Risky Business Podcast
February 07, 2014
Risky Business #309 -- All your clipboards R belong 2 OJ
Presented by

Patrick Gray
CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Technology Editor
We're back after a nice long rest, and boy oh boy did a lot of stuff happen during the break. Adam Boileau joins the show to discuss the choicest selection of news items to emerge over the last six weeks.
In this week's feature slot we chat to OJ Reeves about his work in upgrading Meterpreter, the Metasploit payload. There are some cool new features on the way, he'll clue us in on those.
This week's show is brought to you by Tenable Network Security.
Tenable's very own Marcus Ranum will be joining us to have a chat about security metrics in this week's sponsor interview, stick around for that.
Show notes for this week's episode are here.
Patrick Gray on Twitter.
Adam Boileau on Twitter.
Risky Business #309 -- All your clipboards R belong 2 OJ
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