Risky Business Podcast
September 04, 2007
Risky Business #29 -- Embassies pwned, adware suits and APEC
Presented by

CEO and Publisher

Technology Editor
Your weekly Australian security podcast is now available for download, thanks to our sponsor Verizon Business Security Solutions and hosting partner Vigabyte.
It's been a big week in security news, with a Swedish consultant posting 100 valid embassy staffer e-mail logins online, Zango pulling its law-suit against PC Tools and losing against Kaspersky and the APEC summit forum rolling into Sydney, leading to some insecure and ad-hoc telecommuting.
On this week's show:
Host Patrick Gray and ZDNet Australia editor Munir Kotadia discuss the week's headlines
RSA Security's country manager discusses secure telecommuting
PC Tools chief executive Simon Clausen does a postmortem on the failed adware company lawsuit against his company and Kaspersky labs
Robert Lording, Verizon Business Security Solutions network security manager discusses the telco's role in preventing the spread of malware