Zero Day | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Chrome 35 Fixes 23 Security Flaws | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Professor Hugh White - Researchers - ANU

02 - Mammal - Think - YouTube

Risky Business #322 -- China charges: Just what is America doing?
0:00 / 55:25

SPONSOR INTERVIEW: What's new in big data security analytics?

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Scott Crane is Arbor Networks product manager for its Pravail line of big data security analytics division.

Scott was a part of the original PacketLoop team -- PacketLoop was an Australian start up that created some pretty impressive big data security analytics technology. It was so impressive that it wound up being acquired by Arbor Networks and is now sold under the Pravail brand.

Somehow the original team managed to convince Arbor to keep the bulk of the R&D on those products based right here in Australia. So you could say we're all pretty big fans of Scott and his team for scoring some runs for the home team. They've got 12 staff in Sydney, and they're growing.

It's been eight months since the deal was struck, so I caught up with Scott to talk about what's new in the field of big data security analytics. And interestingly enough, the Pravail tech wound up being pretty useful lately. Because it performs packet-capture based analysis, the Pravail team could help their clients roll back through their stored packet captures to see if anyone had used the Heartbleed flaw against them. Somewhat reassuringly, the Pravail guys at Arbor did not find any evidence of Heartbleed actually being used in the wild.

SPONSOR INTERVIEW: What's new in big data security analytics?
0:00 / 7:19


Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

In this sponsor cast we're chatting with Dave Merkel, the CTO of FireEye. Dave has been around the infosec traps since the 90s -- long enough to see how things have changed. One of the things that has changed is the acknowledgement by the market that you can't really keep attackers from gaining a foothold on at least *a* device within your environment.

It's the reason we're seeing a lot of gear hit the market that will help you post intrusion. I started off by asking Dave if he'd noticed this shift in thinking in the market.

0:00 / 12:33

PRESENTATION: AusCERT speed debate 2014

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

We're going to close out this year's coverage the way we normally do it: with a recording of the AusCERT speed debate!

I was a debater this year and as you'll hear I had zero time to prepare, so my contributions are pretty lame, but there was a hell of a panel like always. The whole thing was moderated by Adam Spencer.

Most of it makes no sense, some of it is funny, some of it is just stupid. Like it or loathe it, it's almost become an institution at this point so we absolutely have to include it.

So here it is! The speed debate! The closing event from AusCERT 2014, I hope you enjoy it.

PRESENTATION: AusCERT speed debate 2014
0:00 / 52:08

INTERVIEW: Peter Gutmann: The NSA isn't that organised

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

I've already podcasted Peter's presentation, but I thought a follow up interview was warranted. To cut a long story short, he does believe some crypto standards have been subverted by the NSA, but says some fears about government crypto-fiddling are misplaced. In general, he says, it's a lot easier for attackers to bypass encryption than it is for them to break it.

Peter knows crypto. He's a professor at Auckland University, has written crypto libraries and even had a hand in writing PGP.

I started off by asking Peter for his thoughts on the controversial dual elliptic curve number generator. Was it really backdoored by the NSA?

INTERVIEW: Peter Gutmann: The NSA isn't that organised
0:00 / 8:32

INTERVIEW: Dr. Jason Fox on gamification

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

On the final day of AusCERT last week delegates were treated to a fascinating talk by Dr. Jason Fox, gamification expert and author of the book The Game Changer.

Jason's expertise is in finding out how to take the motivational aspects of games and apply them to work processes. We all know that sitting your staff down in a dimly lit auditorium to lecture them on spear phishing does precisely nothing to change user behaviour. But what if you made the hunt for spear phishing messages a game?

I sat down with Jason Fox after his presentation and recorded this interview.

INTERVIEW: Dr. Jason Fox on gamification
0:00 / 17:03

SPONSOR PODCAST: Is SNMP-geddon coming?

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

This is a sponsor interview with Marc Eisenbarth, Arbor Networks' security architect and the manager of research for its Arbor Security Engineering and Response Team (ASERT).

I spoke to Mark about the massive influx of NTP-based DDoS traffic we've seen this year. Can we expect attackers to move on to other protocols and services like SNMP and Chargen? He thinks so. But it's not until we start seeing SNMP-based DDoS capabilities built into generic malware that we'll really have big problems.

SPONSOR PODCAST: Is SNMP-geddon coming?
0:00 / 13:36

SPONSOR PODCAST: How to batten down for the G20

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

This is a sponsor interview with Kate McInnes of Datacom TSS.

Kate is ex-DSD and currently serves as a principal consultant with Datacom TSS in Perth. She's been doing a bunch of work with a bunch of different organisations on preparing them for the looming G20 summit in Brisbane.

What do the threats look like? Where are they coming from? And what can be done about them?

SPONSOR PODCAST: How to batten down for the G20
0:00 / 11:41

PRESENTATION: Why break crypto when you can bypass it?

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

You're about to hear a recording of Peter Gutmann's speech here which is all about crypto. Well, it's sort of about crypto. With newspapers filled with stories about the NSA subverting crypto standards, Peter asks us whether that really matters. Why would an attacker bother breaking crypto when they can just bypass it?

Peter is well positioned to do this talk. He's a researcher in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Auckland and works on the design and analysis of cryptographic security architectures and security usability.

He helped write PGP, has authored a number of papers and RFC's on security and encryption, and is the author of the open source cryptlib security toolkit. And luckily for us, he's a fairly regular guest on Risky Business.

PRESENTATION: Why break crypto when you can bypass it?
0:00 / 37:22

INTERVIEW: Klout for infosec?

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

You're about to hear my interview with Matt Jones, a security consultant who runs a small outfit named Volvent.

He's been working on a very interesting side project for a couple of years now. Essentially it's a social media analyser that identifies sources of high-quality information. Users can tap in a keyword and drill through the conversations on social media that actually matter -- the conversations that influence the influencers. The project was born of Matt's desire to never have to log in to Twitter again.

INTERVIEW: Klout for infosec?
0:00 / 12:14