Risky Business News Podcast
December 15, 2022
Srsly Risky Biz: The Access Debate is Now the Child Safety Debate
Presented by

Policy & Intelligence

CEO and Publisher
In this podcast Patrick Gray talks to Tom Uren about Apple’s latest move to roll out end-to-end encrypted iCloud backups and how that plays into the lawful access debate. Pending legislation in the US, UK and EU is all about mitigating online harms and countering child exploitation, so they think the policy debate has moved on from lawful access. There are lots of measures that companies could take in this space that don’t compromise end-to-end encryption, and legislators are going to force companies to do more. They also look at the next move for North Korean hackers. They’ve had an absolute field day pillaging cryptocurrency ventures. What will their next move be as the “Crypto Winter” arrives?
You can find the newsletter post this podcast is based on here.
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