Risky Business Podcast
September 20, 2013
Risky Business #297 -- Matthew Green tells his story
Presented by

CEO and Publisher

Technology Editor
This week's show, like last week's, is a bit different. I am still moving house, which includes moving the Risky Business office and studio, but everything should be back to normal next week.
So there's no news segment in this week's show, but we have two great feature interviews with academic cryptographers. The first is with Johns Hopkins University's Matthew Green who was actually asked to remove a blog post critical of the NSA from the university's servers last week, leading to a massive controversy. We're going to get his side of the story, that's a great chat.
Peter Gutmann of the University of Auckland also joins us in this week's podcast. He's another well-known crypto academic and I'll be getting his thoughts on the NSA's covert program to subvert public crypto.
I cover some of the same ground with Peter as I do with Matthew, but as you'll hear they have slightly different perspectives on these things.
This week's show is brought to you by Tenable Network Security, makers of fine, fine vulnerability scanning software.
And you know what? The vuln scanning world has changed pretty substantially in the last 5-10 years. You used to use vuln scanners to prioritise which of your awfully out of date windows boxes you'd patch.
But these days you're more likely to use that stuff to find boxes that simply aren't managed. Ron joins us to talk about that.