Srsly Risky Biz: China's MSS gets personal

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Tom Uren
Tom Uren

Policy & Intelligence

Tom Uren and Patrick Gray discuss how China’s Ministry of State Security is increasingly doxxing and threatening Taiwanese APT operators. In some ways this mirrors the US strategy of naming and shaming Chinese cyber operators in indictments that contain lots of supporting information. But although MSS statements are filled with propaganda rather than technical detail, naming Taiwanese military hackers has some bite.

They also discuss Russia’s ‘shadow war’ sabotage campaign across Europe. The Russian campaign mostly relies on traditional sabotage and finding local proxies to throw bombs. But it does make sense for Western governments to respond with destructive cyber operations.

This episode is also available on Youtube.

Srsly Risky Biz: China's MSS gets personal
0:00 / 19:10