Risky Business Podcast
June 05, 2019
Risky Business #544 -- NYTimes Baltimore report falls over
Presented by

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Technology Editor
On this week’s show Patrick and Adam talk through all the week’s security news, including:
- NYTimes story on EternalBlue and Baltimore is bunk
- An RDP worm is feeling kind of inevitable
- Iran is still getting Shadowbrokersed
- Intercept has a great feature on SID Today dumps
- Australian Federal Police crack down on national security journalism
- Phantom Secure CEO gets nine years and loses $80m
- Silk Road 2.0 admin must be an amazing snitch
- Another Bitcoin tumbler bites the dust
- Much, much more
This week’s sponsor interview is with Marco Slaviero of Thinkst Canary.
Marco is joining us this week to talk about how he thinks web application-based deception techniques are kind of a waste of time right now. We talk about how deception approaches work best in privileged domains, then we talk about how security teams do better when they have a dedicated ops developer.

Brought to you by Thinkst
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Show notes
Ruppersberger: NSA has no evidence EternalBlue was in Baltimore attack
Sen. Van Hollen: Government sees no EternalBlue in Baltimore ransomware attack
N.S.A. Denies Its Cyberweapon Was Used in Baltimore Attack, Congressman Says - The New York Times
Report: No ‘Eternal Blue’ Exploit Found in Baltimore City Ransomware — Krebs on Security
Baltimore ransomware perp pinky-swears he didn’t use NSA exploit | Ars Technica
NSA points to two-year patching window in remarks about Baltimore incident
Microsoft's BlueKeep Bug Isn't Getting Patched Fast Enough | WIRED
Even the NSA is urging Windows users to patch BlueKeep (CVE-2019-0708) | ZDNet
New Iranian hacking tool leaked on Telegram | ZDNet
Meltdown Showed Extent of NSA Surveillance — and Other Tales From Hundreds of Intelligence Documents
Federal police raid home of News Corp journalist Annika Smethurst | Australia news | The Guardian
PressReader.com - Your favorite newspapers and magazines.
CEO Who Sold Encrypted Phones to the Sinaloa Cartel Sentenced to Nine Years - VICE
Silk Road 2.0 Admin May Only Be Prosecuted For Tax Crimes After Cooperating with Feds - VICE
Bitcoin Blender Exits Cryptocurrency Mixing On Its Own Terms
Rights groups probe investments in NSO Group’s private equity firm
Much @Stake: The Band of Hackers That Defined an Era | WIRED
Google Cloud goes down, taking YouTube, Gmail, Snapchat, and others with it | ZDNet
China 'rigs' 5G test to favour Huawei - NZ Herald
Russian military moves closer to replacing Windows with Astra Linux | ZDNet
Maze Ransomware Says Computer Type Determines Ransom Amount
Phishing Emails Pretend to be Office 365 'File Deletion' Alerts
Unpatched Flaw Affects All Docker Versions, Exploits Ready
Zero-Day Flaw in Windows 10 Task Scheduler Gets Micropatch
Flipboard says hackers stole user details | ZDNet
Google Is Finally Making Chrome Extensions More Secure | WIRED
Westpac cyber atttack: PayID platform hack exposes private details on 100,000 Australians
New research shows personalized ads are just barely more efficient than dumb ads | ZDNet