Risky Biz Feature Podcast: An interview with Rob Joyce

NSA Cybersecurity Director Rob Joyce joins the show...
16 Jul 2021 » Risky Business

In this podcast we chat with Rob Joyce, the NSA’s Director of Cybersecurity.

As many listeners would know Rob has a pretty interesting resume, having served as a special advisor on cybersecurity to US president Donald Trump, and, before that, leading Tailored Access Operations for NSA. More recently he served as the NSA liaison to Britain’s GCHQ, but he returned to the USA this year to take up his new post as the head of NSA’s defence-oriented Cybersecurity Directorate.

And here’s the thing: Rob is a senior bureaucrat who is genuinely passionate about technology. His con talks are fantastic. He did one on how to make TAO’s life hard in 2016 that was really a blockbuster technical talk, and he’s even done a DEFCON talk about how to engineer wildly over-the-top Christmas light displays.

I’m telling you this to let you know that, well, Rob is a real, actual security geek. He’s the hacker-bureaucrat, if you will.

Anyway, he generously made himself available to do this interview with us and we covered a bunch of stuff: The terrible state of enterprise security, cloud service providers being dumb with their defaults, the role of the intelligence community in combating ransomware and more. But we started off with some nuts and bolts discussion about what NSA’s cybersecurity directorate actually does. Enjoy!

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