Risky Business Podcast
October 01, 2010
Risky Business #170 -- The week of Zeus!
Presented by

CEO and Publisher

Technology Editor
NOTE: The original post accidentally linked through to episode 169 -- fixed now!
In this week's feature interview we'll be taking a look at a proposed bill in the USA that would see all software companies having to build a lawful interception capability into their products. Basically the feds in the USA would like to be able to tap Skype, Blackberrys, OTR instant messenger and so on.
And we've got the perfect guest to discuss this with -- Alastair MacGibbon. A 15-year veteran of Australia's federal police and the founding director of the AFP's high tech crime centre, MacGibbon left that job to work as eBay Australia's director of Trust and Safety when eBay owned Skype.
These days he's doing his own thing under the name Surete Group.
In this week's sponsor slot we're joined by Vitaly Kamlyuk of Kaspersky Lab in Japan. He's grumpy! He's not pleased! A security researcher in the USA published a nice big detailed blog post the other day in which he described some vulnerabilities he'd found in the Zeus botnet C&C server software.
Some in the security research community believe that disclosure was irresponsible and Vitaly is one of them. We'll hear from him after this week's feature.
As always, Adam Boileau joins us to discuss the week's news.