Risky Business #48 -- $8.2 billion reasons

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

This week's edition of Risky Business is brought to you by Sophos.

On this week's podcast:

  • ZDNet Australia's Munir Kotadia discusses the week's news
  • Patrick Gray asks CSO Adam Pointon if robust security practices could have prevented Societe General's $8.2 billion loss to a rogue trader
  • Paul Ducklin, head of technology for Sophos in the Asia Pacific, discusses multi-stage malware

The music heard at the end of this week's podcast is by Afro Dizzi Act. You can buy the track at soundfoundation.com.au.

Risky Business #48 -- $8.2 billion reasons
0:00 / 34:57