Risky Business #93 -- 2008: The Year That Was

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

This week's edition of Risky Business is a bit different -- we take a look back over the big stories of 2008 and highlight the best work we saw over the last 12 months.

You'll laugh, you'll cry... you'll hurl.

This is the final Risky Business for the year, with normal programming returning in February. The final edition of Risky Business for the year is brought to you by Tenable Network Security, makers of fine information security software.

So in addition to this week's 20-minute year-in-review special, this week's podcast also includes an interview with Tenable's CSO, Marcus Ranum, in the final sponsor segment for the year.

This week Marcus and Patrick discuss the woeful state of Internet browser security.

NOTE: There is talk in that segment of a Firefox 0day that could have amounted to nothing. Well, it did -- turns out it was a null pointer dereference bug, which means it's probably not exploitable... unless you're Mark Dowd.

A big merry Christmas and thank you to all listeners who helped make Risky Business a success in 2008!

Risky Business #93 -- 2008: The Year That Was
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