Risky Business Podcast
August 21, 2009
Risky Business #120 -- Professor Gernot Heiser discusses Australia's "perfect" microkernel
Presented by

CEO and Publisher

Technology Editor
This week's edition of Risky Business is brought to you by Sophos and hosted by Vigabyte virtual hosting.
On this week's show we chat with Professor Gernot Heiser. He's the chief Technology Officer of OK-Labs, or Open Kernel Labs. The company makes software for embedded systems, and recently NICTA -- that's a government funded technology R&D lab -- has claimed to have mathematically verified one of the OK-labs kernels as being mathematically perfect. No buffer overflows. No null pointer dereferences. No divide by zeros.
The Prof stops by to explain what this all means.
We also chat with Sean Richmond from Sophos in this week's sponsor interview. We quiz Sean on this virus doing the rounds that affects Delphi development environments. Interesting stuff!
And of course Adam Boileau pops by with the week's news headlines.