Risky Business #283 -- America, we need to talk

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

Adam Boileau
Adam Boileau

Technology Editor

On this week's show we take a look at PRISM, the NSA's recently exposed massive surveillance program. Leaked PowerPoint slides from NSA describe a surveillance system that allows the agency to effortlessly capture a target's YouTube, Google, Facebook and Skype. This has been reported as these companies allowing the US government access to "back doors" on their systems.

In this week's episode we look at an alternative theory: The NSA is actually capturing information on "persons of interest" in real-time via fibre taps, decrypting it with private keys, then storing it. It's our theory and we're sticking with it. Listen to this week's episode to see if you agree!

Also this week we've got Tenable's chief of security, Marcus Ranum, stopping by in this week's sponsor interview to follow up on his keynote speech at AusCERT. The speech was called Never Fight a Land War in Cyber Space and it's really about the idea that conventional military thinking doesn't apply to the Internet.

I published a recording of his talk and it got a great reaction, but I was left with some questions after I saw it. So I rang him up and asked them! It's actually a really, really interesting interview so make sure you tune in for it.

****EDITOR'S NOTE: During the discussion on PRISM, I referenced 5Tb/s of traffic between "the US, Canada and US". That should have been "The US, Canada and Europe". Sorry about that!

Show notes

Report: NSA Was Granted Order to Snag Millions of Verizon Call Records for 3 Months | Threat Level | Wired.com

Assange no concern of ours, says Carr

Google push for faster zero day fixes hits a wall: Other companies | Security & Privacy - CNET News

NetTraveler Espionage Malware Campaign Ties to Gh0st RAT | Threatpost

Oracle Java Security Enhancements Get Mixed Reviews | Threatpost

FDIC: 2011 FIS Breach Worse Than Reported - Krebs on Security

Peer-to-Peer Botnets Grow Fivefold | Threatpost

Systems are now secure: Govt CIO | Computerworld New Zealand

Windows 8.1 to let you secure folders with your fingerprint | Security & Privacy - CNET News

Two-Factor Authentication Options for Web Services | Threatpost

Pills and Tattoos to Replace Passwords for Authentication | Threatpost

Microsoft, feds disrupt massive Citadel botnet | Security & Privacy - CNET News

Schneider Patches 18-Month Old SCADA Bugs | Threatpost

Five Bulletins, One Critical in Microsoft's June Patch | Threatpost

Google Fixes Security Vulnerabilities with Chrome Update | Threatpost

Apple Patches Mass of Security Bugs in OS X and Safari | Threatpost

Internet Systems Consortium Resolves Critical BIND Flaw | Threatpost


U.S. intelligence mining data from nine U.S. Internet companies in broad secret program - The Washington Post

Verizon Breaks Silence on Top-Secret Surveillance of Its Customers | Threat Level | Wired.com

DHS Watchdog: 'Intuition and Hunch' Are Enough to Search Your Gadgets at Border | Threat Level | Wired.com

Teen Jailed for Rap Lyrics Posted After Boston Bombings | Threat Level | Wired.com

PRESENTATION: Marcus Ranum on militarisation trends | Risky Business


Oracle has really embraced the fact that they should be more careful with their security. They need to do that. - Kris Krohn Strongbrook

Risky Business #283 -- America, we need to talk
0:00 / 62:52