Risky Business Podcast
April 01, 2008
Risky Business #56 -- 0day bugs: "Knowledge is power"
Presented by

Patrick Gray
CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Technology Editor
This week's podcast is sponsored by RSA Security and hosted by Vigabyte. With the prize money at CanSecWest's PWN2OWN competition hitting $20k, we thought we'd take a look at the vulnerability marketplace. Are the days of full and free disclosure over? Insomnia Security's Brett Moore joins us to talk about it.
Risky Business also caught up with AusCERT's Mark McPherson. While AusCERT is putting on an executive program at its conference this year, we had to ask if security really is a boardroom issue.
In this week's sponsor interview RSA's Geoff Noble talks 2FA -- apparently tokens and SMS are old hat.
On this week's show:
- ZDNet Australia editor Munir Kotadia discusses the week's headlines
- Insomnia Security founder, vulnerability researcher and penetration tester Brett Moore discusses bug disclosure -- why give away for free what you can sell to TippingPoint?
- AusCERT's Mark McPherson talks about security in the boadroom and the group's executive program
- In this week's sponsor interview, RSA Security's Geoff Noble looks at multi-factor authentication -- what's after tokens?
Risky Business #56 -- 0day bugs: "Knowledge is power"
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